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Wacky Ways To Show
You Care...

Write her a check for a million kisses...
Give Him a balloon with a personal message inside...
Buy a lottery ticket, give it to her with a little note attached "I hit the jackpot when I married you" !
Fill a one-gallon glass jar with M & M's and give it to him...
Do something for her that you hate doing.. like dishes !
Put a "love" coupon under his windshield wiper...
Make a Mission Impossible audio tape for her that leads to a mystery date with you...
Send a singing telegram to him at work..
Order a pizza in the shape of a heart...
Plan a romantic picnic in your bedroom..
Buy her a teddy bear and attach this note-
"I can't bear to be without you "!
Take him to the playground, swing together and go on the teeter-totter.
Put post-it notes all over the house with little love messages on them...

This section is reserved for all my
 Readers... Please feel free to submit your
wacky ideas (No x-rated Please)

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