The Results for the last contest:
Here is the answer:
Yes it IS true that Bardock was the head of the saiyan army in planet Vegeta, but it wasn't because he was strong. It was because completely smart. He was the one who invented the dragonballs!
Now that you know the answer. We can move on to the next contest!
Anime Fanart. All you do is draw an anime character. Any anime show OR one that you've created! You can copy any image or make on up yourself. Color OR black and white.
* Nothing too gutsy.
* E-Mail me your name, E-Mail address, and if you have one, your site's name and E-Mail address.
* SUBJECT YOUR E-MAIL ANIME FANART-AOF. If you don't then I will automatically delete it. It HAS to be that, don't have to have it capitalized.
The deadline will be around September 25.
Good Luck!