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How the characters get along with one another

Welcome to the part of my site where you get into the Tintin book characters' heads. Here are what 
the charcters think of each other an how they get along. Like the first one, 'Tintin on Captain' is 
what Tintin thinks about Captain and stuff like that. I'll shut up now and let you start reading. 

Tintin on Captain
Well, it’s obvious that Tintin is friends with Captain so there for obviously likes the guy. He knows that Captain will always have his back and that he’ll come with him on his adventures. But Tintin probably finds Captain a bit gullible. Once he tricked him into coming with him by using reverse psychology and saying “it’s just too bad if the Yeti thinks we’ve got cold feet...” He knows that Captain will do whatever it takes to defend his pride. So Tintin knows Captain very well and he’s undoubtedly one of his closest friends. He knows that he has many flaws (like his temper and drinking) but understands that Captain’s really a good person.

Captain on Tintin
Tintin is Captain’s closest friend. Captain trusts him and accompanies him all the time. He knows that he’s a great guy and believes in the same things he does. But sometimes Tintin gets on his nervous. Like when he drags him across the globe when Captain only wants to stay at home. He thinks Tintin’s stubborn at times and calls him “Mr. Mule” when he’s like that. However in the end Haddock knows Tintin’s the best friend he’ll ever have.

Tintin on the Thompsons
Despite all of the times the Thompsons have tried to arrest him Tintin is truly friends with them. Sometimes he’s on the run from them, but tricks them -- which he can totally do. He also sees them as sources of information on cases and people. Even when the twins act completely idiotically he doesn’t laugh or make fun of them. He thinks that they’re entertaining and doesn’t take them seriously (maybe on a rare occasion...).

The Thompsons on Tintin
Tintin is a friend of theirs that they sometimes have to arrest. They visit him all the time and tell him about their latest cases. They think that they know better than him, which they don’t. And they don’t entirely trust him. But they would search for him all over the world if he turns up missing.

Captain on the Thompsons
Captain Haddock sees the Thompson as more of a nuisance than friends. He doesn’t seem to be friends with them or like them. He just knows them through Tintin. He sees them as clumsy idiots who he meets everywhere, but he doesn’t actually dislike them. But he has no respect for them and knows he can push them around.

The Thompsons on Captain
It’s hard to say what the Thompsons think of Captain. But they’ve said so themselves that he’s a friend. They never get mad at him except for one time when he insulted them on the way to the moon. Whenever they show up they come to see Tintin, not Captain. They do fear him a little because he can really blow up on them.

Tintin on Calculus
Well, when he first met the professor he found him very annoying because Calculus can’t hear anything right. But soon he became his friend. He would do anything to save him when he’s in danger. Tintin is very understanding with Cuthbert and probably finds him interesting.

Calculus on Tintin
He is friends with him. Cuthbert sees himself as more respectable than Tintin and sees Tintin as being young. Caculus is always aloof from Tintin’s adventures and doesn’t accompany him unless it’s just by chance (Flight 715). Cuthbert doesn’t have any problems with Tintin except a couple times when he thought Tintin said something rude because of his bad hearing.

Captain on Calculus
Captain says that Cuthbert is one of his best friends and means it. Without hesitating he went with Tintin after Calculus when he got kidnapped. Make that both times he got kidnapped. Captain sticks up for the professor too. But he also gets very annoyed with Cuthbert because he never hears right. So he can say some harsh things to him like he does to the Thompsons. But he doesn’t real mean them.

Calculus on Captain
He sees him as a good friend. He shows his inventions to Captain and Tintin all the time. Cuthbert also cares about Captain’s health because he drinks. That’s why he once tested his new invention (it makes the person dislike how alcohol tastes) on Captain so he’d stop drinking. And you know how Captain is always getting mad at people, even his dearest friends? Well, Cuthbert is just about the only character who ever gets mad back at Captain. The rest of the Tintin book characters just puts up with him. Like once Calculus got unbelievably mad at Haddock for saying that he was “acting the goat”.

The Thompsons on Calculus
Also someone the twins know through Tintin. They don’t talk to Calculus that much. They helped out with searching for Cuthbert both times he got kidnaped (The Seven Crystal Balls and The Calculus Affair). So they must like him.

Calculus on the Thompsons
Difficult to guess what he thinks of them two. Calculus always seems so aloof from everyone and appears to be in his own world. But he does seem to be friends with them. I know that when the Thompsons showed up on the rocket to the moon Cuthbert saw them as a big problem, but never got mad at them.

Tintin on Bianca Castafiore
From day one Tintin hasn’t been able to stand Castafiore’s singing. He got a ride with her but had to leave early because she was singing. Of course he’s always polite about it. But he doesn’t really have anything against her, unlike the Captain.

Bianca on Tintin
He’s a friend of hers that she’s always happy to see. She runs into him all over the world too. And as if that isn’t enough she came and stayed with him, Captain and Calculus at Marlinspike Hall by inviting herself. She came in handy once when she hid him and Haddock from the enemy and provided them with disguises.

Captain on Bianca
Oh man, he cannot stand her! He finds everything about her annoying, from her singing to how she always says his name wrong. A soon as he sees her he hides! He makes fun of her singing and makes it obvious how he doesn’t like her when he talks to Tintin. But she never caught on about how he doesn’t like her. Whenever she came to visit him Captain would have fled his own home to a different country to get away, but he sprained his ankle and had to stay -- doctor’s orders. And boy did he hate the parrot Bianca gave him.

Bianca on Captain
Bianca likes Haddock, but can never remember his name right. She says that inside he has the heart of a big, lovable child. She cares about him. She has no idea about how he feels about her.

Calculus on Bianca
Cuthbert likes Bianca a lot, he finds her charming and lovely. In fact he actually has a crush on her. He made a new variety of white roses and named it after her. Then he gave her a bunch of them and she kissed him on the cheek making him blush. Calculus is the only one of the group that likes Bianca’s singing (maybe because he can barely hear). He also got very upset when he found out she had been arrested. So upset that he couldn’t even say Tintin and Captain’s names right, calling them “Tintack” and “Capock Hatpin”!

Bianca on Calculus
Bianca also likes the Professor because he’s a gentleman. But once she got mad at him because she was in an awful mood over a picture of her that she didn’t like in a magazine.

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