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About el Uste

profiles in courage:
the el Uste stats

Name: Rollie
Sex: Male
Birthdate: April 8, 1978
Hometown: Hoboken, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Height: 5' 5.5"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Eye Color: Brownish
Occupation: Office Furniture Installer (click here for resume)
Not really my Name: el Uste
Not really my Language: spanish
Literal translation of 'el Uste': there isn't one
Favorite Wrestling Hold: Side Russian Leg Sweep
Used to Wear Onstage: Red Sequined Mask, White Jujitsu Pants
Optional Headgear: Black Homemade "Your Mother" Hat, Police Helmet, Desert Storm Gas Mask, Blonde Wig
Currenly Wears Onstage: Normal clothes, no mask.
Reason for Change: I don't want to scare girls anymore.
Wears Offstage: Cargo Pants, T-Shirt, Black Socks, Vans Sneakers
Wears To Work: Jeans, Red Company T-Shirt, Boots
Primary Instrument:Guitar
Secondary Instruments: Feedback, Drum Machine
Tertiary Instruments: Keyboard, Maracas, EchoMic
Favorite Mixed Drink: Rum and Coke
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Movie: Ghostbusters
Favorite Television Shows: The Simpsons, Friends, the Sopranos, Tom Green Show
Television Networks His Face or Voice has Appeared on for Fleeting Seconds: CBS, NBC, USA, MTV, Game Show Network, Cable-13
Claims to Fame "I lost on Throut & Neck by one point." "I touched the Texas Tornado." "I hung from the 'H' on the Hollywood Sign."
Number of Points on his Driving Record: 0
Number of Times his Constitutional Rights have been Read to him: 2
Number of Piercings: 0
Number of Tattoos: 1
Famous Living People He Would Invite to a Party: Mike Patton, Tom Green, David Letterman, Howard Stern, Wesley Willis, Jim Carrey, Conan O'Brien, Rob Zombie, Chris Rock, Michael Winslow and Michael Moore
Famous Dead People He Would Invite to a Party: Jim Hendrix, Andy Kaufman, Sam Kinison, GG Allin, and Andre the Giant
Fictional People He Would Invite to a Party: Homer Simpson, Beavis and Butt-head, Pee-Wee Herman, the Cable Guy.
Where are the chicks at this Party?: I wish I knew...
Goal in Life: "to invade all forms of media and sell my work until I can buy my mom a Jaguar"
Quote: "el Uste ate ass"
request some noise from el Uste!
go to the e.e.u.u. archives for past items

last update:

the weekly el Uste fun fact

I have my own set of chopsticks.
in rotation

Queens of the Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf
Sleater-Kinney - One Beat
Fugazi - In on the Killtaker
Dillinger Escape Plan/Patton - Irony is a Dead Scene
encapsulated reviews
Igby Goes Down - horrible overacted snobby bullshit
MTV VMA's - viewer's choice to Michelle Branch suckas
Adam-12 Comic Book - Everything they couldn't show you on TV!
Long Island Ice Teas - not bad
Buying Used books on Ebay - i wish i thought of it earlier
Green Tea II - fuck that, it has caffeine in it
anecdotal anarchy
Sometimes I don't pay attention when I drive and miss my exit or take the wrong one. You know what though? I don't even care. At least I'm seeing new sites and learning new ways to get home.
mix of the month

To make up for all the mixes I should have been making, I made a total of 5 in one day last month for a party that we had. However, I'm not happy with them, so I'm not posting any of them.