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Hey! You made it to Diane and Wayne's room!

Their Anniversary is on October 22.


Wayne works at Jentech West Laboratories and always has a new invention. For Wayne family's first, Science's second and Jentech's third. One of his favorite movies is Star Wars and his favorite magazine is "Gizmo World". All his inventions' source of power is Szalinskium and when he was little he was a boy scout. Some of his relatives are Uncle Cosmos, who thaught him to love science, and Randy, his little brother. His birthday is on November. Some of his hobbies are Science, to create stuff, spend time with his family and juggling and his favorite color is blue. He is allergic to bees and dislikes Elaine, Diane's sister.


She is an attorney lawyer and is really good at it. She's an excellent mom and a great wife. Matthew Murdock is Diane's father and when she was a teenager he used to forget her birthday. She was born on April, 1959 and Elaine Beans is her younger sister. When she gets angry she looses her appetite and her internet password is Clue. Some of her hobbies are watch Tv, reading, and spend time with her family. Her favorite color is purple and she is allergic to chocolates and roses.