Jennifer Wand Welcome to my second Sailor Moon Moment. This one takes place during episode 117 (I think) of S. For those of you who haven't seen it, the setup is as follows: In Professor Tomoe's absence, Mimete has gone a little overboard with the daemon easy-bake oven. It exploded, and resulted in some weird dimensional stuff going on at the Tomoe mansion: Look out one window, and you see Antarctica, look out the next, and you see an African savannah. There are fishes swimming in the chest of drawers (and the clothes are in the fishbowl, Bert!) and penguins appear and disappear out of nowhere. Hotaru and Chibi-Usa were playing cards in Hotaru's room when this happened, and suddenly found themselves in the middle of nowhere. Their location shifts erratically, so that they never know what they'll be standing on next. Unfortunately, when the scene shifted once, Chibi-Usa was standing on nothing at all. She and Hotaru started falling into a canyon, when the Venus Love Me Chain saved them. The Sailor Senshi had teleported in and were now trying to figure out how to get them out. One more thing you ought to know: this is before Hotaru knows that she is Sailor Saturn, before the awakening of Mistress Nine, but a point where both her Saturn powers and the presence of Mistress Nine inside of her have started to awaken. I translated the dialogue as best I could, but it's not word for word accurate. I beg your forgiveness on any small details I might have forgotten. Now that the cumbersome background details are through, I hereby present: *** HOTARU'S PLEA A Sailor Moon Moment by Jennifer Wand *** "We can't teleport out with both Chibi-Usa-chan and Hotaru-chan," the blue-haired one said. I'm on a grassy hill overlooking a cliff, with Chibi-Usa-chan and- can you believe it? the Sailor Senshi. Just a moment ago, I'd been hurtling down into an abyss, clutching Chibi-Usa-chan's hand fiercely; and moments before that, we'd been trekking together through an Arctic wasteland. Was it a nightmare, or just an extension of the oddly surreal dream that I lived each day? I felt barely awake and totally aware, breathless and steady all at once. Chibi-Usa-chan is beside me, that much I am sure of. Her pleasant warmth radiates through me like a gentle hand holding me upright, keeping me from falling limp to the ground. I lean on that, as I have from the moment she breezed into my life. Often, I let my lanterns glow well into the night. As I lie in bed, it feels somewhat comforting to have the presence of a myriad guardian fireflies, cool beacons glowing safely all around me. My blanket is like a coat of fur, and I feel small beneath its velvety folds. Familiar panic sets in, and I lie unmoving for hours, refusing to let sleep take me. Because when it does, the dreams are far worse than any sleepless night. A wave of destruction, rolling in over red-tinted pavement. A glittery pointed staff and crumbling statues. A black star, a pink symbol, and red eyes that are the root of all the chaos. Red eyes that are mine. And my daytimes... floating alone through a world I seem somehow separated from, as if I am being carried by a glass dome. Mornings with sweet but distant Papa and that Kaori-san, whose eyes always make me think of something cold and liquid and red. Why do I dislike her so? Maybe because ever since she's come to our house, I've felt that coolness swimming in Papa's eyes too. Then school, shadowy strange school, where lessons pour in and out of my ears and make no difference at all. Even if I learn a principle of mathematics, it doesn't teach me how to subtract from the gazes around me. The murmurs, the whispers- where my attempts at friendship always bounce off the inside of my fishbowl and ricocheted around that hollow shell, their glances are slicker than needles, passing right through the glass and into the girl. Pain as real as anything I ever feel. A breathless walk home and near-collapse on the front porch. Won't Papa come to help me up and take me inside? But no, the red claws are always Kaori-san's, and she ushers me into the house like she is locking me in a prison cell. Am I going up to my room or down to the basement? Dark paneled walls seem all the same. My eyelids are heavy. Please, not that awful half-dreaming again- but it starts, and I feel as if I am a small crystal voice being sat on by a dark and hungry shadow. A presence which I realize is coming from me, but feels like an alien, an enemy. And just as my crystal shatters itself to end that evil reign, I awaken in darkness and find it's time to avoid sleep once more. But now, there's a new lantern in my life. Chibi-Usa-chan calls me her friend. Is that possible, that this fragile shadow of a girl can have a friend? And her cousin, and all their friends, and the Sailor Senshi- some of them, at least- all treat me as if I'm very special. I think my life began when Chibi-Usa-chan threw her arms around me in the hospital. I was awake, things were in focus, for the first time, and I felt like a real girl, with a fresh face and warm feelings. And I realized I'd do anything to protect that. Still, if friendship means sharing, then I can't take like from Chibi-Usa-chan's life without her accepting some darkness from mine. And I don't want that for her! I've tried to keep the knowledge of this sacred friendship from the evil other inside me. But she knows- I know she knows- and I am afraid that someday, she will snuff out that holy light once and for all. The pure soul- no, I will not even think that phrase!- the purity of Chibi-Usa-chan does not deserve to be subjected to even the slightest shadow, let alone the penetrating blackness enveloping all that is my life. And even without that other, I feel a power in me that could destroy her, and that scares me beyond all thought. How can I keep my precious friend safe from the hues of black and violet that battle one another in my mind? Those colors that even I don't yet understand? It's then that I let the words slip out. And I mean them fervently. "Leave me here! Just save Chibi-Usa-chan and leave me here!" Please, I add in my mind. You don't know what I have to go back to! I'm better off here, in this strange fantasy world, where I can't do any harm! My prayer is answered by a gentle smile. "It's okay, Hotaru-chan," Sailor Moon says, and I feel a fluttering of butterflies that somehow remind me of Chibi-Usa-chan's energy. "We're going to save you both. Mercury-oneechan here" -and she taps the blue-haired Senshi on the shoulder- "will find a way. We'll get you both home, don't worry." Her light is staggering, and I feel as though I'm being transformed inside. Blue eyes glitter. For a moment I swear the violet in my eyes is lit by lavender ripples. I'm on a grassy hill overlooking a cliff with Chibi-Usa-chan and the Sailor Senshi. Just a moment ago, I'd been hurtling down into an abyss, but right now, I believe in light. "Thank you," I say. *fin* @___@ || * * //@_@\\ || (.../gallery.html for pics .../tux/tuxedo.html for the Shrine) // o \\ || Long live the meatball headed one! * SOS! * Love conquers all *