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Aircraft Industry Report Exhibits

Layout of the V-1 Flying Bomb

Exhibit I - German Airplane Programs vs Actual Production

Four-engine Bombers - Exhibit I-A
Two-engine Bombers - Exhibit I-B
One-engine Bombers - Exhibit I-C
Two-engine Fighters - Exhibit I-D
Single-engine Fighters - Exhibit I-E
Transports - Exhibit I-F
Trainers - Exhibit I-G
Gliders - Exhibit I-H
Airplanes Not Elsewhere Classified - Exhibit I-J

Source of Data

Production: Beschafflungsmeldung (monthly production report)

Progams: Flugzeug (airplane) Program
Reichsluftfahrtministerium (GL/C) (thru June 1944)
Reichsministerium für Rüstung und Kriegsproduction (Speer) (after June 1944)
(Haupt Ausschus Flugzeugbau)

Exhibit II - Summary of Official German Aircraft Production Programs

All Models - By Months
Jan 1941 - June 1945

Two-engine Fighters
One-engine Bombers
Two-engine Bombers
Four-engine Bombers
Single-engine Fighters
Airplanes Not Elsewhere Classified
Production Summary

Exhibit III - German Aircraft Production

(Because of the extreme width of the originals, I've broken each up into two separate images)

Acceptances by Type 1939-1944 Exhibit III-A

Part 1: 1939-1942
Part 2: 1943-1945

Acceptances by Manufacturer and Model

Four and Two-Engine Bomber Exhibit III-B

Part 1: 1939-1943
Part 2: 1943-1944

One-Engine Bomber and Two-Engine Fighter Exhibit III-C

Part 1: 1939-1943
Part 2: 1943-1944

One-Engine Fighter Exhibit III-D

Part 1: 1939-1943
Part 2: 1943-1944

Transports Exhibit III-E

Part 1: 1939-1943
Part 2: 1943-1944

Trainers Exhibit III-F

Part 1: 1939-1942
Part 2: 1943-1944

Not Elsewhere Classified Exhibit III-G

Part 1: 1939-1942
Part 2: 1943-1944

Exhibit IV
Make-up of Working Force: German Aircraft Companies

October 1944

Percentages of German, Foreign and Prison Workers in Each Plant
Listed in order of size or working force. Includes reported sub-contractors)

PlantPercent German Men and WomenPercent, Political Prisoners, Prisoners of War and JewsPercent ForeignersPercent Women, Full Day*
Wiener Neustadter4844820
Messerschmitt, Augsburg37352812
Messerschmitt, Regensburg44114516
Dornier, Norddeutsche541`92727
Heinkel, Rostok45292629
Dornier, Friedrichshafen7812116
Heinkel, Oranienburg37531011
Dornier, Munich6323511
Blohm & Voss7132611
Heinkel, Wittenburg43411616
Mitteldeutsche, Metallwerke5464017
Leichtbau B.1000016
Markischer Metallbau3036720
Land & See7412531

* Women in this column are included in preceeding columns.


Records of the Main Committee for Aircraft Production, Air Ministry and Speer Ministry.

Exhibit V
Index of Utilization of Manpower in American and German Industries

(Weight and employee figures in thousands)
The data for Figure VI-12 are as follows:

July 1941July 1942July 1943July 1944
Lbs Weight Including Spares A/195001998275222296121869404322428967660263
Trainers & NEC533987211924115715313150768081724
Lbs Weight Modified to Fighter Production170761578467454227621552693524522941641480
Trainers & NEC61601006168921335216931884102122155
Lbs per Working Day21345019730084317528452519408624405632867700559565
Employees Including Sub-contractors B/20329151034010843731063460
Lb/Emp. Working Day1.05.681.65.841.791.182.71.22
Units per Day /C3.921.856.622.458.694.49.248.14
Qf /D1.351.721.141.571.
I E1.421.171.881.321.881.532.781.31

A/ Three months's production (March index period covers Jan, Feb, Mar, etc.)
B/ Employees as of the first of the month of the index period
C/ Based on representative sample of the German and American aircraft companies.
D/ Quantity factor derived from the basic 80 percent curve.

The steps taken to determine an index of relative efficiency between German aircraft production and American aircraft production are briefly as follows:

(1) The weight in pounds produced is converted to a common basis (that of fighter production). It has been determined that the cost of an airplane or of the production hours per airplane varies inversely as the weight to the one-third power. The weight in pounds produced for a three month period is used to avoid fluctuations caused by shortages, weather, design changes, etc. which may have caused a drop in production one month only to be offset by an abnormally large production of the following month.

(2) In order to reduce the results to a common unit the weight in pounds produced ina given three month period is divided by the number of working days in that period:

lbs produced= lbs working day
no of working days

(3) In determining pounds per employee per working day the number of employees used is that of the first day of the month of the index period. That is done to give consideration to "labor flow time" for the fact that parts produced in May will not be reflected in output until July although a large protion of the July final assembly work will show up in July acceptances. The third step of the index is:

lbs per working day= lbs/employee/working day
no of employees

(4) The final step is to modify the results achieved so far to take into account the variation in the scale of production undertaken. It has been determined that each time the quantity to be produced is doubled the unit labor involved to 80 percent of the maount required in the original quantity*. Hence the basic 80 percent curve was developed as a means of measuring variation in output with condieration given to the quantity produced. In deriving this index a representative sample of German and American companies was chosen for each period shown, their unit acceptances modified to equivalent units of fighter planes and reduced to number of planes per company per day. The quantity factor is then read from the 80 percent curve. Hence the index of efficiency:
(LB/emp/Day x Qf =IE)
* "Factors Affecting the Cost of Airplanes", by T. P. Wright, - Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, February, 1936.

Exhibit VI
German Aircraft Production by Weight

January 1941 - December 1944

Summary, all types - by months Exhibit VI-A

Detailed breakdown - by model, by month Exhibit VI-B

Part 1 - Bombers and Fighters
Part 2 - Trainers and Transports
Part 3 - Aircraft Not Otherwise Classified and Gliders

Exhibit VII
Aircraft Division, USSBS, History, Personnel


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