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Tintin Questions

Do you have a Tintin question - something you've always wondered - that you want to know the answer to? Well then, send it to me so I can post it up here! So if someone who knows the answer (or has an idea of what it might be) comes along they can send in the answer and it'll be posted here for you and others to see.
To post a question on this page, click here. On your request I can even e-mail you when there's an answer to your question on this page! (Only the first time it's answered)

To start things out, here's a question that I'd like to know the answer to.

1. Q: In Land of Black Gold, when Tintin and the Thompsons were on the ship to Khemed, there was the bad guy Tintin saw the ship docks. When he walked by the Thompson's cabin and saw the bottoms of Thomson's shoes, and recognized them. How could he? Where has he seen them? -Kalindi

A: This is just a guess, but the shoes the Thompsons were wearing were probably standard issue. -Jamie

A: I think that the shoes where standard shoes used by police officers, and the "bad guy" had either been in prison before or was a member of the police force before turning to the "dark side". -Da Silva

2. Q: I've got a question. It's just something i wonder about. In tintin and the picaros didn't Captain tell Caculus to stop acting the goat and Calculus got all mad like he did in explorers on the moon? But then i just reread tintin and the picaros and that part wasn't there. Did i just read that from a different Tintin book? This is what i've been wonderin'. -R.S.

A: Here's the answer. In Flight 714 one page 7, Calculus tries to show he was a former expert in French boxing, and he falls on the floor. Cpt Haddock then asks "isn't it time you stopped acting the goat?" - B.J.

3. Q: Hey, it's Kalindi again. Does anyone out there know where I can find a picture of The Calculus Affair in single album form? I'll need to know the web address of where you saw it. (It's for this web site.) -Kalindi

A: Yea, i saw it on ks2/kirtin/albums.htm. Hope it helps ya!!! - Tintinfan

4. Q: I own Land of the Black Gold as a single album. And I am wondering if the single album Land of the Black Gold is rare since I don't see it for sale on the internet. I only see it in the three-in-one form. My Land of the Black Gold single album was reprinted in 1975, 1977, 1981, and 1983. Any idea of it's value? Or if it's even rare since it is a single album? If you have an answer to any of my questions please send them in. -Jake

A: Personally I don't think it's worth much more than any other, though I could be wrong. I own Land of Black Gold in French and English (I'll find the dates if you like). I often see the single album for sale in the UK. In fact have a look at This site sells anything on CD, and you get get 20 out of the 23 Tintin stories on DVD! In particular there is which has LoBG on it along with three other stories. These cartoons were produced in 1992 and are NOT the naff 1960s versions. I hope to have these DVDs on my doorstep once I get come from work today! 8-) - Jeremy Davis

5. Q: I would like to find an MP3 of The Jewel Song from Faust, by Gounod. I have looked for it on Kazaa, but no luck yet. If anyone can help, please advise. - B.J.

6. Q: I would be glad if anyone just knew what inspired Herge to decide of tintin's name? Does it mean something? What gave him the idea? I searched a lot but I found nothing! Thanks! - Kollas A.

A: Thats a good question. dont u wish that herge were still alive so we could write to him and ask him about stuff like this? i do! any way 'tintin' must be a made up name cuz if u search the net u only get search results for tintin from the adventures of tintin. so here's my advice to u: look up tintin in the french dictionary. or maybe just 'tin'. i dunno, but its worth a try. - marie

A: The name "Tintin" is not made up, and you probally would be able to find anything on the internet on it in english because it is Polynesian. Tintin in polynesian means "sweet"
Thought you outa know!

-- -- Eric Hall

7. Q: Does Tintin live in Marlinspike Hall or 26 Labradour Rd.? Eather he used to live at Labradour Rd. and moved or he still lives there. It is uncear, does anyone know the answer? - R.O.

A: I think he must live at Marlinspike hall. The last time you see Tintin in his old apartment at Labradour is in Land of the Black Gold. If he still lived there how come they've never shown him there for the past 8 books? He's always at Marlinspike hall, and he gets his mail there. Examples: in The Castofiore Emerald he gets a letter from Chang and Bianca Castofiore at Marlinspike hall and in The Red Sea Sharks he gets a letter from Abdullah's father there. Hope I've been a help to you. Of course it's always possible that I'm wrong since the books never say. - 'TK_Cool'

8. Q: Ok, her's my question: does Tintin live in England OR WHAT?? It drives me crazy -- i have no idea in which country he lives in! Im thinkin its England but i dont no! In the begining of 'Tintin in the land of the Soviots' it says that Tintins from Belguim. Is it true?? If it is then i've been thinking wrong about him livin it England. Wasnt the money he used at the flee market in 'The Secret Of The Unicorn' English money? Does Tintin live in a made up country maybe? I really wanna know, so if any one has any idea please LET ME KNOW! - Inquiring

A: Tintin lives in Belgium. The English money featured in The Secret of the Unicorn is probably just because it is an English translation of the book. Also, Tintin must live in mainland Europe to have to catch the channel ferry to England in The Black Island. - Naomi

A: I think a good theory is that Tintin lived in Belgium until he moved into marlinspike hall. Then thats in England. But I really think there should be some devoted Tintin fans searching the books for clues to try and figure this out... oh why couldn't of Herge been more clear? Like in The Simpsons they won't say where springfield is, but the people writing the shows say that there are clues, you know? Everyone seems to have their own idea about where Tintin lives, so some one should be investigating it. It looks to me (but I'm not much good at it) that Tintin lives in England after moving into marlinspike hall. - 'Someone who likes Tintin'

A: This is an interesting subject... I must say to Naomi: Perhaps Tintin wasn't at home when The Black Island book begun. You never actually see him at his place, and in the begining of the series he was hardly ever not on the go. The Black Island was completely changed after Herge wrote the first verison, so it is possible that Tintin was on one of his trips in the begining of the book, and when the book was remade then perhaps the part that tells you this was cut out. This is just and idea, but it is possible. - N.R.S.K.

A: Tintin lives in England. In the Secret of the unicorn Marlinspike Hall is addressed England in a letter the Birds bothers got. - A.

9. Q: Does anyone know where I could find the Quick and Flupke books? - S. Kelly

10. Q: I'm only a recent Tintin fan... and I'd like 2 know, in what year is the actual comic based??? Since I'm a new recruit of the fandom, i have only read some of his books. Hey, d'ya know how hard it is 2 find Tintin comic books in my state?!?!? --- Aldora Zirtanma... NOT REALLY!!! 

11. Q: I'm not sure if he's in the comic books, but there is this guy with blond hair and a long nose that is in every episode of "the adventures of tintin." He is either wondering around or he has a job. But the job is different every time. I was wondering who he is. -TinTin Fan

If you know any of the answers of questions on this page, e-mail me so I can post it! Feel free to answer questions that have already been answered by other people too.

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