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"High School Girl in the Restroom Mirror"

The girl paused to re-apply her mascara,
and revitalize her self image in the mirror.
That translucent facade and crystalline glory running hand in hand
on but the edge of a cliff-
the delicate fissure escalading slowly,
precisely towards an impending doom
of life imitating society and every day
because the pressure is thick but
the disdain and disparage hold so high
over the filth that infects her in routine.
Because the exterior is not the tangential,
it must endure and blossom and be seen,
or all she knows is nothingness,
and the great blind joy of an unquestioning
mold takes control, washing, washing,
and always reminding a million girls to
check their visage in the mirror and yet
never review for substance.

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