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The least you should know about uromastyx:

(a brief introduction)

  • "Uro" is short for "uromastyx."
  • Uros are mainly vegetarians.
  • Dark, leafy greens should make up the bulk of their diet, but other vegetables are important, too!
  • Lettuces should be avoided as a source of nutritional value. They contain mostly water.
  • Insects should not be a large portion of a uro's diet. They may be fed a few times per month, but stick to a mainly vegetarian diet.
  • If you do occasionally feed your uro insects, "gut load" the insects first. This means feeding them foods loaded in nutrients first, for the health of the uros. (The link explains it better than I could!)
  • Lightly sprinkle any food items with calcium/D3 and multivitamin supplements. Rep-Cal's Ultrafine Calcium/D3 (pink label) and Herptivite (blue label) are ideal.
  • They don't need a water dish. It will only cause excess humidity.
  • Adults need a basking temp of 120-130 degrees Farenheit.
  • Babies need a basking temp of 110-115 degrees Farenheit.
  • Their basking light should be either on the far left or far right side of their terrarium.
  • Adults should be placed on washed children's play sand for their substrate.
  • They need at least 3-4 inches of substrate.
  • Babies should be placed on shredded newspaper for their substrate.
  • They ALL need UVB light! ZooMed's ReptiSun 5.0 (click here to order the ReptiSun 5.0 online) or ESU's Desert 7% (click here to order the Desert 7% online) are the two best brands for uros.
  • They ALL need hiding spots (a hiding spot doesn't need to be pretty or expensive -- uros don't care.)
  • Their terrarium should be at least four times the length and four times the width of the uro; larger if you are housing more than one uro in a terrarium.
  • Never house two males together!
  • Housing them with other species could prove fatal for all animals involved.
  • They MUST go to the vet, especially after you first adopt.

    *This is what I feel is the very least you should know if you are thinking about keeping a uromastyx. Please note that this is NOT a complete care sheet! It is a significant list of information for a brief introduction to the species, but it is necessary for anyone planning on keeping a uromastyx, or anyone who does keep uromastyx to read more detailed care information! There is a care sheet on this page, as well as links to care sheets and information written by breeders and experts. Please don't just read my information -- read all you can! (Your uro will thank you.)