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So why did you create this thing, anyway?

So why did you create this thing, anyway?

While I do realize that there are other forums on the ‘net for uromastyx discussion, I am also active in Yahoo! clubs and message boards and was surprised one day, while glancing through the lizard clubs on Yahoo!, to find that none were devoted to uros. So I wanted to be the first.

And then of course, I had my more altruistic reasons. You’ve heard of iguanas, right? How about pythons? Well, they had to grow in popularity somehow! There are numerous spots online devoted to iguanas and pythons – for discussion, care, sale, etc. So why shouldn’t there be more places for uros? Since starting my club, I have been asked numerous times – in my club and in instant messages – “What is a uro?” And it makes me happy to be able to answer that question!
I am, in no way, claiming to be an expert. I am merely a person with a love of uros and a whole lot of determination and desire to expose them to people who have never before heard of them. If you want expert advice, go here. This is the page where you can join the Uromastyx ListServ. Many people who breed and keep uros post on this list, and I have seen them help the first-time uro keeper many times.

Of course, I still want to encourage non-members to join my club, which is constantly developing and growing. It is both a discussion and a social forum, with periodic herp-related discussion questions (seems to be averaging about three per month), some serious, some not-so-serious. You can view the archive of questions here, if you like. As a founder, I do my best to keep the club as active as possible, but the amount of activity is also heavily dependent on the members, which is why I fully encourage members to contribute as much as they can to both the club and the website. If you wish to send any suggestions, feedback, or contributions, please do!

That, in short, is why I have put this whole thing together.