Sonic1 | The Megadrive original |
Sonic2 | The huge sequal and Tails' debuit |
Sonic3 | Part one of the highly popular Sonic&Knuckles saga |
Sonic&Knuckles | The second half of Sonic 3 that connected to other Sonic games |
SonicSpinball | An entire game based on the pinball parts of other Sonic games |
Robotnik's mean bean machine | A cool puzzle game based on Robotniks creations |
Sonic3D | Sonic's final Megadrive outing- a full 3D extravaganzer | SonicCD | Sonic's MegaCD debuit with decent cartoon intro and outro movies and a massive size | Knuckles Chaotix | Knuckles steals the LImelight staring in the first 32X game. |
Sonic1 | GameGear recreation of MegaDrive original |
Sonic2 | GameGear recreation of MegaDrive sequal |
Sonic and Tails-Sonic Chaos | Sonic game exclusive for GameGear |
Sonic and Tails 2-TrippleTrouble | The second GameGear exclusive, bigger and better than Chaos |
R6C1 | R6C2 |
SonicCracker(1st ROM) | What was going to be Sonic4 before it was turned into Knuckles Chaotix. |
Sonic2Beta | An incomplete version of Sonic2 while it was under develpment |
SonicPocketAdventure | Decent delux conversion of Sonic2 withe extras.For the NeoGeoPocketColor. |
SonicCD | The PC version of one of Sonic's best outings that first apeared on the MegaCD | SegaSonicArcade | The Japan-only arcade release of Sonic. |