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We were doing a project. For english. On the summer reading... When this first happened, a few weeks into the first semester, we freshmen were shocked and amazed. Now elevator malfunction is routine. Living in a sports town is surprisingly charming.
Where did all the lobby furniture go? Oh, there it is: Creating a fire hazard. This will make sense only if you're me, Anna, or Dan, and that's how we like it.
The winning entry of 2003's door decorating contest, submitted by Aaron and Chris. The entry that should have won 2003's door decorating contest, submitted by me.
Funny story: See that nice, easy bend right there? The taxi took it a little too fast. At five in the morning. The taxi hit one of the power sources, so no one's alarm went off--obviously--and all the suite kids were late for class. The scene of the mishap, along with the overacting of Kate and Amy.




photos by jessica sigafoos
with the exception of the taxi shots; if i knew who the photographer was, i would give proper credit