<html> <!--Generated by Angelfire: L00S00--> <head> <title>The Tintin Movie</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#4682b4" text="#000000" link="#ffff00" alink="#90ee90" vlink="#ff0000"> <basefont size="3"> <!--Header--> <h1 align="left">The Tintin Movie</h1> <!--EndHeader--> <!--Freetext--><img src=" http://www.angelfire.com/super2/animorphs/dis_13.gif"align=left> There is all sorts of things being said about the upcoming Tintin movie. It’s going to be produced by Steven Spielberg. It will be a live action movie, meaning that this ain’t gonna be no cartoon! It will be the first of a series of Tintin movies (I heard that there’s going to be three). Most of the news articles about Spielberg’s Tintin movie are from November 2003. I believe that he’s bought the rights already. <br> On movies.com they have the Tintin movie listed (it’ll be call “Tintin”, very original!). It says on that site that it will come out most likely this year, 2004. Well, a different and more recent sorce is now saying that the filming will start next winter and the movie will be released in 2006. Aw man! I wish it could be this year. <br> It is rumored that they are thinking of having the part of Tintin played by Rupert Grint (he plays Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter movies). Also up for the role is Jamie Bell (from “Billy Elliot”). No one knows if this rumor is true. I heard that the three Tintin movies will be based on some of the two part books by Herge. <i>The Blue Lotus/Cigars of the Pharoah</i> adventure will probably be one of the movies. <br>And guess what? All so talk on the internet is that Roman Polanski is producing a Tintin movie too, only in Europe. His might be based on Tintin in Tibet. <br>Anyway, Steven Spielberg is actually a Tintin fan himself and that is why he is doing this movie. It's about time too! Every other comic book is getting movies based on it, from Spiderman (which was awesome) to the X-men. I can't wait to see "Tintin". I hope it's good, it should be, right? <br> So nothing is really certain about this movie, as you see. Is there even going to be a movie? After all, Steven Spielberg has said that he was going to make a Tintin movie decades ago, but flaked out. He better make it for real this time! But that's how it looks: this time it will happen. (Knock on wood!) <p> If I find out any more info on this subject I'll post it here. If you know any more about this Tintin movie (even if it's just a rumor) email me! My address is at the bottom of this page. <p>___________________ <br>A recent rumor is that a new unheard of actor named Kirsten Myburgh is going to play Tintin. <p>___________________ <br> Another rumor on the web is that Gregory Smith from "Everwood" will Tintin. I have to say that even though I've never watched "Everwood" I think that he would make a good Tintin. (This is just based on his looks. They would just have to change his hair.) He's also 21 the age I think Tintin is. <p>___________________ <br> Okay, the Rupert Grint website is saying that the rumor that Rupert is being considered to play Tintin is totally fake. Neither Rupert or his agent have been approached about it. <p><font size=6>-Poll</font> <br>Here are the results of a poll I had on this page concerning the Tintin movie. <center> <p><font color=indigo> Which of these accents do you think the actor playing Tintin should have?</font> <br>American 18 (4%) <br><b> English 350 (79%) </b> <br> British 30 (6%) <br> French? 44 (9%) <p>442 Total votes </center><!--EndFreetext--> <p> <!--Links--> <font size="5"></font> <p> <a href="home.html">Back to Homepage</a><br> <p> <!--EndLinks--> <!--Counter--> <center><img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi"></center> <p> <!--EndCounter--> <!--Email--> <center>Email: <a href="mailto:Kalindi_07@hotmail.com"> Kalindi_07@hotmail.com</a></center> <!--EndEmail--> </body> </html>