
In this anime in the future the comuters are called persocoms, and they look like girls, except their ears hold all stuff o.o Anyway, this one guy who is complately broke named Hideki (black hair) finds a brand new persocom in the garbage in bandages. So he takes it home and turns it on (trust me you don't wanna know WHERE exactly you have to turn on a persocom)and sees what data she has. Unfortunately, she dosen't hold any. All she was able to say is 'Chii'. So Hideki calls the persocom Chii. (the one with the cat-looking type of ears) Later he finds out that Chii learns from what Hideki does. So Hideki has to teach Chii the basics. He starts to fall in love with her, but sadly, persocoms can't love back. The inventor of persocoms comes to take a look at Chii, and thinks that she might be a Chobit, a legendary and very rare computer. Hideki likes porn so, uh whatever Chii sees what Hideki is reading in magazines, she imitates. It is very funny, no there's no fighting. I rate Chobits:


Chobits can be downloaded on the internet adn Mangas are out now.