Violet Love By: Silent Faith Author's Notes: The '*~*~*' means change of POV (point of view). Also, Email me at if you liked or didn't like the story. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Sailor Moon characters but I do own any made up characters in this story. *~*~* Walking away from the street ChibiUsa lived on, she brushed past a boy with brown hair and green eyes, making him drop the stuff he was carrying. "Hey, watch it!" "Sorry..." I mumbled and was about to help him get his books when she saw sudden darkness and a panicked "Are you ok?!?!". *~*~* Her violet eyes were open and unseeing. It seemed like she was afraid. Tears started to fill her eyes. Is she having a nightmare? Maybe she's remembering something... I wonder what was happening. She shook violently and thrashed off her blanket and screamed. Thank god we were alone in my house! Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he lightly touched the fragil girl's face. She shot up in bed making him jump up and suprise. She was breathing hard. God, she looked beautiful despite her fear. *~*~* Where am I? This isnt my house or ChibiUsa's... I looked to my left and saw a suprised brown-haired, green eyed boy. Hmm... about my age, probably older, I think. Why am I at his house? "Why am I here?" "You fainted." he replied simply. Oh my god, it's happening again. I need to lock myself in my room, get away from this boy. I jumped out of the bed and my head started pounding at the harsh treatment. "Easy, easy, you bumped your head... lie back down." He put his hand on her arm. "No! Just let go... I need to go... I can't stay here, you don't understand, you don't..." I was pratically yelling at him. I calmed down. "I'm fine, really, just tell me what street this is and I'll get home by myself." Seeing the worry in his eyes I quickly added, "Don't worry, I won't, um, faint." "Too bad." I didn't have an inkling what he was going to do until his head swooped down. The minute his lips touched mine, I was in heaven. I had the utter tranquil feeling of being in someone's arms. *~*~* Some girls had told me that the why I kissed should be illegal and any girl would do anything if I did kiss her. I thought it would work this time too. But, I had the feeling of helpless. Her arms went trustingly around his neck and her response was going to drive him out of his mind. I need to end this, I need to end this now. But the kiss wasn't in my control now. I would become her slave right about now if she wanted him to be. Her lips were like velvet and oh my god. She's just so sweet and beautiful and delicate. Her lips tore away from mine. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." she whispered against my lips. Then, she fled. I ran to the window as she just got out of the one floor house. I yelled wait but she didn't listen or couldn't. "What did I do wrong to make her try to get away from me as soon as she could? What did I do?" *~*~* His kiss stopped it from happening, for the time being, but I can't risk it. And one thing's for sure, I can't risk seeing him again. I might just fall for him, and be heartbroken... *~*~* End of Chap. 1 Look out for Chap. 2