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My First Boston Snow - December 2003


610 and the Artist's Residence. Katie's fine artwork. Huntington.
Vancouver, maybe? I can't remember. The natives were as thrilled as I was. Kate, in front of the MFA.
Katie-Kate. I'm fairly certain that's Forsyth. The majestic shopping cart in its natural habitat.
  I don't remember this guy's name, but he has a nice hat. Over by the Fens.
Kate, catching snowflakes on her tongue. That's a big face. I include these only because Kate insists that they're adorable, and I suppose she would know better than I would.
The Fens are quite pretty when the crackheads aren't around.
"You look like you're forty and own cats."




photos by jessica sigafoos
except for photos of said sigafoos, which were taken by katherine gilbert