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Energy Notes                                                                            

Light– lightning, fire

Heat– steam from geyser, fire

Sound– violin, crackle of fire

Electrical– lightning

Nuclear– power plant

Chemical– food, fuel

Kinetic– energy of motion (mechanical)

Potential–  stored energy

Efficiency– ratio of waster energy to effective work of a system

Perpetual motion– can run forever w/o more energy– not possible yet– energy escapes

Like charges– repel (++ or NN,SS)

Unlike charges – attract (+- or NS) 

          1733 Charles Dufay describes, Ben Franklin labels +&-

Static electricity– causes objects to be attracted to each other

          (1600 William Gilbert)

Circuits– continuous closed path that current flows

          Series– one path

          Parallel– more than one path

Current electricity– flows through wires

Galvanometer– measures current flow

Insulator– material which charges don´t move freely

          (non metals– paper, plastic, rubber, wood, glass)

Conductor– material which charges move freely

          (metals & graphite– keys, pencil lead, buckle)

Generators– turns mechanical (kinetic) energy into electrical

Watts (W)- how power is measured

Kilowatt (kWh)- 1000 watts consumed in hour

Power– rate at which the thing uses electrical energy
