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News Baby

News from the merry month of may

MAY 28

art and photos additions w00t.

MAY 26
no school = so good good
the hard, horrible pain of life is so worth the extreme joy.
i forgive my hormones and accept them :)
but i do think that pictures is funny because there is so much emphasis on the penis
ps. updates, yo

MAY 21
hey more day until i'm free.

MAY 17
might i encourage you all to please go to
and bask in the infinite amount of links and personal websites
to be discovered because they all put this one to shame and i want
to be friends with all these completely awesome people.
especially at times like now.

ps. tgs episode 2 up and running...3 on its way. :)

hey guys...well, you can now access this site at the new,
easier address of
welcome to the 21st century
(i've been saying that all the time now that i just got caller ID)

Updates for the masses...well, for Jhannie.
Ps. i hate speech.

if i haven't forced you yet, please go to and watch Eric Otto's 8th place FILM
because it was the only aesthetically pleasing piece this year...
(yes i'm just bitter)