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After being detained for three days, the two women were eventually released after relatives spending  thousands of dollars to hire a lawyer. To date, no one has been charged with Khedoo’s death.

Months after....

Stabroek News  October 18, 2006


















































































































































































































































































Diamond businessman's murder

Wife, daughter placed on bail

- report on case to be sent to DPP

Police were yesterday preparing to release the wife and daughter of slain Diamond Housing Scheme businessman Gangadin Khedoo.

Sources said that the two are to be released on station bail.

However, a sister of the murdered man who spoke to Kaieteur News last night said that Khedoo's wife and daughter had not been released.

Police are also preparing to send a report on the case to the offices of the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP).

The two women have been in custody since Sunday.

On Monday, detectives checked the women for possible traces of gunpowder residue. They are still to get the test results.

Both women have vehemently denied having any involvement in Khedoo's death.

They alleged that he was slain by bandits who entered the family's home.

According to the women, Khedoo, of Lot 502 Block ‘X', Diamond, was shot dead with his own gun by two bandits who had gained entry to his home.

The bandits reportedly fled with Khedoo's licensed revolver, $300,000, four cell phones and the slain man's car keys, after beating and tying the daughter with duct-tape.

An autopsy revealed that the bullet punctured his heart and lung, before lodging in his back.



He had also been chopped twice in the head.

It is alleged that the bandit, who killed the businessman, entered the house via a bathroom window in the upper flat.

But police said that a security guard, who was on duty at the home, said he saw no one enter or leave the premises.

Detectives who checked the premises also said that the window showed no sign of forced entry.

They also said that it would have been difficult for a grown man to have squeezed through the small window.

Wednesday - April 27, 2005