Confucious say... with one chopstick go hungry.

...woman who make love on hill, not level. who tell lightbulb jokes, soon burn out. who smokes pot, chokes on handle. who have hand in pocket feel cocky all day long. who take woman on camping trip have one intent. who keep feet firmly on ground, have trouble putting on pants. is wrong. Man with four balls cannot walk. who shoot off mouth, must expect to loose face.

...when lady say no, she mean maybe. When lady say maybe, she mean yes. When lady say yes, she no lady.

...passionate kiss like spiders web. Soon lead to undoing of fly. who lay woman on ground get piece on earth. who kisses woman's behind, get crack in face. who fight woman all day, get no piece at night.

...virginity like balloon. One prick--all gone. who live in glass house, shower in basement. who walk through airport door sideways is going to Bangkok. who drop watch in toilet bound to have a shitty time. who fart in church, sit in own pew. who stand on toilet, high on pot. who run in front of car get tired. who run behind car get exhausted. who laughs last thinks slowest.

...elevator smell different to a midget.

...better to be pissed off than pissed on.
