Let me see, this is my first message at my new webpage created on July 23, 2001 (but will be constantly updated, hopefully). NEwayz, yea, my scanner is still on the fritz and going all retarded on me so i can't get my pictures on my site yet. All in good time, all in good time. But I wanted a Big Poppa Pump wallpaper for my computer, so I posted it on the net to set it up. I think it's allrite i guess, I personally made it from collected pictures and my typing. I dunno, let me know what u think of that, or anything else that I'll be throwing up on this site. Cuz I'll surely keep kewl shit updated on this as often as possible, things I like and things I think others may like. I dunno, but I gotta go, Gettin' fuckin' hungry right about now. Hey, that's another thing, if you can't stand swearing on my website, too fucking bad. I dunno, I just like to write things the way i'd say them most of the time. I'm not a mean guy by nature, But I can be one crazy mother-fucker. NEwayz, L8s my peoples.
The The above Big Poppa Pump pictures were composed by me, although the following were not...(but they're still kewl, why the hell else would i have them on here)
ThIs PaGe HaZ jUsT bEeN cReAtEd By ThE 形℉ 諼鯃T謕 BuT iZ sTiLl UnDeR kOnStRuCtIoN
ThAnK u, KoMe AgAiN!