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GameFAQs Message Boards: Puzzle - Neo-Geo CD
Oshidashi Zintrick
Message Board
Game Info
I hate to do this, but...
Scum (32): Board List | Topic List | Post New Message | Log Out | FAQ
From: ibinsane | Posted: 10/18/2001 5:22:27 AM | Message Detail
....I'm leaving. Goodbye.
WARNING! Subsequent posts and their posters are defective WARNING!
Supermodel rule #1: Kryptonite will not hurt and/or kill you.
From: Scum | Posted: 10/26/2001 10:08:57 PM | Message Detail
No you're not. *chains ibinsane to the med*
From: ibinsane | Posted: 10/28/2001 6:56:14 PM | Message Detail
If anyone is interested in where I went, here is a clue!

WARNING! Subsequent posts and their posters are defective WARNING!
Supermodel rule #1: Kryptonite will not hurt and/or kill you.
From: Monkey Master | Posted: 11/7/2001 7:53:29 PM | Message Detail
Ah ha!
So the culprit reveals his destination...

Anyway, I've found another secret board.
Quiet please. Tomatoes meeting inside. Another is For giants and very hungry people.
- Actual Hienz Ketchup Bottle lables
From: Morgoth | Posted: 11/10/2001 4:46:06 PM | Message Detail
oh and you aren't going to say anything to your friends huh? you could have mentioned it in all that talk on msn...
"Money often costs too much." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Official Member: VAN
From: ibinsane | Posted: 11/15/2001 5:22:10 PM | Message Detail
I didn't think you would want to join. Well, do you?
WARNING! Subsequent posts and their posters are defective WARNING!
Supermodel rule #1: Kryptonite will not hurt and/or kill you.
From: Morgoth | Posted: 11/17/2001 6:12:31 PM | Message Detail
hmm well I suppose but only if Morgoth isn't already taken.
"It was a Balrog of Morgoth...of all elf-banes the most deadly..."-Legolas
From: ibinsane | Posted: 11/17/2001 6:13:21 PM | Message Detail
It's not taken!
WARNING! Subsequent posts and their posters are defective WARNING!
Supermodel rule #1: Kryptonite will not hurt and/or kill you.
From: Nidan2 ThE ReVeNgE | Posted: 11/17/2001 9:31:54 PM | Message Detail
Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon
From: RdDragon | Posted: 11/29/2001 1:13:31 AM | Message Detail
Any clod can have the facts; having opinions is an art.
From: Interceptor | Posted: 12/9/2001 2:59:12 AM | Message Detail
From: Farmer Jimbo | Posted: 12/30/2001 1:21:42 PM | Message Detail
With ignorance and confidence success is sure. ~ Mark Twain
From: Kinnison | Posted: 1/10/2002 11:54:42 AM | Message Detail
|./.|.|\.|.|\.|.|.(¯ .|¯|.|\.|
|.\.|.|.\|.|.\|.|. _).|_|.|.\|
From: Gypsy | Posted: 1/29/2002 10:42:50 PM | Message Detail
<wanders in>

<notes that ibinsane is still around>

<wanders out>
The Board Wanderer
From: ibinsane | Posted: 2/21/2002 9:43:40 AM | Message Detail
No I'm not.

Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth, and Madonna's Blond Ambition Tour outfits all in one!
From: Fiveanto5 | Posted: 2/21/2002 11:35:34 PM | Message Detail
Go ahead, ask me about my sticker album.
From: croco64 | Posted: 2/27/2002 4:07:32 PM | Message Detail
~Croco64 (Croco's Old Username Way Back In the Day)
From: superaielman | Posted: 3/15/2002 6:42:09 AM | Message Detail
I only post at gamefaqs <and 2 related boards>
*Heartless Maestro of the FFTSB Member Battles.*
"I'm too sexy to be beaten by you fools!"- Stinger, Saturday Night Slam Masters.
From: PhidKnot182 | Posted: 3/17/2002 1:29:21 AM | Message Detail
Fav Games. Xbox-Halo, Doa3. Ps2-FFX,Gta3. Gcn-Poke it with a stick and realize you've wasted $199.99 on a little box with no good games.
From: PassiveHaser | Posted: 3/29/2002 2:57:55 AM | Message Detail
Proud Member of the Tower http://eserver.org/books/poe/
From: SecretBoardPolice | Posted: 3/29/2002 4:55:41 AM | Message Detail
Don't go!
Secret Board Police ™
Steadily enforcing non-existent laws all over the secret boards...
From: G E N J U U | Posted: 4/6/2002 5:48:31 PM | Message Detail

"Life sucks, Then you die, Then life sucks again"
0===>|<===>LV.15 GRAND PALADIN<===>|<===0
From: Interceptor | Posted: 5/1/2002 9:47:23 PM | Message Detail
Don't lie!
From: Farmer Jimbo | Posted: 5/30/2002 8:25:27 AM | Message Detail
I always lie, always.
Familiarity breeds contempt, and children. ~ Mark Twain
From: secretboardhunter | Posted: 5/31/2002 1:50:53 PM | Message Detail
*steals farmer Jimbo's corn*

So that's how it works...and here I was sacrificing muppets in alphabetical order for karma. Who'da thunk it? SBH
From: Farmer Jimbo | Posted: 6/30/2002 10:00:16 PM | Message Detail
I hate to this, but...
Familiarity breeds contempt, and children. ~ Mark Twain
From: Scum | Posted: 7/2/2002 4:13:37 AM | Message Detail
Whoa, so this is where Morgoth got linked to there...

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