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I'm Not Addicted to the Internet

my fake blog/melo

so yeah, rhcp was preeeetty good, but i'm not really sure how i got JEWED out of mars volta!!! they just never played...or maybe they were never supposed to and i was just wrongly informed...but i'm still really mad. but on the lighter side, i got to be entertained by snoop for an hour+, and now i have a new reason to wake up in the morning...
all the way. i want to get that shirt for my brother...and deborah. goooood stuff. but yes, it was a good time anyways, although they didnt' play "dosed" and i love that song to tha max. hahah. but during scar tissue i did really get doha nostalgia...*tear. but yeah, it was great just spending time with conner. beth was a dancing fewl...but seriously, there was some awesome moves being busted out at that show...way too many white drunk people for my taste. british totally got asked to smoke weed by a midget. omg. that sums up the night.

RHCP tonight baby!!! i'm mostly excited about completing my atdi circle as i like to call it by now seeing mars volta live after previously seeing sparta! w00t! a certain person felt it necessary to insult all three of those bands last night and i was all, i don't give a shit what you think because nothing is going to make me less excited about this!! shot down! oh i crack myself up. anyways, totally saw requiem for a dream last night...and i solomly swear i will never EVER do drugs as long as i live...omg, that was some fucked up shit right there. i keep looking at my arm where they took blood at the dr's the other day and asking people, "does this look bad to you?" fun stuff...feel good movie of the year for sure.

he also sent me these lyrics that he i wrote some about him, although the ones he did were about a "girl he hasn't met yet" *sigh*

the dream was real, it never leaves,
but between sleeping it's hard to believe.
and i just want to make you feel this,
because i'm ready to make someone else happy.

nothing helps and nothing else is constant
it's constant pain, but now i need it
feeding off it because it's built around you,
even a scar means you touched me,
so keep touching me so i'll keep burning.
you'll come around,
you'll come around,
you'll come around,
or i'll burn down.

it wasn't so long ago, or far off, but right now lasts forever.
and the dream makes my memory perfect, and i remember it as being better.
and i'd gladly make you happy and
by now i hope that i've learned how.

nothing helps and nothing else is constant
it's constant pain, but now i need it
feeding off it because it's built around you,
even a scar means you touched me,
so keep touching me so i'll keep burning.
you'll come around,
you'll come around,
or i'll burn down
a ring around you.

a wonderfully ominous cloud haunts every relationship,
utopian or a curse? we weren't so different, or maybe i'm just pathetic.
you want to be happy too,
but will you ever look to me for it?

nothing helps and nothing else is constant
it's constant pain, but now i need it
feeding off it because it's built around you,
even a scar means you touched me,
so keep touching me so i'll keep burning.

i really hope the parents let me go to austin cause that would RAWK to the max...but anyways, i'm so psyched for the pp party on sun...hahah, pp. but yeah, the summer mood has finally set in, along with the awesome summa soundtrack, mainly "crazy in love"- who doesn't love beyonce?! that and the latest saying of what's "wits" you...i swear, the arma is the biggest trend setter i know. other than that, went to conner's house tonght with beth and watched some good old mexican boy-on-boy porn: my favourite kind. and i was really sick of being jewed out of real porn. (hollywood video, "hobgoblins"- although good for a laugh). being around conner isn't at all a problem- beth even asked me when we were leaving how i was doing about the whole thing and i said fine and meant it. but then we were talking on the phone when i got home and he sounded all bummed out and upon inquiry said he was getting lonely and wanted a girlfriend again. those things can be hard to hear...

as much as i think i hate her sometimes, my mom is so awesome!! and i love kyle to a pulp...that kid makes my WEEK! ping pong par-tay to the max!!

older stuff

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