DQAA Questionaire

1. How long have you been addicted?
Melissa: Since the Pilot aired in 1993! That's when it started, but I have become even more addicted since I discovered the internet in 2002.
Ivy :Well I’ve watched the show since it began but I don’t guess I was addicted until the 5th season. Then when DQ started coming on hallmark and I got my friend to tape it, that’s when the addiction got bad.
Kate S: I started watching when the show started but I didn't become addicted until I came across the reruns a couple years ago.
Shelly: Hmm.. well a year for sure cause I just first found DQ again on Hallmark last May and I was hooked
Andi: I think since I saw a small clip of the show one Saturday evening on CBS...then I found it on Hallmark (Thank God for little miracles) and the obsession began...
S S: Well, I used to watch the show every now and then whenever it was on CBS, but the true addiction began last summer (Summer 2002) when I discovered the reruns on the Hallmark Channel.
Nell: Since I discovered it durring the summer between the 5th & 6th seasons. I was home all summer on vaccation, and discovered the show on reruns. I loved it because it was about history and the west.
Gina: Since before the pilot aired on Jan. 1st, 1993. Actually since I saw the first commercial advertising the pilot! I can still remember where I was, who I was with, and what I was doing at the time. I remember canceling a date to stay home and watch the pilot!
Hayley: I have been an addict for 2 and ½ years now
Audrey: Ever since I first watched it, autumn 1993.
Caroline: During it’s second year on air in 1994.
Lea: huge fan since the very first episode aired in France, and more precisely I knew I was going to watch all the episode when Sully helps Mike finding Brian, cute and so nice !!!
Elaine: I was addicted the night I watched the pilot, back in 1993. I--along with my 3 daughters--never missed an episode.
Rebekah: I saw the pilot when it was aired, with my grandpa, I was three years old. and well ever since....

2. What is your longest running DQ marathon?(number of episodes)
Melissa: I believe it was 5. The only reason it wasn't longer was because the power went out!
Ivy: 7 I think
Kate S: Umm...at least 5, maybe more.
Shelly: That would have to be 4 hours
Andi: Cripe! I don't know how many episodes it was, but it was from the Pilot episode to about middle of Season 3 (I was home by myself all weekend...yay!)
S S: Hmm... I think it was about six or seven (I had taped them whenever I went on a long vacation to Boston.)
Nell: can't exactly say, since I can't sit through a full show always, and some times I'll just watch part of one, but It would have to be last weekend (May 2003), I pulled out all my Dr. Quinn tapes and watched the 10 some that were not labled, and figured out what was on them while I sewed.
Gina:Eight I think one day when my son was a newborn and my hubby was at work!
Hayley: Must be 25 episodes, I am either a very lazy person, or I love dq so much that once the T.V is mine it stays that way as long as possible!
Audrey: A whole season, the second one non-stop
Caroline: It was about the whole season one and season two…so that was about 31 episodes
Lea: It would be 2 weeks ago, 8 episodes, well, 6 actually but I watched Ready or not and Mother and Daughter twice each, so...
Elaine: I'd say the longest I've sat and watched has been 8 hours. My husband leaves for work at 2pm and comes home at midnight, so except for fixing something to eat, taking my dog outside, and some short breaks for other necessary things--lol--I'll sit and watch constantly.
Rebekah: I was sick with the chicken pox while my parents were on vacation!... and I was with grandpa and grandma we watched DQMW for a record breaking (i'm sure) 20 hours!...although I think grandpa slept through a little of that...

3. What is the longest you’ve gone without watching Quinn?
Melissa: From when it was cancelled in 1998 till I discovered it on hallmark in 2002. Yes I know! It was terrible! I almost killed myself!
Ivy: Well in the past year it’s been maybe 2 or 3 weeks.
Kate S: 3 or 4 days.
Shelly: Oh man.. one time I had to go 5 days and I almost lost it, luckily I had a VCR to program!
Andi: A week, but I tape them, so I don't go through withdrawl...well, I do, but it's not nearly as bad as if I wouldn't be allowed to tape them!
S S: About two weeks (Because I was on vacation. Can you believe that a LOT of hotels don’t have the Hallmark Channel?)
Nell: Probably for about a year. The show is on when I'm at school, and I can get so busy with school work, that I don't have time to watch it, especially this past year or two. Because of that it was only reacently that I even found out there was a second movie.
Gina: A week, but I was reading DQ fanfic, so does that count?
Hayley: 2 months…. anymore and I get withdrawal symptoms
Audrey: I have them all on tape so there is not a single day when I don't watched at least a little bit of DQ.
Caroline: Two months, while I was away on vacation traveling around Canada with the family
Lea: 3or 4 months, summer time I guess, but I can't be sure.
Elaine: Well, when the show was cancelled, I was heart-broken. We didn't have Hallmark when it was showing DQ, so I couldn't watch it until I got the DVDs of Season 1 last September. I did see the movies when they were on, so it was about 2 years between the last movie and my DVDs.
Rebekah: That was one week and by force...I went to camp and well there's no DQMW there..(I cried) lol

4. Do friends/family make fun of you because of your addiction?
Melissa: Well those friends who know do, except for a select few. My brother of course does. My parents try to remain blissfully ignornant that since it was canceleld, I have no access to Quinn. Boy are they wrong!
Ivy: Of course
Kate S: Incessantly.
Shelly: YES
Andi: Friends? no...they figure it makes up a part of who I am, and if I didn't have it, I'd be a fake... Family? My Goodness, yes!
S S: Constantly.
Nell: I don't make them watch it, so not really. And I don't talk about it all the time, just now and then, so they don't get fed up with it.
Gina: All the time! Constantly on a daily basis!
Hayley: Of course! But there is no harm in being an individual. And I have met the best friends I have ever had over the net due to my (strange to most) addiction
Audrey: Most of my friends are aware of my "liking" DQ, they just don't know how bad it is! As far as my family is concerned, my Mom is still cursing herself for encouraging me to watch DQ with her, almost ten years ago. My brother used to be relentless, but now he leaves me be.And my ex-boyfriend thought nothing of it.
Caroline: My family constantly bugs me, but my friends do not know about my addiction except for the Internet ones
Lea: oh yes !!!
Elaine: My husband and my oldest daughter tease me about watching DQ so much, but not many other people know about it. But their teasing is good-humored.
Rebekah: Well lets see I can think of a few people mainly it's my Dad he really hates DQMW with a passion! lol and I ask him how thats possible...The other big one is some of the kids at school they don't get DQMW.

5. What are some of the things they say?
That DQ "bites" (teenage boy what cna I say" or that a mental institute would be suitable for me.
Ivy: Well they think I need to go into a mental institution. And my mom used to have this rule that I couldn’t talk about Quinn until after lunch. But I never followed it.
Kate S: My mother keeps telling me I need to get a life. My littlest brother likes to tell me that he hates DQ (even tho he's only seen one episode and he loved it).
Shelly: "Oh man, you're watching that again?" or "Dr Quire.. I mean Quinn again."
Andi: My mom thinks I need to get friends (with the friends like I have with DQ, who needs others?!), my sister just likes to harrass me about it, my dad just stands back, shakes his head, and laughs at me for being so nuts about it...so what's wrong with that?
S S: My mom threatened to send me to a psychiatrist because of my “unusual obsession.” My dad just walks out of the room without a word whenever it’s on. My little brother just runs around saying how dumb it is (even though I caught him watching an episode once), leading to me giving him a lecture about how it’s a really great show. My friends just try to change the subject when it ends up about DQMW (but that rarely works).
Nell: My dad likes to say it doesn't look like Colorado, so he and I have fun seeing when it is historically or geographically inacurate. We are both history nuts. My brother used to think that I watched too much of it, but then I just have to start bugging him about his computer reading fan fiction.
Gina: My hubby once told me that when Dr. Quinn pays our bills then he would watch a DQ movie! He says I'm way too caught up with the show, atleast he said that until I started impressing him with my fanfic I'm writing. But yes, my sister and everyone says I'm addicted! When she borrowed one of my DQ episodes and then thought she had lost it, I told her those were fighting words, she had to find it! (hehe) I told her she could even take my car but not my DQ episodes!!!
Hayley: “OH NO, not Dq again!!” that’s my mum “Not this *@*@’**%’’*”#**#@>,,< Again” my brothers “Do you have nothing better to do with your time?” My Father
Audrey: Nothing much, they just wonder how I can lead a normal "adult" life, while still clinging to DQ with all my might like a child clinging to her favorite toy.
Caroline: My sister calls her Dr. Quack or Dr. Quier and my parents well, they tell me it’s not normal to have such an addiction, that it’s not good for my health
Lea: they keep on repeating it's a show for kids, plus I'll never find someone like Sully, and he's not that cute anyway!!!
Elaine: My hubby just says "Again???" (then I remind him of his addiction to M*A*S*H) My daughter just laughs and tells me to watch something else once in a while, which I do. But she wouldn't say too much, since she borrows my DVDs to watch them too.
Rebekah: Well lets see my Dad calls her Maniacal Michaela....and Deranged Dr. and the whole thing Quinny and my friends say either "get a life" or "how can you stand that stuff"

6. Do you have any other DQ friends besides on the internet?
Melissa: My internet friends are the best!! I had another friend with whom I shared DQ with, but that's over for various reasons. A few other friends may be interested. Give them time...they'll come along soon. But I do have other friends...they just don't like DQ.
Ivy: Nope. Well not unless my sister counts, but she just puts up with me and will watch it with me
Kate S: One of my best friends kinda likes DQ so I force her to watch episodes with me. (It's fun having someone to gawk over Sully with.)
Shelly: Yeah Loads
Andi: Sorta...they're actually my friends' parents
S S: Just one, but it’s only because I force her to watch it with me.
Nell: Saddly no.
Gina: So many, I tell everyone about DQ! I should be getting paid and I'd be rich for all the people I have told and then became friends with after they loved it!
Hayley: Yes Louisa…Little Mi, Nobody else really talks to her, she is in a world of her own and you need to know her to understand her…oh and Zoe Little Mi’s friend!
Audrey: No, in France there are few people my age -23- who watch DQ. Too "intellectual" for them, I guess, or too "sugary"...
Caroline: Well adults, whom are friends of my parents but that’s about it
Lea: I had one but she moved when we were 17, now nope.
Elaine: I've only been aware of the DQ sites for a few weeks, so I haven't made too many friends online...YET! But otherwise, my oldest daughter and my 3-year-old granddaughter are the only other fans I know of.
Rebekah: I have 2 DQMW friends and an honorary friend... One is my sixth grade science teacher Mrs. Linda Barrett she and I would talk about DQMW on the way to Scholastic bowl which I'm on at school....The other is my Mom she watches it with me all the time and the honorary friend is my grandpa who died when I was 6....I remember he was in the hospital the week Dr. Mike and Sully got married and we hadn't missed an episode yet and I rose holy heck when I found out we'd have to miss it that week since he was in the hospital but I got my way....we watched it!

7. Have you ever dreamed about Dr. Quinn?
Melissa: All the time! I won't go into details here.
Ivy: Ok I just realized this is a dumb question. Who hasn’t had a dream about DQ? Or at least about a certain long haired, blue eyed, buckskin wearing character from the show. *grins*
Kate S: All the time! And, yes, particularly a long haired, blue eyed, buckskinned, incredibly hot individual...
Shelly: Actually once, I wish I could be like Mandy and have them all the time
Andi: Constantly! Ever since I became a major addict, it seems every other day I have a DQ dream!
S S: Sure, all the time! In fact, some of my fanfiction stories are actually based on dreams I had.
Nell: Yes, I dreamed I travelled back in time and didn't know where I was.
Gina: Not before I started writing my fanfic, but now very often, only I'm not willing to share all of my DQ dreams! (haha)
Hayley: Of course yes…you’ve seen my stories. No further explanation needed!
Audrey: Rather often.
Caroline: Almost every night! I dream about the episode I watched dreaming that I was in it
Lea: Only once actually, which is pretty strange, and the horrible thing is, I didn't get to kiss Sully even in my dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elaine: I don't remember any specific dreams of DQ, but I sure "day dream" about it!
Rebekah: yes lol too many times a good deal of my fanfics are based on DQMW dreams and I remember one in particular where I became Dr. Mike on her honeymoon!!! (oops) when I found her mysterious cameo...And she was me in 2004....and Sully was all mine for a few days....hey I'm not complaining either! too bad that was only a dream!

8. Do you have any DQ traditions?(now or when it originally aired)
Melissa: Watching every Saturday religiously when it was on CBS. Having holiday marathons-Well that was before my brother taped over all my tapes. Now my only tradition is watching at 1 am after I get off work during the summer. But as soon as I get my new tapes I'm sure the old traditions will come back.
Ivy: Well when it originally aired the tradition was to tune into CBS every Saturday at 7pm. And my older sister’s boyfriend would come over and watch with us and bring some ice cream. Then when my friend was taping the eps on hallmark, I’d get the tape on Sunday night and come home and watch the entire tape that night.(no matter how late it was) I miss that Sunday night tradition. And I also watch all of the holiday eps when that time of the season comes around. (i.e. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas)
Kate S: Does watching it every night count? I'm taping all the episodes.
Shelly: Umm.. I dunno.. let me think about that one and get back to you!
Andi: Not really, though, I will once I have a family...I like the whole "Being together on Christmas" thing...it's nice.
S S: I’ve always loved history and the West of the 1800s, and I’m currently attempting to learn to speak Cheyenne. (I was so proud when I actually understood a few words of what Sully was saying in one episode!) I also watch (and force my family to watch) holiday episodes on the corresponding holiday.
Nell: Researching things, to find out what the historical accuratecy is. I like to watch a thirty second clip or so and see how many things are historically inaccurate. It's real fun.
Gina: Yeah. My 6 yr. old son and I watch it together a lot. It's always been our favorite show to see together. He loves Brian and I love Sully and Michaela! Even when he was a baby and feeling bad, I could put Dr. Quinn on and he would stop crying! I plan to keep that tradition going!!!
Hayley: Errrrrr, no not that I know of…oh yeh…..Louisa and I used to Gallop around the quarry, which is around the back of the farm where we keep our horses. We used to go there everyday and scream for Sully and gallop about! LOL…we even asked some kids once if they had seen him! lol, we gave a full description and sent them off to look for him! ha ha
Audrey: I make it "darker" in my room, and sink in my bed with a hankies box, and sometimes a bowl of ice-cream, I "hush" up my phone and sit there, watching DQ reverently.
Caroline: At 10 minutes to 4 o’clock I would made sure that I was uninterrupted and that there was complete silence. Now that the show is off the air I make sure that I at least watch 2-3 episodes a daily.
Lea: my only tradition would be to watch an episode or two (or three or four...) when I'm feeling blue and I know I'll feel better afterwards!!
Elaine: DQ traditions? When it was on for those 6 great years, my daughters and I never missed an episode. When my oldest daughter got married--the SAME DAY AS MICHAELA AND SULLY!!!--I taped the show and watched it when we came home that night. She watched it as soon as she got home from her honeymoon.
Rebekah: Mom and I watch DQMW every thursday on DVD and Grandpa and I watched it before he died when it was on air on Saturday nights plus I intend to get married on the same day in a dress exactly like Dr. Mikes and name one of my children something to do with DQMW not decided on what yet....

9. Has Quinn sparked your interest in anything else?
Melissa: Well I have always been interested in the "west" and Native Americans. But DQ has furthered that interest. Let's see what else...I love romance stories and medical history. I also now have a huge interest in writing now! Thank goodness for fanfics!
Ivy: Yes. I recently have been reading some biographies of other woman doctors. Quinn also sparked my interest in the Cheyenne and the Sand Creek and Wash*ta massacres.
Kate S: Yeah I've gotten more interested in history, oddly enough. Lol just stuff that relates to DQ tho.
Shelly: Yes, alot of historical movies that relate to DQ like Fanny Kremble, anything with Joe or Jane in it
Andi: I've always been interested in the West and that time period...however, it did spark my interest in Herbal Medicine... an alternative to modern medicine.
S S: ***
Nell: Dr. Quinn has sparked my interest even more so into history, because I truely wanted to know more about the time and place that it takes place in. And I've learned a lot about that period.
Gina: Yes, I never would have attempted to write any sort of story, it was Dr Quinn that inspired me to do so! Also with chatting and making friends on the internet, I have no other friends but DQ friends on the internet!
Hayley: Yes…writing….This is a love I found through DQ, I used to hate English!
Audrey: For a long time I wanted to become a doctor, until I realised I wasn't smart enough. I'm still intersted in medicine and science, even though I've taken litterary course in college, and I've been reading everything I can find about american history.
Caroline: Dr Quinn has sparked my interest in many other western television shows and about the history and life back in the 1880s.
Lea: In native Americans mainly. I studied them at school, bought books about their history, customs, crafts, legends, and even once bought a pair of shoes because theyhad something that reminded me of the Indians...
Elaine: I guess the one thing that the show has sparked my interest in would be trying to find and watch movies that Jane Seymour and Joe Lando are in. I've met Jane Seymour, and since she's very near my age and has had four babiies, she is an inspiration to me. And how could I NOT "fall for" Joe Lando? I've also started letting my hair grow again--if she can have long, flowing hair at her age, why can't I?
Rebekah: It made me decided to become a pediatrician when I am older...

10. Do you often find things reminding you of Quinn?
Melissa: Of course! my best friend works at Dairy Queen, and whenver she says "blah, blah blah DQ" my head turns and I'm like "DQ? huh?" and she thinks I'm crazy. There are plenty of other examples but I'd be here forever if I said them all.
Ivy: Pretty much everything reminds me of DQ one way or another. Some of the words that turn my thoughts to DQ the most are…Boston, Colorado, doctors, enthusiasm, Indians, saloon, the name Mike or Michael(man it’s hard to type that without adding an ‘a’)…ok this would be a long list too.
Kate S: Well, I have U.S. History this semester and I've come across stuff about the buffalo soldiers, the Pennsylvania Women's Medical College(?), Washita, Sand Creek, Custer...Also all the survey things that I answer where the question is what do you want to name your daughter cuz my first daughter is gonna be named Michaela...
Shelly: The Dairy Queen. Umm my last chapter in American history when it talked abotu C.S. and Pikes Peak.. umm wehn i abbreviate Cinnamon sugar--CS for Colorado Springs :)
Andi: Yes. Conversations with my friends, actually. They'd describe a situation with me, and one way or another, I'd be able to link it to an episode (or sometimes 2, 3, or 4...I know..that's sad!)
S S: Almost everything somehow processes itself in my mind to relate to Dr. Quinn (sad but true, haha...)
Nell: small things, such as books, or when I'm sewing historical costumes, or cooking. Or when I'm studing, or designing.
Gina: Paintings I see, the mountains all around me here, Indians at the reservation here, old buildings, old stage coaches on display, all sorts of things!
Hayley: I cant think of anything in particular. but when ever I have a problem I always use the saying “what would DQ do??” comes from a small song that my non-Dq friends made up….(U don’t want to know!)
Audrey: Too many things to quote them all ! but here is an exemple : one day, I had a class about the war between Indians and US army, and when the professor told us that Custer was killed at Little Big Horn, I couldn't help but say out loud : "bien fait!" which means "it served him right". The others in the classroom just sat a spell staring at me as if I were a speaking sausage! There's also the matter of my middle names, which are Micheline, derived from the same "root" that Michaela, and Regine, which means "queen". It does seem a bit farfetched, I know...
Caroline: Constantly! My little cousin is a constant reminder because her name is Michaela. Also whenever I see the word Quinn, Sully, “enthusiasm,” it’s getting darker, and doctors they remind me of DQ as well
Lea: well, I would say only Indian stuff, and long-haired men...
Elaine: Once in a while someone will say something that reminds me of something from DQ. I don't remember anything specific right now. And there's a llittle girl at our church named Michaela--I love that name!
Rebekah: too many to count! The most is my dog Snowball who I swear could be a take for Wolf and then there was the time I dressed up as Dr. Mike for Halloween ok I'm not getting into that one!

11. What is the strangest/oddest thing(or anything for that matter) you’ve done or are currently doing to feed your addiction?
Melissa: Well writing fanfics in all my spare time, running a website, talking to other DQ fans online, beggin my dead-beat dad for money so I can buy all the episodes on tape, planning a trip to Colorado Springs.
Ivy: Getting online to check message boards several times a day, spending countless hours reading fanfic, making my own DQ site, having DQ wallpaper and sounds on my computer, talking to(online) and emailing my dq friends more than my other friends, doing school projects on DQ, checking and reorganizing my video collection once a day, and thinking up things like this survey. But none of that would seem strange to you guys. I’m sure I’ve done several really odd or strange things(well that’s what it would seem to my family/friends) but I can’t really think of any at the moment.
Kate S: Oh geez...Well, I used to go to the regular mb nonstop but that's been put on hold for a while...I dream about Sully constantly, I changed my e-mail address, I tape all the episodes, if we're eating dinner late I have to finish it in a hurry and race upstairs to watch DQ, writing fan fiction, making a website despite the fact I know nothing about websites...did I leave anything out? Writing I love Sully everywhere including the message board in my dad's office which he's not too thrilled about...I think that's it. Sully's hot!! Lol...
Shelly: Watched WACIB like 3 times in a row.. or wait that may have been DEAD OR ALIVE
Andi: I think the stranges thing I've done was nearly (literally) have a heart attack b/c I forgot to set the VCR that night to tape DQ (it's either the strangest, or most serious)! Luckily, though, we were across the street from a hospital if something would've happened (but nothing did! My sister set it!)...um...
S S: Well, I’m in the process of convincing my parents to bring me to Paramount Ranch and Colorado Springs sometime soon. I also watch Dr. Quinn every night and have the scripts to a bunch of my favorite episodes practically memorized (which I’m sure every other die-hard DQMW fan has done as well). I once hogged a phone booth for a really long time while I looked in a Boston phone book to see if there were any members of the Quinn family living on Beacon Street. Everyone else probably thinks I do more strange things that I’m not really aware of.
Nell: I am annalizing the personality of each and every character to come up with a personality quiz, so I have all the names on stickly note cards and I keep moving them around to figure out what their personalities are. Would they be Introverted or Extroverted. . . etc. I have some figured out. . . Dr. Mike would be a ENTJ, while Sully would be a INFP, and Horce would be a ISTJ, and Cloud Dancing would be a INFJ.
Gina: Writing my fanfic! (hehehe) Talking with internet friends. Played hookey from work to stay home and read fanfic or watch DQ. Go to bed with hubby and then get back up to write or read fanfic. Buying DQ things on ebay! You name, I've probably done it!!! (hehehe)
Hayley: Well apart from the galloping round the quarry thing…errr…not much L
Audrey: - I'm sewing an ameliorated version of the Double Weddin Ring Quilt the womenfolk offered to Mike at her wedding shower; - I plan to name my fir stborn daughter Anne Michelle, if I have children.
Caroline: Well….I check out all the dq and any dq mb daily almost hourly if I’m bored and I am thinking of creating my own dq site and writing me own dq fan fiction. I am also begging my parents to take me to visit my uncle in California to visit the Paramount Ranch.
Lea: I used to watch the commercials all week end to get the first glimpse of the extracts announcing the next tuesday night episodes...and sometimes we bet on something with a friend depending on what we saw about the episode, like for Cattle Drive, we saw them kissing, and Like being half naked I bet they would "do it", and lost my money !!! But it was fun!!
Elaine: Since I only have the DVDs of Seasons 1 and 2, I can only watch those, so far, but I do watch them every single day possible. It's no trouble when my husband is at work, but even on the weekends, I try to "sneak in" one or two episodes while he watches something else downstairs. The strangest thing about it is: seeing how tiny and petite JS is, I cannot eat when I watch the show, so I've lost 8 pounds since September! (I need to keep losing, so I'm very anxious to get Season 3 to add more variety to my collection.) So I guess "feeding my addiction" is helping me to "NOT feed my face." LOL!
Rebekah: Well I actually started walking to grandpa and grandmas house when mom wouldn't take me there to see DQMW on saturday and I remember actually calling the hospital to remind them that night I was coming to watch DQMW with my grandpa! lol... Now I watch DQMW at least once a day and am currently working on a fanfic website of my own..

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Email: DrQuinnWriter@hotmail.com