20 Steps to being a DQ Fan

1. Watch Dr. Quinn
2. Fall in love with Sully
3. Tape Dr. Quinn
4. Fall in Love with Hank
5. Wish to be Michaela
6. Rewatch your tapes
7. Memorize tapes
8. Form a deep hate for Custer
9. Get online/Discover Dq on the web
10. Spend the majority of your day on DQ sites.
11. Read Fanfiction
12. Write your own fanfiction.
13. Make a Binder with your fanfiction in it
14. Try to make a timemachine to go back to DQ time
15. Make your own DQ website.
16. Spend your day updating DQ website.
17. Search everywhere for DQ books
18. Stay up late reading DQ books
19. Talk to other DQ fans online
20. Watch some more!

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Email: DrQuinnWriter@hotmail.com