Hi, this is my page dedicated to my rabbit Fudge. He was a X dwarf lop with brown butterfly markings and he was bought for me when i was 11 years old. My brother was also bought a rabbit; a male agouti dutch who he called Roger. Unfortunately, Roger died within a few months and Fudge lived on in his hutch alone. I had Fudge for 5 happy years and he had the entire garden to himself with no threat from cats or foxes. When he was 5, he caught a chill and was unable to shift it, he died within weeks of me finishing school just as he was bought a few weeks before my secondary school life began. To me it seems, he was put here just though he could get me through the hardest 5 years of my life. I like to think Fudge and Roger are up there playing on rainbow bridge with all their bunny friends. They are forever missed.