Paul Gamino's Parlor Rollers

My Foundation Parlor Rollers

The birds that produce the long rollers...

Click on the Picture to Enlarge...

Mr. Rehabilitation went from a Nut-Case to an excellent parent.

Talk about long-term production...

The old white cock the right part of your screen is a 1991 cock that still produces. Like all aspects of life if you take care of something, it will more than likely last a long time.

This old cock at the bottom just turned ten this year... boy is that one baby nice...

His only baby so far this year can be seen in my 2002 babies page in Photo Gallery

"Too Tall" one of my old and all time great breeders...

Betty's little brother... who's turning out to be quite the stud

An eleven-year-old Stud... Not too many can say that about any Parlors in their loft :)

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