Chapter 7 here now! Disclaimer: Just the usual - I don't own Sailor Moon. Naoko Takeuchi does. So don't sue me! *************************** CHILD OF THE GLAIVE By Jellicatso Rated PG *************************** "Have you got her yet?" The yellow-skinned Tsuki said, looking anxiously at her sister as she paced forth and back impatiently in the semi-dark chamber, "Our Mistress will not tolerate any more delay, you know!" "Hold on, I have her now!" The purple-skinned Miserka shouted excitedly, her arm sticking straight up into the air through the portal right above her, which simmered with soft glow. "I'm pulling her in right now!" Relieved, Tsuki hurried toward her. "Hurry up then! We're losing too much time already!" She demanded. Miserka gave a hard yank and crowed triumphantly, "Here she comes!" A very frightened Chibi-Hotaru popped through the portal along with the startled white cat and accompanied by Chibi Moon who was holding on tenaciously to her. They tumbled into the youma sisters, causing them all to fall to the ground with a crash. "Whoa! What just happened?" Chibi-Moon cried. Hearing a pained groan from beneath her, the young Senshi looked down. She was right on top of the scowling Tsuki. "Oh no! It's the youmas!" The pink-haired girl yelped. "Run for your lives!" Artemis bellowed. Without another word Chibi Moon jumped up and in doing so her boot squashed into Tsuki's face. In the next moment she ran off, pulling Chibi-Hotaru along with her. The dark-haired girl had already grabbed a firm hold of Artemis, leaving his lower body to swing back and forth crazily as the girls scrambled through the first open door they saw and then they were gone. "Shimatta!" Tsuki with now-flattened nose swore. She sat up and let loose a long string of ear-scorching profanities directed at her cowering sister. "Miserka! You imbecile!" The yellow youma screeched, "Look at what you have done! You brought down not one but TWO brats and a cat, and then let them got away! Our Mistress will *NOT* be very happy about it!" "Don't bite my head off! It's not my fault!" Miserka whined as she slowly pulled herself up, wincing as she did so. Seeing her sister's furious expression, she added quickly, "But listen, Tsuki, they are here now so there's no way they can get back to the past! They can't go too far - it won't take long to find them!" Tsuki looked at her sister, and slowly her evil grin spread slowly over her sour face. "Hai...That's right," she said, "No annoying Senshi sailors around here to stop us from taking that particular brat to our Mistress. Hurry up, Miserka!" She quickly stood up and yanked Miserka to her feet; "We have to go find the brat - as soon as possible! The Mistress is waiting!" "Hai, hai," Niserka said. "But what about the other kid, the one with pink hair? And the cat?" "Destroy them," was the curt reply. ************************** As they went scurrying down the semi-dark corridor Chibi Moon stumbled and fell down with a cry upon the hard floor, knocking the wind out of her. Chibi-Hotaru, who was following her, stopped just in time and looked worriedly at her. "Are you all right, Chibi Moon?" Artemis asked. "Yeah, I think so," The young Senshi gasped, laying there for a while to catch her breath, then with a groan she raised on her hands and knees to look around. For some strange reason the surroundings seemed familiar, but Chibi Moon could not guess why. "Where are we?" "Beats me," Artemis said. He was still being held firmly in Chibi-Hotaru's arms. The dark-haired girl was also catching her breath as well, her cheeks flushed. Just then they heard footsteps from down the hall approaching rapidly toward them. It was the youmas, no doubt pursuing their fleeing prey. Artemis looked quickly at Chibi Moon. "We can't just stand there, let's get out of here!" "Hai!" Chibi Moon grabbed Chibi-Hotaru's hand and after giving a quick look around the hall she spotted the double doors on the other side of the room. "Come on, this way!" She said, moving toward them. "I want my mommy..." Chibi-Hotaru said plaintively. Chibi Moon thought, but she did not say anything as she reached the doors and was about to pull them open. But then she saw something, gasped, and leaned forward to study the highly polished surface carefully. There in the dim light she could make out a moon crescent motif. A chilling sensation ran up her spire. "I recognize this!" Chibi Moon exclaimed, tapping on the motif. "I'd know it anywhere." "What are you talking about? Hurry up, they're getting closer!" Artemis griped anxiously. "I think I know where we are," Chibi Moon said, realization dawning on her why the surroundings had felt so familiar to her. "We're still in the Crystal Palace!" Artemis looked around. "Huh, now that you mentioned it, it does look like the Crystal Palace. But there's no time to discuss things like that! Move! The youmas will be on us any time now!" Chibi Moon jumped up, hastily pushed the door open and together the girls and the cat stepped through them and slammed them shut. And just in time, too. The small party could hear the youmas running at top speed through the hall, past the very doors the girls had just stepped through and then in another minute or two the sounds of furious footsteps faded away. "That was close call," Artemis said. "Yeah, I'll say," Chibi Moon agreed. Suddenly Chibi-Hotaru gasped, dropped the cat and ran off. "Hey! Come back!" The white cat cried. Then he heard Chibi Moon gasped as well, and he craned his head to take a good look around. It appeared that they were in yet another corridor, with moonlight streaming through the large open windows. What made the cat do a double take was the fact there were about a hundred large, shapeless and black but shiny objects placed here and there, gleaming darkly in dim light. "Wait, wait, wait...what the hell is that?" Artemis sputtered. "I have no idea," Chibi Moon replied, looking uneasy. Chibi-Hotaru made a beeline toward the nearest one and threw her arms around it. "Mommy!" Artemis and Chibi Moon exchanged mystified glances and went over to where Chibi Hotaru stood crying there. "Here, here, don't cry," Artemis said kindly, his back arching reassuringly against the distressed girl's legs, in an attempt to calm her. Chibi Moon, meanwhile, peered curiously at the large object. It seemed to be some kind of dark-colored glasslike substance. She touched it. Sure enough, it felt cold and smooth, just like crystal. Suddenly, through the dusky surface, the young Senshi spotted something and let out a startled yelp. That startled the cat as well, and he twirled around. "Chibi Moon! What is it?" Artemis asked. Chibi Moon had gone pale. "Artemis, there's a body in...Uh, this!" She pointed, and the cat looked. Although it was difficult to see through the murky surface he was able to make out a human female body encased within the dark crystal. She appeared to be wearing a Senshi uniform that seemed somehow familiar. Even the deadly weapon she was clutching in her hand looked familiar. His jaws dropped, and he swung his head to stare at Chibi Moon. "Is it someone we know?" Artemis asked. He thought he probably knew the answer, but he was afraid to find out. Chibi Moon turned her head hesitantly to have another look at the body within the crystal. It did indeed look familiar. Though the dark hair was much longer, the eyes - wide open and staring vacantly - appeared to be the color of violet. Nobody else has that eye color like this. Wide-eyed with disbelief, the young Senshi glanced at the cat again. "Do you suppose who she is...?" Artemis asked slowly. "I think I do..." Chibi Moon trailed off, not daring to continue. Chibi-Hotaru simply snuggled against the smooth surface and reiterated, "Mommy...Mommy!" ************************ Serenity peered sadly into her daughter's empty bedroom for a long while before she very softly closed the door and headed briskly down the long corridor, her hands clenched to her heart. "Oh Small Lady, my poor daughter!" She whispered, "If only you are still here with us..." Her eyes burned, filled again with unshed tears. She reached the darkened living room and found King Endymion already there, standing silhouetted before the window. He had not bothered to turn on light. "Serenity? Is it you?" He queried, turning toward her. "Yes, dear," Serenity said, moving to stand next to him and look out the window. It was a clear, beautiful night with a full moon already high over the glittering Crystal Tokyo. "Small Lady...where can she be?" She whispered. Her tears began to slide down her cheeks. Serenity covered her face and began to weep quietly. Before she knew it she was gathered in her beloved husband's arms and pressed tenderly against his chest. "Don't worry, I swear we will do anything to find and bring our daughter back home safely," Endymion said, kissing her tears away. "No matter what!" "And Chibi-Hotaru...we've got to find her as well," Serenity said softly. "The poor little child, with all youmas hunting for her..." There was a loud knocking, and Serenity and Endymion quickly looked up. It was Sailor Mars, stepping in through the badly damaged doorway. Somehow someone had managed to free the Senshi of Fire from the metallic cocoon she was trapped inside. The queen hastily wiped the tears away turned toward her old friend. "Mars!" "Serenity, Endymion - there you are!" The raven-haired Senshi came striding toward the royal couple. "I have something to report to you two..." "Have you found out where they took our daughter to?" Serenity interrupted anxiously. Mars grimaced and shook her head regretfully. "No, not yet." She reached out to take the queen's hands in hers. "I'm sorry." "I..." A low, ragged sob escaped Serenity's mouth. "Oh...I was hoping we'd see Small Lady again soon..." "Don't fret, we're doing as best as we can to locate the little princess," Mars said, compassion shining in her eyes despite her stern visage. She squeezed the queen's hands reassuringly. "So don't cry now!" Serenity took a deep breath, wiped the tears away again and sighed heavily. "It feels so strange without her...I'm not sure we can handle it. At least I don't think I will. Oh, Mars, how we miss her so!" Mars shrugged helplessly. "Gomen, Serenity, I don't know what else to say. I can only offer my condolences." Serenity nodded woodenly. "Arigato." she said softly. "Ahem," Endymion cleared his throat, "Mars, what is this that you have to report us?" "Hai King Endymion!" Mars released Serenity's hands and drew herself up dramatically. "I've came here to report that the youmas - damn them - had given us quite a battle, but we were able to overcome them and sent them packing with their tails tucked between their legs!" "That's great!" Endymion nodded approvingly. "Was anyone hurt?" Serenity asked quickly, anxiously. "Not seriously, that I can assure you," Mars answered just as quickly, "Don't you worry, none of the Senshi Sailors died! And the people are fine, too. The only dead ones are the youmas, and unfortunately not very many. All we came away are minor injuries. Nothing to that." "Perhaps I should go and check on them, to see if there is anything I can do for them..." Serenity began. Mars shook her head slowly, flashing a small, rare smile. "You don't have to. I said minor injuries, silly. We'll be O.K." "Still..." Serenity couldn't help fussing, "If anything happen to my people and to Senshi Sailors, I will need to know so I can personally visit them and tend to them...." "Serenity, Serenity," Mars chided gently. "I think you have one weakness, old friend, and it is that you tend to worry too much over us. After all, you are our Queen, not the Mother to the entire kingdom!" Serenity frowned and struck her tongue childishly out at Mars. "I can't really blame her," Endymion said, laughing. "But the so-called 'weakness" is one trait that endeared her to the people in the Crystal Tokyo. And that is why I love her for that!" "We don't expect you to do everything for us," Mars gave Serenity's shoulder a warm squeeze. "So don't you worry! But, that is not all I've came to report. It seems there is one who have been asking for you for quite a while. In fact, she insisted that you come to see her at once!" Serenity and Endymion looked sharply at the Senshi of Fire. "Who?" They asked at same time. "Sailor Pluto." "She's HERE????" Serenity shouted. "Where is she now? And why didn't she come to see me earlier?" "Um..." Mars took deep sigh. "She's in the infirmary, and..." "In the infirmary? You mean she's..." Serenity gasped, and glared at Mars. "Minor injuries, my eye! I'm going straight down to see her right away!" With that she gathered up her skirt and ran off from the living room at blistering speed. "Serenity!" Endymion called, and hurried off after her. "Here we go again," Mars sighed, pressing her fingers to her forehead. Then she turned and ran as fast as she could after the fast receding figures of the royal couple down the corridor. Several minutes after they left a small black sphere came floating through the hallway and alight upon the carpet in the middle of the living room. It beeped once, sounding somehow annoyed. It seemed everyone had forgotten all about Luna- P, even Small Lady who had put it inside the closet so it won't snitch on her when she went sneaking into the kitchen for a midnight snack! Now that Small Lady had disappeared, and Luna-P could not locate her no matter where. Luna-P beeped again, this time in a sad, lonesome tone. Whatever happened to the little princess? **************************** Sailor Mercury had just finished bandaging up a red-haired teenaged Senshi sailor's wounded arm when she heard the door opened, and looked up in time to see the royal couple came hurrying in with Sailor Mars right behind them. "Serenity, Endymion!" The Senshi of Water turned around and gave them a slight bow, "You came here to see Sailor Pluto, I assume?" "Hai, and where is she?" Serenity said anxiously, "And how badly injured is she?" "Pretty badly, I'm afraid. But it's not life threatening, I can assure you! Give me one moment, and I'll take you to Pluto," Mercury then spoke briefly with her teenaged patient until she was satisfied the young Senshi would be fine and sent her on her way, then turned back to the royal couple. "Come follow me, please!" "Mercury, we called down about every Senshi sailors to the battle with the youmas," Endymion said as he, his wife and Mars walked briskly down the hall after Mercury, "And we were concerned when you and Pluto did not respond to our alert call. Can you tell us what happened?" Mercury blushed slightly, looking apologetic. "I'm sorry I was not able to respond to the alert call. I just can't leave Pluto at that time," The Senshi of Water frowned slightly, "It happened so fast. All I know was I was alone in my office when Pluto suddenly appeared looking quite beat up, and collapsed. She said something about wanting to talk to you and Saturn about this little girl...Saturn's future daughter, that is." "How was she injured?" Mars asked curiously. "I did not yet know the whole story," Mercury admitted, "Pluto drifted in and out of a light coma most of time, and so whenever she was conscious she insisted on asking for you to come here as soon as possible. But that much I can tell you, the youmas had somehow followed Pluto right into my office." At this Serenity and Mars gasped. Endymion's eyebrows rose. "So that is how the youmas invaded the Crystal Palace - by through Pluto's time tunnel, huh?" He said. Mercury nodded. "Hai, Looks that way, I guess." She continued, "I had to put up a wall of ice around Pluto and myself to protect ourselves from them, but the youmas was more interested in finding the little girl and they left my office soon afterwards. I'm sorry I was not able to go out to battle with the youmas Pluto needs medical attention, and it is my duty to tend to her!" "That's all right, Mercury. We understand," Serenity assured her blue-haired friend, "You did what you have to do. After all, you *ARE* the doctor, and nobody can ask more of you than you can handle it!" "Arigato, Serenity," Mercury said with a smile. She stopped at a door halfway down the hall and said, "Here we are. This is the intensive care unit, and that is where Pluto is! Come in." Once they stepped inside the small, one-window room Serenity inhaled sharply. In the only bed lay the Senshi of Time with her heavily bandaged arms resting serenely over the blanket. She was also bandaged around the top part of her head as well. Sailor Pluto appeared to be asleep peacefully but, hearing the queen gasp, she opened her ruby eyes and looked keenly at her visitors. "Serenity. There you are," Pluto said quietly. "Oh, so you're awake now," Mercury said in mild surprise. "Hai...and Saturn?" Pluto asked. "I've already contacted her, and she's on her way now," Mercury answered. "How are you feeling, Pluto?" Pluto shook her head gently, grimacing a little. "I...I'll be okay, I think." Then she gazed intently at the queen. "The little is she? I hope Saturn is keeping her safe from the youmas." "Pluto..." Serenity's face began to crumble with sudden grief, "Pluto! They took her! They even took my Small Lady too! And we have no idea where they are!" "Oh, no!" Pluto's normally impassive and serene face unexpectedly turned to a look of deep concern and alarm. "That is not good! The youmas must have taken the poor child back to the future and - " She shuddered and began to struggle to get out of her bed. "I must go back. Chibi-Hotaru have had enough pain and grief inflicted on her. No, I simply would not let her be hurt anymore again! And it is dangerous for Small Lady as well. I can't let anything happen to either of them!" Mercury and Mars rushed to the bed and tried to push the agitated Senshi of Time back down. "Pluto! Pluto, please calm down! You're in no condition to go around on your own. Please do lie down!" Mercury said firmly. "Yeah, you better listen to the doctor, Pluto!" Mars said. Pluto continued to struggle, but weakly, and soon fell back on the bed with a deep sigh. "I'm sorry, but both the children are in grave danger and I truly fear for their safety!" Serenity turned pale and began to totter as though she was about to faint. Endymion quickly put his arm around her to steady her, then looked at Pluto with concern. "What I would like to know, why are they after Chibi-Hotaru? She's Saturn's daughter, isn't she? Is that why they are after her?" "She *IS* Saturn's daughter, from the future," Pluto said seriously, "But it is not exactly why they're after the child. In fact, it really has nothing to do with Sailor Saturn herself. It's because the little girl possesses powers that are greater than Saturn's. But she is yet young and vulnerable, therefore she must be protected from HER who seeks to take the powers for herself!" "Who are you talking about?" Endymion demanded. "And why do she want the powers from the child for herself...?" He did not finish, for the door swung open. "Pluto! What happened to you?" A new voice gasped and through the door stepped Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune. Sailor Saturn with the Glaive in her gloved hand followed behind them a second later. She saw Pluto and gasped as well. "Kami-sama, what happened to you?" Neptune exclaimed, distressed at the sight of her oldest friend in a bad condition. "Who beat you up?" Uranus demanded, furious that anyone would dare to hurt the gentle Senshi of Time. "Hold on! I'm sorry, but I need Saturn's help here," Mercury called out, motioning for the Senshi of Silence to approach Pluto's bed. "Would you please heal Pluto? Some of her injuries are pretty serious!" Saturn nodded. "Gladly," she said, and after putting the Glaive away, she placed her gloved hands on Pluto. The hands glowed with soft white-purple light, and after a while Pluto gave a small sigh. "It felt so nice," the eldest Senshi commented. Already she was looking much better, with the worst of her wounds having slowly faded away. "Thank you, Saturn." "You're welcome," Then Saturn looked at Pluto. Even though she has known Chibi Hotaru only for a few hours, Saturn felt great anxiety for her future daughter's safety. "Pluto, they took Chibi-Hotaru and ChibiUsa! Do you know where they went?" Pluto nodded grimly. "Hai, I know exactly where they went," she said. Slowly, painfully, she pulled herself up to a sitting position, causing the blue-haired doctor to squawk in protest, "And sooner we go to rescue the girls from HER, the better!" Saturn frowned. "Who's HER? And why did she sent the youmas all over the Palace looking for my daughter?" "I'll tell you why," Pluto stood on the floor, despite Mercury's scolding that she should rest and all, "She covets Chibi-Hotaru's powers so much, she will stop at nothing to have the child brought back to her presence." The tall Senshi of Time turned and gazed gravely at Serenity, "And her name is...Vadiane." The King and rest of the Senshi looked puzzled. Serenity looked confused. "Vadiane? I don't recognize that name..." she began, then suddenly tottered again and let out a panicked shout. "She's still ALIVE?! But I thought we - my daughter and I - destroyed her! But how is it possible she's alive?!" "Vadiane?" Uranus and Neptune said in unison. Then they exchanged looks, recognization dawning in their eyes. "Oh, HER!" Mars and Mercury were stunned. "We saw her vanished a long time ago. How could she have survived the battle with Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon?" The Senshi of Fire cried. "And what is she doing during all those years?" Endymion said nothing. Even though he had never met Vadiane face to face, he had heard quite a lot about her. He could only give his upset wife a consoling hug. Saturn blinked. She had no idea who Vadiane was, but from the way her friends reacted it sounded like this person who wanted her future daughter so much was even more unpleasant than any foes Saturn had encountered. Noticing the puzzled expression on her adopted daughter, Neptune explained. "You were reborn as a baby and remained with your father at that time," she told Saturn, "And last time we met Vadiane she was trying to draw the sugar energy from the dreaming children into the Black Dream Hole, whatever it is called, in order to absorb them and become a powerful entity and cover the Earth in darkness." "But Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon eventually defeated her in the end," Uranus added. "And we thought that was the end of her!" "Apparently it isn't," Pluto said, "Vadiane somehow managed to survive the battle by hiding in the limbo - I'm sorry to say I do not know how she did it - and now she is trying once again to take over the earth in 40th Century, starting with the Crystal Tokyo!" There were gasps from all around. "I don't get it. How can Vadiane be in 40th Century?" Uranus asked. "Well, I believe Vadiane had an ability to travel through time, anywhere from the past to the future, although how far she travel in either direction I do not know." Pluto said patiently, "She's always seeking someone with huge amount of energy to steal for herself. She once was drawn at first to Small Lady in 20th century because of the exceptionally high energy level the little princess has at the time. Having failed to take her, Vadiane must have concluded that Small Lady is not the one so she fled through the time to escape the death from Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon, and went searching for someone else even more powerful." "Indeed," Sailor Neptune said. "And so she went all the way to 40th Century and found Chibi-Hotaru...?" Saturn said, frowning slightly. Pluto nodded. "Hai. And when Vadiane sensed that Chibi-Hotaru has an even higher energy level than Small Lady, it caught her attention at once, and so that is how she ended up in 40th Century, exerting her powers over the Crystal Tokyo!" Pluto's face became even more serious and concerned. "If Vadiane were to lay her hands on both girls and absorb the energy from them it could cause serious percussions, not just in the 40th Century, but across all the timelines, including ours!" She snatched her Key staff out of the air and continued, "And we are running out of time. I'm going back to 40th Century and deliver the girls safely out of Vadiane's grasp!" With that Pluto waved her staff, and the glowing time portal opened mid-air in the center of the room. "Wait! I'm coming too!" Saturn cried before the tall Senshi could step toward the portal, "No way she's messing around with my daughter!" "Neptune and I will go with you!" Uranus said, "After all, Chibi-Hotaru is our granddaughter!" "She is my granddaughter, too," Pluto said with a small smile. She looked thoughtfully at Saturn. "And I believe she needs her mother even more than anything. Therefore Saturn alone should come with me." "Pluto," Serenity said suddenly. There was a look of determination on her face, "I'm coming too." "Serenity! It's too dangerous!" Mars cried in disbelief, "Your kingdom needs you here! You can't just skip away and think things will take care of themselves while you're gone! I won't let you go!" "But my daughter needs me even more, so don't try to dissuade me!" Serenity said firmly, "Endymion will take care of things, so don't fret! If Small Lady is in great danger, then I must by all means go and save her!" "I know! But you've got to stay here with us, and let Saturn go rescue both girls!" Mars shouted. Endymion did not say anything, for he knew Serenity only too well to try and change her mind. However, Mercury wrung her hands, looking quite concerned for her dear old friend. "I'm afraid but I have to agree with Mars. We don't want to lose you should anything happen to you, Serenity!" she said. Serenity glared at Mars and Mercury, then whispered something and suddenly vanished behind a dazzling burst of bright magical light. After the light faded away, in the place of the beloved Queen stood Eternal Sailor Moon. She declared stubbornly, "I'm going, whatever you like it or not!" "She can certainly come with us," Pluto said, nodding in approval. Mars and Mercury whipped around and gaped at her. Pluto continued, "Small Lady does need her mother, more than you will know. And also, together both Saturn and Eternal Sailor Moon - they are known to be most powerful of all Senshi - could disrupt Vadiane's control and free her prisoners!" She turned around and stepped through the time portal. "Come and follow me!" Both Saturn and Eternal Sailor Moon hurried after her and immediately afterwards the portal closed up and vanished in mid-air, leaving the rest of Senshi and the King standing there with no choice but to wait for their return. ************************************ "Mommy," Chibi-Hotaru said again, hugging the large dusky crystal that held her mother's body within. Artemis blinked, then glanced around the semi-dark room and looked thoughtfully at the pink-haired young Senshi. "It just occurred to me...there must be other people encased in each crystal as well." He padded to the ever larger crystal and peered through the glasslike surface. "Yep, there's someone inside there all right. Come and have a look, Chibi Moon." "Uh, no thanks," Chibi Moon said, shuddering. Just thinking about lifeless bodies froze within the crystals, possibly forever, was creeping her out. "Well, it's a man, as far as I can see," The white cat said. He frowned. "But it appeared he has wings...?" At this Chibi-Hotaru twirled abruptly and came running toward the startled Artemis. "That's my Daddy!" She shouted, and threw her arms around the larger crystal. Now that piqued Chibi Moon's curiosity, and despite her uneasiness she went over to have a look. Sure enough she could make out a tall, handsome and dark-skinned man that appeared to be badly hurt, with nasty lacerations around his head and arms. And indeed he did have a pair of huge black feathery wings folded behind his back. She stared at Chibi-Hotaru in surprise. "That's your father?" "Hai!" Chibi-Hotaru replied. Then she said sadly, "Poor Daddy! They hurt him badly!" "We noticed that," Artemis said, "If we ever free your mother and father, we can get Mercury to treat him and then he'll be alright." The dark-skinned girl turned around and gave him a hopeful look. "Can you free my Mommy and Daddy...Please?" Artemis scratched his chin worriedly. "Well, I don't know..." Chibi Moon smiled suddenly and produced her wand. "Maybe I can. It won't hurt to try!" "But, Chibi Moon...!" Artemis protested, but the young Senshi had already turned toward the crystal that held the body of Chibi-Hotaru's mother prisoner and aimed her wand. "Sugar Heart Attack!" The magical force washed over the surface with no effect whatsoever. The young Senshi frowned. "Uh...Let me try another way!" She took her tiara and flung it straight at the crystal. "MOON TIARA ACTION!" No such luck - not even so much as a small crack. However, the spinning tiara went out of control, making loud clanging noises as it bounced from wall to wall in every direction at top speed. "Watch out!" Chibi Moon cried and flung herself to the ground, pulling Chibi Hotaru down with her. Artemis sweatdropped. "I was going to warn you that you wouldn't want to make too much noises," he scolded, looking nervously over his shoulder, "Or the youmas are bound to hear us and swoop on us!" Abashed, Chibi Moon could only shrug sheepishly. Her waylaid tiara soon vanished into the darkness, and the noises eventually stopped...but for only a minute. "WHO'S THERE!" A disembodied voice boomed out suddenly out of nowhere, causing the girls and the cat to jump. "WHO IS THIS THAT DARE DISTURB MY MEDIATIATION, HE SHALL DIE FOR I CANNOT TOLERATE TRESSPASSERS!" Chibi Moon gasped loudly. Artemis arched his back until his fur stood up. Chibi Hotaru began to tremble. "Nooo...." The dark-haired girl whimpered, cowering. "Don't let her get me. Make her go away!" Both the young Senshi and the white cat glanced sharply at Chibi-Hotaru then looked at each other. "Um...what should we do, Artemis?" "We get the hell out of here!" Artemis bellowed. The pink-haired Senshi jumped up, pulled Chibi-Hotaru to her feet and made a mad dash for the doors with the little girl by her side and the cat right behind them. And skidded abruptly to stop, for standing before them were the youmas, blocking the doors! "Ah! So we met again!" Tsuki sneered. "We thought we heard noises, and there you are!" Her purple-skinned sister, Miserka declared with an unpleasant smile. Both the girls let out a cry of fright and stepped back. The cat took one look and grimaced. "Damn!" Artemis swore. To be continued! @_@ Only two more chapters to go, I think...