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Boston - February 2004


The Greek Orthodox Church next to campus. The Museum of Fine Arts. A view across the Fens.
Fenway Park in the background; the Fens in the foreground. This part of Hemenway is all uniform Victorian houses, which sounds boring but is actually very pretty. Costello's on Boylston. I want to go in and have Elvis serve me orange juice.
Mass Pike; I'll spare you the Get Up Kids quotation. Newbury Street. I love the aesthetics of that parking garage; it strikes me as very 1950's. A shop on Newbury. I felt bad for the mannequin; it was a cold day.
Another on Newbury. The first floor of this lovely building is a TGIFriday's. Boylston. Boylston again, just down the street from the Pru entrance.
  The Hynes Convention Center.  



photos by jessica sigafoos