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" Dachshaund Art !! "

" The Artistic Weenie !!"

This is a photo of famous Mexican Artist Diego Rivera. He was a socialist, and his massive murals celebrated the working man. He was friends with other luminaries of his era, including Emma Goldman and Leon Trotsky. He and partner, famous painter Frida Kahlo, are shown with one of their pet dachshunds. Rivera, like Rubens, Rembrandt, Michelangelo, and Da Vinci before him, and like Picasso and Warhol after him valued the companionship of the dachshund. The breed is well suited to those of artistic sensibilities because of its natural creativity. The historical record reveals that Leonardo Da Vinci, for example, deferred to his pet dachshund, Mona, to make decisions about layout and shading in many of his most famous paintings. While many 20th Century artists diverged from their traditional roots and adopted larger, more stately canine muses, such as Jackson Pollack's greyhounds, and Peter Max's dobermans (and of course, Bill Wegman's weimeraners), the influence of the dachshund on the development of western art remains strong. Artist David Hockney produced a famous series of dachshund sketches in 1993 and 1994. Painter Georgia O'Keefe, longtime partner of the great photographer Alfred Stieglitz, known for her beautiful paintings of flowers and features of the Southwestern landscape, kept dachshunds for companionship and artistic inspiration. O'Keefe began to lose her sight in 1971, and stopped painting in 1972. She passed away in 1986 at the age of 98, her dachshunds at her side. In sum, it should be evident that the dachshund has had a greater influence on art and artists throughout the centuries than any other breed of dog.

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Below is my own rough artistic rendition of the most wonderful pet and friend I've known,,,,