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New Shed End Banner -

We talk to Marc Maguire about the behind the scenes work that went into the new "Shed End Invicibles" banner that made its home debut against Dundalk at Richmond Park. To contact Marc email

IS Online:"Shed End Invincibles", Marc, explain the background to the choice of name for this new banner?

Marc: Well the name S.E.I always reminds me of the mid-90's when we were unquestionably the best fans around, with the shed packed out, even for lesser games against Sligo and Shamrock Rovers. It's an original name and I think the Shed End Invincibles were like an extra man to the team in the championship winning seasons of the 90's. It's time we got this kind of atmosphere going regularly again at Richmond. That's why the flag was made, I hope it will encourage new people to support the team and remember that Saint Pat's fans are the most colourful and vocal in the country.

IS Online: What are the dimensions of the new flag, and what materials did you use?

Marc: The flag is roughly 2 and 1/2 ft high x 30 ft long. It's made from Nylon Pvc and is Dundalk proof. The Flag should last at least 5 years.

IS Online:The printed design is very distinctive, who did you get to do the artwork and how were the effects created?

Marc: A neighbour of mine was enlisted to do the artwork. I think everybody will agree that he did a brilliant job. Well done Tony! Specialist industrial paint (which was bloody expensive by the way!) was used to paint the text and images. The paint actaully burns its way into the nylon so there should be no problems with letters peeling off in a few months time. The flag is also totally rain proof so no worries there.

IS Online:How important were the contributions from members of the Independent Saints Supporters' Club to the cost of getting the banner done to a professional standard? Do you still need more contributions?

Marc: The contributions from members personally and the S.C as a whole were vital. The Flag did cost a fair bit of money but I believe it will have been worth it in the long run. Contributions are no longer required for this particular venture, thanks to everyone who (eventually) paid up!

Marc wants to re-create a decent atmos at Richer, picture credits- assorted archive pics of classic shed-end scenes by Billy Galligan and Anthony Maguire

IS Online: The banner was unveiled at the Bohs game in Dalymount Park on the Connacht St. side but where will it be placed for home games?

Marc: The plan is to have it hung across the middle of the shed (from support beam to support beam, up high like, not blocking anyones view!) or else hang it from the flag poles on the roof of the shed were it could be seen from space! Independent Saints shall be meeting with the groundsman to orgainize a permanent home for the banner.

IS Online: Independent Saints, has been involved in flares, helium balloons and two very distinctive flags, what else do you think will be done in the future to create a better support on the terraces and in the stand?

Marc: I'm not too sure. Nothing else will be done for a while as I sense people are losing patenice with us and our begging bowl but in the new year there's a possiblity that a new drum could be purchased (and a megaphone for Seamus maybe!?). We will of course continue to buy flares for the big matches and contributions are always welcome on this front. We may be trying out buying flares and smoke cans on the internet which will greatly reduce costs.

IS Online: Finally Marc, what is your message to interested Saint Pats fanatics who want to get involved in these supporter activities?

Marc: Simple message, mail me and express an interest in helping out. The major problem at the moment is that too many people are talking about how great the flags/flares etc look and not actually helping out or contributing financially. Support your team!

Marc can be contacted at

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Images Copyright © 2001 Aisling Looney, Billy Galligan, Anthony Maguire
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