Below you can see the pictures of the two most handsome people on Earth :-). Clicking on any of them will lead you to their worlds, and you will learn about their life, their personality and their character.
Reason to choose Hammad:
God will bless you, just imagine... the more you click on my site, the more God blesses you!.
Your dreams will come true (yeah rite!)... well I hope so.
Looks better than Omer :-)., that you can make out yourself... hehe...
Has got a wonderful personality, you have to check it out to believe that.
You won't love to leave him, just do it!.
Reason to choose Omer:
Hammad is lying... I say God will bless you on your own deeds.
Hammad's picture is old, now he looks really dumb, I look better than him.
I have a huge personality, people call me the great giant (but not mota ok?) :-)
You will hate Hammad's site (he's sick and boring).
You really don't wanna live in his site as Hammad says, go through mine and you'll have fun.
In the end, Omer says ENJOY!!!...
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