Dr. Quinn Addicts Anonymous

Dr. Quinn Addicts Anonymous is an organization for anyone and everyone addicted to the show Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. To join email me, Melissa aka Messa, at DrQuinnWriter@hotmail.com and put DQAA in the subject line
You may be wondering what you get for joining such a group. Well, you get a monthly email from me filled information about updates to my site, and whatever cute DQ stuff I can come up with. Basically, you get an email newsletter :)

The DQAA gather in an old church basment. It's dirty and damp, and smeels of mildew. But no one notices. They are here for a reason, and that reason is worth braving the worst environment imaginable.
One by one, the members introduce themselves.
Hi my name is (state your name here) and I'm addicted to Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman.
after everyone has been introduced, the members recite the DQAA Oath.
We, the members of DQAA, come together to ask for help. Not to get rid of this addiction, but to take it to it's fullest. This is not a harmful addiction, but one that makes us the best we can be. We swear to never do anything to hinder our addiction. We will only make it grow. Together we will work towards our ultimate goal of being the most devoted DQ fans ever to walk the earth.

The members: Melissa, Ivy, Shelly, Ashes, Andi, Gina, Hayley, S.S, Nell, Audrey, and Caroline.
If ya aren't on this list and want to join, email me!
For everyone in the DQAA, we now have a picture made specifically for us. If you have your own website put it up there. If not, print it out, make it you computer background, do whatever with it.

Our Story: How we got hooked on DQ. The members speak of the first discover and the events that followed.

DQAA Questionaire: Answer these question either in an email or on the message board and I will post them.

1. How long have you been addicted?
2. What is your longest running DQ marathon? (number of episodes)
3. What is the longest you’ve gone without watching Quinn?
4. Do friends/family make fun of you because of your addiction?
5. What are some of the things they say?
6. Do you have any other DQ friends besides on the internet?
7. Have you ever dreamed about Dr. Quinn?
8. Do you have any DQ traditions? (now or when it originally aired)
9. Has Quinn sparked your interest in anything else?
10. Do you often find things reminding you of Quinn? What are they?
11. What is the strangest/oddest thing (or anything for that matter) you’ve done or are currently doing to feed your addiction?

Message Board


Email: DrQuinnWriter@hotmail.com