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Back in Sunnydale, Wesley was a Watcher sent from the Council of Watchers, which is based in England, to guide and train the two Slayers, Buffy Summers and Faith. Unfortunately, Faith’s alliance with the forces of evil and Buffy’s subsequent resignation from the Council’s charge were both blamed on Wesley. Before Los Angeles, the Council of Watchers could count on Wesley to do things by the book. But when that didn’t work, he was fired. Wesley’s forced departure from the Council has led him to question his actions in terms of right or wrong, instead of just doing things as he was trained or told to do.

Wesley comes to L.A. clad in full leather, riding a motorcycle. No longer part of the Council of Watchers and unable to go home to his native England due to financial difficulties, he appoints himself as a "Rogue Demon Hunter." He meets Angel while in pursuit of a demon and stands up to the vampire for about two seconds, maybe less. At the core, Wesley is an innocent who always means well but on occasion makes things worse than they were to begin with. He does his best to rectify the situation as best he can with his good heart and intentions.

Angel gives Wesley a job because the "Rogue Demon Hunter" is eating Cordelia’s party snacks for dinner and drinking her coffee for breakfast! Wesley becomes a permanent part of Angel Investigations, Inc. as long as he earns his keep. This means that he’s the resident researcher of all things demonic, and a useful part-time sidekick.

Battling more evil and doing more good alongside Angel than he ever did for the Council of Watchers, Wesley’s trust in Angel has grown. For the first time, he is no longer an imposed presence but an asset to something that he truly believes in. He helps Angel fight against demons, and has even saved him a few times. He can translate ancient languages and can hold his own in a duel of sarcasm with Cordelia, whose mutual attraction for one another during their days in Sunnydale when they first met has grown into a close, platonic friendship.

In the aftermath of being fired by Angel, Wesley becomes the de facto leader of Angel Investigations, leading Cordelia and Charles Gunn into battle against the forces of darkness. When Angel makes amends with them, Wesley remains in command, rising to the occasion as a competent leader, a far cry from his days as a bumbling Watcher. But Wesley has become much more than that to the members of Angel Investigations, he’s a trusting and loyal member of the family.

Forces Of Evil
The Mortuary