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The SevChach 

Where do we begin...The SevChachs voice is known to be heard miles away especially when large volumes of alcohol have been consumed. Pictured up top is The SevChach frolicking at a Hollywood bar with three beautiful women (notice: his drink at bottom right of picture). Also notice how he is not looking at the camera acting as if he has no idea that a picture is being taken. He was seen earlier that night bragging about his new Sprint Cell phone that has a MP3 player, unfortunately many hours later his phones signal was so weak he missed 12 calls. 

Next picture captures  The SevChach loungin at a Las Vegas Venetian Penthouse (notice: drink in right hand).

BG¹ Qualities: This is the closest he got to the three beautiful women all night.

Violation: The SevChach has visited the city of Las Vegas three times in the last six months and 1. has lost all his money all three times and 2. has not gotten with any girls all three times. 3. Is a cofounder and an active members of the BG Crew¹ 4. When presented with the Chach of the Week honors for the week of July 16, 2001 he replied "What have I done to deserve such a great honor". 5. The decision was not easy, as The SevChach has so many strong BGC¹ qualities that it was not easy distinguishing his Chach characteristics.

¹BGC - Barab Gleer Crew - A mass organization of Barab Gleers




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