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Old News, 2001:

Saturday, December 22, 2001 I've restructured the site again. Now the main page isn't so big. There is a separate page for the least you should know about uromastyx. There is a page that briefly describes the Uro Zone Club. There is also a page for my web rings and banner exchanges. Plus, I created my own web ring, Herpful Herpers, a couple of weeks ago. The only requirement for joining is that your website must have something related to reptiles and amphibians as its main focus. There's also a new poll on the front page. But don't worry - you can still view and vote on the old poll, if you like. Oh yeah - there's a new font, too. :)

Thursday, December 6, 2001 This is too, too funny... I took an art test for fun. Seven multiple choice questions about my personality and it generates what work of art I am. I found the answer to be quite ironic and very appropriate for this web site. ;) Click here to see it.

Saturday, December 1, 2001 Discussion Question #10 has been added.
I've also updated the links section to include, the Herp Index, the Center for Reptile & Amphibian Propagation, and Ronald's Roaches. I promise to have it a little better organised soon! :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2001 I've added a section on why veterinary care is important. This is especially true after you first adopt, whether your new pet is a uromastyx, or another herp, or even a dog or cat.

Monday, November 19, 2001 Discussion Question #9 has been added.

Monday, November 12, 2001 I've restructured the site a bit. Instead of having a long list of news on the front page, I'm leaving the three most recent news updates on the front page and I've added a section for old news. This is how it will stay.
I've also added a list of quick facts about uromastyx on the front page. This is what I feel is the very least you should know if you are thinking about keeping a uromastyx. Please note that this is NOT a complete care sheet! It is a significant list of information for a brief introduction to the species, but it is necessary for anyone planning on keeping a uromastyx, or anyone who does keep uromastyx to read more detailed care information! There is a care sheet on this page and links to care sheets and information written by breeders and experts. Please don't just read my information -- read all you can! (Your uro will thank you.)

Saturday, November 10, 2001 I added several Uro Zone club members' websites into the links section. If you are a member and would like to add your homepage, or if you have a link to suggest, contact me.

Friday, November 9, 2001 Discussion Question #8 has been added.
*Since Question #7 was a fun one, I decided to make this one serious, in my efforts to strike a balance. This question originally read, "What is the worst case of herp neglect that you have ever witnessed?" The first person to respond to this mentioned not only herp abuse, but dog abuse that he had witnessed, which brought up a good point for me. It's not simply about "herp neglect." It's about "animal abuse and neglect." Cruelty towards an iguana is just as bad as cruelty towards a dog. The question was altered to read, "What is the worst case of animal abuse/neglect that you have ever witnessed?"

Sunday, October 21, 2001 Discussion Question #7 has been added.

Friday, October 19, 2001 I’ve added a section on Bone Health in Uromastyx to the website.

Sunday, October 14, 2001 I'm excited right now because I've put up a TON of new stuff on the web page within the past week! This is the first time I've really actively worked on a web page, so that's probably part of why I'm so excited about it! I'm going to try to get something graphically-oriented up there so that it's more pleasing to the eye. And I'll soon have some lizard humour, too, which should be pretty fun. The "lizard journals" are coming, and I've got a few bizarre plot ideas in mind! :-P Yay!

Tuesday, October 9, 2001 The club website is expanding! Keep checking back to see all that will be appearing!

Monday, October 8, 2001 Discussion Question #6 has been added. I changed the title of the questions back to "discussion question," for those of you who are interested.

Sunday, September 30, 2001 So as you may have noticed, I've changed the name from "discussion question" to "club question" because I think it better reflects what I'm trying to portray. Rather than sounding like something on a test, it has a more informal sound to it.

Thursday, September 27, 2001 Discussion Question #5 has been added.

Tuesday, September 11, 2001 Discussion Question #4 has been added. (DISCLAIMER: This question was posted at about six in the morning, Central Standard Time. Out of respect, I would NOT have posted a question about the silly actions of our pets after terrorism had struck New York City.) Uro Zone sends its heartfelt condolences out to the victims and families of victims of these acts of terrorism in the United States.

Tuesday, September 4, 2001 Discussion Question #3 has been added.

Thursday, August 23, 2001 Since there really isn't an easy way to archive past discussion questions in the club, I set up a very, very, very simple homepage to do so. Discussion Question #2 has been added.
