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Ever have a moment of bordness when you just can't
possibly fathom anything to do and you feel like if you don't
you'll be sucked into a black hole or bermuda triangle
of sorts? have no fear! song of the week is here!
waiting to be downloaded, popped into a nearby stereo,
or borrowed from a neighbor, and thouroughly enjoyed.
now i know everyone in the world doesn't have the
same tastes in such matters as life altering as musical ones,
but at any rate, there will be no top 40 "dance across america teeny-bopper shit" here.
on that note....

Due to copy rights and so forth, we're not allowed to
actually put songs on here, bummer. but we can tell
you which ones would be here, and recomend you check
them out! :) so, with out further ado, the song of the week is.....[drum roll]

Bob Marley.

yeah, i know that's not a song, you beaners.
but how the hell am i supposed to pick ONE when they're
all the best? so just listen to them all.
yeah, good luck with that.

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