Okay, here goes part two of my story. Some things that you might expect to happen won't and things that you won't expect to happen will. But, what's new? Okay, I forgot to tell you what the Draven in the story looks like. He's about six foot three, black hair like Mamoru's, and light blue eyes. He is nothing like me, but I couldn't think of another name. My disclaimer stuff is in the first part. So on so forth. On with the story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hotaru's Heart Part Two by Draven Manara It took me ten minutes to get my legs working again before I could get up to get inside. My sensei yelled at me for being late for the third time that week. I couldn't concentrate on anything all day except for that fact that I had to have dreamt what happened earlier in the day. Now it was lunch time. "Hey." I turned around at the unexpected conversation starter. It was Kenji, my best friend. He was about six feet with brown hair and naturally blue eyes although he wore different types of contacts all the time. Today it was the infamous smily faces. "Hey man, what's up?" "Nothin'. You seem to be a bit out of it today, though. What's goin' on?" "Nothin'." "You can't fool me with that, I've known you for too long. What is goin' on?" I hadn't told anyone I liked Hotaru, even Kenji, mainly because every guy in the school wanted to go out with her, but none of them would ever admit it. I figured that I had nothing to lose, so I decided to tell him. "I'm going out with Hotaru Tomoe tonight." He just sat there and stared at me. I waved my hand in front of his face a couple times before he came back to reality. "So... so she was telling the truth?!?" "Huh?" I didn't even have a vague clue of what he was talking about. "I heard her talking to some girl about goin' out with you tonight. The girl was fuming when she walked off, and I didn't see the expression on Hotaru's face because she walked away from me." "I was smiling." Kenji froze as I turned to look at the new voice. "Hi." I said in that high squeaky voice that often happens whan I'm nervous. "Can I sit down?" Hotaru asked with her sweeter-than-chocolate smile. I managed to regruop myself so another 'squeaker' didn't come out. "Of course." She set her books on the table then sat down between Kenji and me (we always leave a seat between us for room), then took me completely by suprise by leaning back against me. I wanted to be comfortable too, so I put my arms around her and just held her. "You two look like you've been together for months, and you don't make a very bad couple at that." "So what were you talking about, and don't say nothing because I heard some of it." "Ummm... Kenji?" I looked up at him hopefully. "It was you who brought it up. You fill her in." "Weeeell, I was just telling him about what happened earlier with that one girl." "Oh, okay." "So, have you made up your mind yet." I asked her as my eyes started to catch several people staring at us curoisly and hatefully. "Well, how much can you spend." The question hit me like a brick. Another brain war. 'How could you ask her out to dinner and not have any money?' 'I forgot, shut up.' 'Oh, yeah, reeal intellegent, tell something uncapable of speech to shut up.' 'Okay sorry, but help think of what to do.' 'Two options. Turn tail and run...' 'Or?' 'I was hoping you'd pick that one. Oh, well. Tell her your broke.' 'I had to consult you for this answer?' "Hello?" She said as she waved her hand in front of my face. I finally came back to reality. "Oh, yeah. Sorry. Uhhh, what were you saying?" "I asked how much you could spend on dinner." "Oh, well umm... I kinda sorta forgot I was broke." "Good." That answer almost me fall over. "What's so good about it?" "Ummm... lovebirds?" Kenji inquired. I had completely forgotten about him. "Yeah?" "I gotta go. I catch ya later though, 'k." "Alright man, I'll see you later." and Kenji got up and left. "Glad he left." "And why is that?" "Because the answer to your question was that I thought you'd be able to have me over and maybe cook something? Not to impose or anything." "Uhhh, sure, I'd have to get rid of my family, but that should be no problem." "Good." She then sat up, turned around and gave me a quick kiss before she gathered her books and headed off to her next class. Her kiss had much the same effect as it had earlier. Because I got to my next class late. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well that's it for part two. Hope you liked it. I know that there is a lot of dialouge, and I'm sorry, but it's just to help set up a lot of things. As always, I accept comments, corrections, suggetsions, and the occasional flame. I know that this one is short too, and I'm sorry. Well, that's all so, goodbye. ""Love, life and friendship are all that a soul wants. Every other part of you usually block out your soul, though."" -Draven