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The courtyard between 610 and Baker. Look at 610 (it's the nice one). There's where I'll be next year. Hopefully. Baker Hall, my humble abode. It's not actually as cold and unwelcoming as it looks. And yes, that's toilet paper hanging out the third floor's bathroom window. Kids these days. Annex Hall on Parker Street: Where I take my afternoon naps. I swear they pipe sleeping gas into the basement through the ventilation system.
Annex again. The basement is dirty and stuffy, and all the desks have writing all over them. I'm fairly certain they never clean the basement in North Annex. One of the things I like about my school is that it looks like an institution of learning. Doesn't it? When looking upon, don't you think to yourself, "Wow. I bet they learn them some kids there"? Yeah you do. Katie and Amy love their school.
Snell, this is what a quad is. Anyway. Yes, I know it's horribly crooked--I have no skills of an artist. So what you're looking at right now is the back of Wentworth Hall. On the left of that is Rubenstein; on the right is Dobbs. Once more to the quad.




photos by jessica sigafoos