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This is the lab, the most important and exciting part of the house, because most of the inventions are develop here. This is Wayne's favorite part of the house. If he's not at Jentech, eating or sharing with his family you'll find him here.

Here's a list of Wayne's inventions and a description:

Szalinski Shrunk Ray - Shrinks or blew up people or things. It is also good to kill ghosts.

F.R.A.N.(Felon Repeller & Accident Neutralizer) - Complicated system that protects the family from any danger.

Szalinski Retina-Rotator - Fixes vision problems.

Szalinski Time Hopper - Allows to go back or forward in time.

Szalinski Neuron Nudger - Exchange personalities. Diane enhace it in order to transfer part of her brain into the virtual house. Later on Wayne made a little adjustment so it could allow you to erase certain thoughs.

Szalinski Copy Boy - Mades a clone of anything. Wayne made 5 clones of himself, Wayne 2, Slappy, Sneezy, Stinky, Scratchy and Scabby.

Szalinski Finder '49 - Finds metals that are hidden underground.

Szalinski Brainiactivator - Activates the 90% of the brain that we don't use.

Szalinski Memory Lane Mobile - Allows to remember forgotten memories that lays in our unconciousness.

Szalinski Speed DMAN - Accelerates molecules, allowing to move at hyper-speed.

Fwuffy - An interactive toy bear. It turns evil because of a computer virus named Legion.

Szalinski Dream Scooter - Allows to go into Morpheus's(God of dreams) kingdom, wide awake.

Refuse Ingesting Protozoa(RIP) - Eats all kinds of trash, except milk and its derivates.

Szalinski Chameleonator - Will alterate skin tones.

Szalinski Super-Growth Garden - Mades vegetables and fruits grow into gigantic dimensions.

Szalinski They Went Zit Away - A cream made to "disappear" whatever it is applied to.

Szalinski Swim Fish Cream - Awakens cellular memories of past evolutionary stages.

Szalinski Scan-O-Caster - Scans text, converts the narrative into tangible holograms, and projects the stories as 3-D images.

Szalinski Super-Powerful Palm Vac - Really small but powerful vaccum cleaner, Nick put in on his baseball glove and uses it to attract the ball.

Szalinski Hot Foot Turbocharged Penny-Loafers - Pair of shoes that helps to run at high speed.

Szalinski Sun Scope Glasses - Helps to target an specific thing.

Szalinski Zip Enhancer - Tranfers energy from one body to another.

Szalinski Bivouac in a Box(a.k.a. BIVIAB) - Easy to transport "house", perfect for camping.

Szalinski RoboWrestler - Anyone might become a pro-wrestler with this suit.

Szalinski Rosetta Glossalianator Translation Program - Transaltes anything from any language to any other language.

Szalinski Electric Chair of Love - Alterates the alpha brain-waves.

Szalinski Charisma Spray - Alterates the brain, turning anyone into someone self-confident and irresistible to everyone.

Szalinski Terra-Teller - A car map, pretty useful to find alternative roads or to get out of a traffic jammed.

Szalinski 3-I-D-er - Creates a holographic representation of another person around the body of the user.

Szalinski Picnic Paesano - RC controlled refrigerator that works with liquified nitrogen.

Szalinski Wraper System - This machine measures the dimensions of an object, then covers it with a layer of latex, finally adds ribbons and stuff.

Szalinski Canine Condo - Quark's house. It is password protected.

Szalinski Ant-Ellectual Farm - A farm of intellegent ants.

Szalinski Thinky Ring - Drains the Q waves from the brain, allowing the user to become smarter.

Szalinski Cereal Sorter - Add as many different kinds of cereals as you want, this machine will set them appart and serve you with the correct amount of cereal.

Szalinski K-9 Kleanser - A washing machine for dogs.

Szalinski Virtual House - Anything that Clive, a computer generated servant, does in the virtual house will happen in the real house.

Szalinski Mountainside Emergency Kit - A backpack full of everything that you might need in the woods.

Szalinski HAPPY CAMPER FIRE - A small and portable camp fire.

Szalinski Breakfast Buddy - Prepares breakfast all by itself, just add the ingredients and he'll do the job.

Szalinski Tele-Vox Simulator - Simulates Diane's, Amy's, Wayne's or Nick's voice through the phone.

Szalinski Geo-Thermal Flexi-Exosqueleton - Adjusts body temperature.