Broken Reins

January-May 1887

Chapter 1
Katherine Sully sat on the bank of the creek staring into the frozen waters in front of her. The ground was covered in snow, but she didn?t seem to notice. This was the place she came to think. A little bad weather wasn?t going to stop her from trying to sort things out. Not when those matters were so serious.

Something was amiss in her life, and she just couldn?t figure out what. It was as if she was sinking and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn?t reach the surface. There was no good reason to be feeling this way. The second term of her last year of school had started. Her studies were going well, as they always had. Plans for college and a professional career were in the near future. So why was she so depressed, so alone, so lost?

It certainly wasn?t the idea of leaving Colorado. All her life she had dreamed of getting away, exploring new places, meeting new people. She loved her family dearly and would hate to be away from them, but the need for adventure kept calling her away. The good thing about voyages is that you could always return home afterwards. And that?s what Katie wanted to do. Be free to go where she wanted, do what she loved, and still have a loving family to come home to when she was tired of the road.

So why was she setting herself up for a long struggle of more school. She didn?t want to go to college. That was her mother?s idea. Michaela Quinn wanted the best for her children. She had seen three children off to college and another five well on their way to following that path. Even the young ones, who had years to go before thinking of such things, had expressed interest in continuing their studies. Most people would take their comments as those of little kids worshiping their elder siblings. Michaela however saw things differently. When one of her children said something about college, her ears perked up.

Growing up all Michaela Quinn wanted was to go to college and become a doctor. She did everything she could to reach this goal, even defying her mother?s wishes. Michaela?s father was the one person she could rely on. He always listened to her dreams. He always encouraged her to carry them out. Michaela simply wanted to do the same with her own children. When Matthew, Colleen, and Brian presented the idea of a college education, she did everything in her power to make it happen. Sometimes she interfered to the point that they started to resent her meddling. But it was all done in love. They all saw that and appreciated it in time.

Only Katie was having trouble seeing the love in her mother?s actions. She hadn?t done anything extreme as of yet, but just the little things she said and did made Katie feel trapped. Applications were due before Christmas for most colleges. Michaela had spent weeks before hand, almost the entire month of November, trying to help Katie with them. The young woman had trouble being motivated to put in so much work when she didn?t see the point in college.

Katherine Sully was perfectly happy the way things were. She spent as much time as she wanted with her friends. And in her spare time, she wrote plays and acted them out. She?d had roles in town performances since she was eight. Acting was what she loved. If things were prefect, that?s all she would do. Write and act. Perhaps one day she?d settle down with a young man and start a family. Currently however, she had no interest in that. This all went back to the hope of adventure. Acting would allow her to travel all over the country. She could join a production company and go to all the major cities to perform. And at the end of the show?s run, she could return home for some time before getting a new role. It all seemed so flawless. Just thinking about it made her heart leap.

The only problem with the plan was that Katie?s parents didn?t see the brilliance of her plan. Michaela especially wanted her daughter to go to college. It was Katie?s own fault for having once expressed interest in being a journalist like her older brother. True, she did love to write, but it was plays that she loved, not stories for a newspaper.

It might be beneficial to attend college. Get a degree so she could write professionally. Unfortunately, all she wanted to do at this time was act. Writing was important, but acting was the thing that made life worth living. Being up on that stage with everyone watching, knowing they were all there to see you, being able to be someone else. Writing her own plays could wait. If only she could convince her parents that college wasn?t what she wanted right now.

Katie?s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a twig snapping under the pressure of someone?s foot. She turned her head away from the still water of the creek and saw her best friend Samantha Bing standing behind her. ?I thought I?d find you here.? Sam said. ?Dr. Mike has been lookin for you for an hour now. She said you never came by the hospital after school. Have you been here this entire time??

Katie cleared away a pile of snow and invited her friend to join on her on the bank. Sam sat down, ignoring the cold wetness of the ground under her. Katie sighed softly, ?Yes I?ve been here. I didn?t see much reason to go. She was just going to tell me what I already know.?

Sam turned her head toward her friend. Her face showed the worry she wanted to express. ?Katie, those check-ups are important. Your ma wouldn?t insist on them if they weren?t.?

?She?s just being overprotective.? Katie said. ?I?ve been dealing with this for years now. I think I?d know if I was sick.?

?She just wants to be sure you?re alright.? Sam knew.

?I guess.?

Sam perceived that her friend was upset by more then a mere check-up. She placed her arm around Katie?s back and pulled her near. ?Somethin else on your mind??

?I?ve just been thinking.? Katie allowed her head to fall on Sam?s shoulder. She started forward back at the icy waters. ?Just thinking.?

With her extended hand, Sam began to stroke Katie?s hair comfortingly. ?About??

?College,? Katie grumbled.

?I can?t wait!? Sam beamed backing away from Katie. She looked at her friend seriously. ?I?m so glad Dr. Mike convinced my ma to let me go. I?ve been so bored ?round here this year. Bein out of school a year before you. It sure hasn?t gone well. I don?t want to get married yet and that?s about all an uneducated woman can do ?round here.?

?It?s about all a woman can do period,? Katie said.

?True. But times are changing. Look at your ma and your sister. They are both doctors, good ones with good jobs. They just go to show women can do more then cook and clean and have children.?

?Times are changing,? Katie agreed. ?But there are more things out there then marriage or college.?

?What do you mean?? Sam knew Katie quite well. They?d been best friends since they were both young. But sometimes Katie?s mind went places Samantha couldn?t fathom.

?Ma wants me to go to college. She doesn?t care much what I do, just so long as I do something with a college education. I?m sure she?d love it if I was a doctor, but science isn?t my thing. I leave that to Josef. Of course there are plenty of things I could do that don?t involve science?but they just aren?t me either. I?m good at math and history, and English too. I don?t know Sam I just don?t want to do any of it for the rest of my life.?

Sam knew where they were headed now, but she also knew that Katie needed to talk out her feelings. She led her companion on with questions that would allow her to sort her own feelings out. ?What do you want to do??

Katie stood then and began walking along the side of the creek. She picked up a twig from the ground and twirled it in her hand unconsciously as she spoke. ?There?s only one thing I can see myself doing. It?s the only thing I don?t ever get tired of.?

?Acting.? Sam knew. She too stood and followed her friend alongside the creek.

Stopping in her tracks, Katie turned and faced Sam. She snapped the twig in her hands; a spout of anger and frustration let go with the action. ?Yes acting.?

?So what?s the problem? You?re a terrific actress.?

?You don?t go to college to become and actress.? Katie said. ?Ma would never go for it.?

?You won?t ever know until you talk to her about it.?

?I just have this feeling that she won?t approve.?

?Dr. Mike loves the theater. She appreciates the talent of the actors and the writers, all the hard work they put into it. Remember what she said when we did Brian?s play? She said ?Everyone has a unique talent that will change the world somehow. Your talent is acting. You take people away from their own lives for a few moments and show them something they might not otherwise experience. Plays teach us something about life. It?s your job to teach it.? Do you remember Katie??

?I remember,? Katie said. ?But that was different. She was just trying to make us less nervous. She may think acting is important, but school is more so. She has always made me put school first. Plus she has her heart set on me going to college. I don?t know what she?d say if I told her I didn?t want to go.?

?Like I said, you won?t know until you talk to her.?

?Maybe I should just forget being an actress. It?s just a silly dream.?

?Don?t talk like that Katherine Sully! You?re miserable. You just told me you don?t want to go to college. You want to act. And Katie you?re good at it! Your ma was right back then, it is your talent. You?re a natural. Once you hit that stage?you can?t see yourself but I can tell?it?s as if you?re magically changed into your character. I won?t let you give this up. As your friend, I can?t.?

?Ma approved when I want to be a playwright.? Katie said, offering her other dilemma.

?But you would have to go to college for that.? Sam said.

?Well I wouldn?t have to.? Katie said. ?It would just make things easier.? She paused for a moment. ?Or I heard of this acting school in New York. I could go there and study theater.?

?Is that what you really want? To sit in classes for years in order to learn something you already know how to do??

?I don?t know it all Sam. I can sit down and write a play or jump onstage with a script and act it out, but there is more to the business then that. There are things I don?t know. A lot of education comes from experience, but some you need to be taught.?

?That?s all true.? Sam said. ?But it?s not what you want. I know you Katie. You want to get away from here but school isn?t how you want to spend the next few years.?

?No it?s not.? Katie said. ?But what choice do I have.?

Sam smiled. ?Katie you already know your other option.?

?Travel the country as an actress.?

?You have the opportunity, how can you pass it up??

?First I have to convince ma and pa to let me go to Denver.?

?They will. They have to.?

?It would mean I wouldn?t be going to college.?

?Only if you get a part.?

Katie feigned hurt. ?Are you suggesting I won?t??

?Of course you will,? Sam said. ?And you?ll go to college when you?re ready.?

?If only my parents will be as understanding as you.?

?They will be.? Sam said, placing a comforting arm around her friend. Together the pair began walking towards town. ?For now, please go see Dr. Mike. She?ll be ready to have a heart attack if you don?t.?

?Alright, alright.? Katie gave in. ?I?ll go. But if she tries to stick me with another needle, I?m running straight out of there.?

Sam laughed wholeheartedly. ?That I can deal with.?

Chapter 2
Katie and Sam arrived hand-in-hand at the hospital. Katie?s horse Thunder was trailing a ways behind them, led by the reins in Katie?s hand. One of the nurses came running out to them. ?Heavens child!? she said. ?Your mother is driving us all mad. You best get on up to her office before she has your head.?

Katie lowered her eyes and shook her head. ?Oh Marta you know how ma gets.?

?Yes and you?re the only one who hasn?t had to deal with her. Now get on up there.?

Katie threw her hands up in the air. ?I?m going!? Sam held back a moment. ?Oh Sam you?re coming with me. I?m not facing her alone.?

?But she?s your mother.? Sam complained.

?And you?re my best friend. She?ll be kind if you?re there.? When Sam again refused, Katie threw herself dramatically to the ground. On bent knees she threw her arms forward and grabbed Sam?s feet. ?Oh please dear Samantha,? She cried. ?Don?t make me face her alone. I beg of you, come with me!?

Helping her friend to her feet, Sam gave her a wink. ?Ya know, I told you ya were a good actress.?

?Does that mean you?ll come??

?She?ll only make me leave.?

?But if she knows you?re waiting outside, she?ll make it quick.?

?Fine I?ll come. But I can?t stay long. I?ll have to get home for supper soon.?

?She?ll be fast.? Katie smiled. She tied Thunder up and headed inside.

Despite her hopes, Katie would not get off so easily. When she and Sam arrived at the door to her mother?s office, she knocked softly. Dr. Quinn beckoned their entrance, and Katie pushed the door open. Michaela looked up and saw that her daughter had finally arrived. She practically jumped out of her chair and swiftly hurried to the child. ?Katherine Sully where have you been??

?Just down my the creek Ma.? Katie answered.

Michaela threw her arm dramatically toward the window to indicate the snow, which had again started to fall. ?In this weather??

?I wasn?t snowing then.?

?This all doesn?t matter.? Michaela turned to Sam who was standing quietly in the corner. ?Samantha, thank you for finding her. She?ll come find you tomorrow after school I?m sure.?

?Sure thing Dr. Mike.? Sam said, backing towards the door. She placed her hand on the handle. ?See ya tomorrow Katie,? she said softly before leaving.

When her friend had gone, Katie turned back to her mother. ?Honestly Ma, I didn?t think it would matter. These things are a waste of time.?

Michaela walked over to one of the cabinets that lined her office walls and took out a needle and a slide. ?Your health is a waste of time?? she asked, arriving back at her desk where Katie still stood.

?Ma, I?m fine!?

?I just want to be sure of that.?

?You can prick my finger and test my blood 20 times a day and you?ll never be sure. You?ll never let go. You will never let me be my own person. I know it?s just because you care do damn much??

Michael gasped at her daughter?s language. ?Katie!?

But Katie wouldn?t listen to the protest. ?Sometimes you care too much. One of these days you?re just going to have to let me go. I need to be on my own. I need to make mistakes and get sick. You cannot protect me forever.? With that, Katie walked out the door, leaving her mother standing in shock.

After she had gotten over the shock of Katie?s outburst, Michaela had packed up her things and gone home. She was greeted at the door by her four youngest children. Melissa started brushing the snow off her mother?s coat and then helped her take it off. Michaela hung the coat by the door and set her bag down. The twins grabbed her hands and led her into the living room. Serenity and Josef parted to let them by and then followed in. Christopher forced his mother into one of the wingback chairs while Melissa propped her feet on a stool. ?What is this all about?? Michaela asked her children who had now gathered at her feet.

?Serenity and I are making dinner!? Melissa beamed.

Michaela smiled at the nine-year-old girl. She was the spitting image of her mother, from her auburn hair to her different colored eyes, and even in regards to their stubborn dispositions. Somehow, both of her biological daughters had inherited that.

While Melissa continued to talk, Michaela took a moment to check over all her children. Melissa?s twin brother Christopher shared her hair color and was too very much like his mother in physical aspects. Their skin color, and the eyes, their facial features; but other then physical appearances, Chris was the complete opposite of his sister. She was the outgoing one, the social butterfly. Chris was more reserved, even around his family. On this occasion, while Melissa told her mother all the events of the day, he sat further back, thinking quietly of the things he would tell his mother when they were alone. He didn?t want to be the center of attention. In that way, he was a lot like his father.

Josef sat patiently in the other wingback chair, waiting for his little sister to finish speaking so that he might have his turn conversing with his mother. He was most like her in his love for science. Although he was only eleven, he had already decided that he would do something scientific with his life. Talking with his mother about animal anatomy was one of his favorite things to do. In personality, he was like Michaela, but in looks he matched his father. His hair was brown and curly, his eyes the same blue as Sully?s. If Sully had any photos of himself as a child, Michaela was certain they?d look exactly like Josef.

Serenity was the only one who didn?t look like Michaela and Sully, but no one would doubt that she was their daughter. Her hair was dark brown, almost to the point that it was black, and soft waves gave it body. Her skin was also dark, darker even then Sully?s natural tan. Considering her parents, this was no surprise. Serenity was adopted, the illegitimate daughter of an ex-slave and an aristocrat teenager who hd since grown into a fine young woman. Thirteen years before, Colleen and Andrew had asked Michaela and Sully to take in the baby girl. They did so gladly and treated her as one of their own. She fit in perfectly with the family, having a hint of Michael?s stubbornness and a great dose of Sully?s wilderness side. She was a Sully child just as much as Matthew, Colleen, and Brian.

But Michaela noticed that one of her children was not present in the living room that evening. She looked around again, but still did not see her. ?Where?s Katie?? she asked her younger children.

?She hasn?t been home yet.? Serenity answered. ?We figured she was with you.?

?She left the hospital before me.? Michaela said, mostly to herself. ?She should have gotten here before me as well.?

Serenity rolled her eyes. ?She?s probably off thinking again. That?s all she does is think.?

?There?s nothing wrong with that,? Michaela said. ?I only wish she wouldn?t do it in the snow.?

?She?ll be home ma.? Melissa assured. ?She always comes back.?

?Of course she will.? Michaela stood and took the hands of Serenity and Melissa. ?Now what do we have cooking??

?Just a casserole.? Melissa said as they came to the stove.

Michaela looked inside. ?Well it smells wonderful darlings.?

?Ma?? Serenity took a seat at the table.

Michaela turned from the stove and came to sit next to her daughter. She could tell there was something on her mind. ?What is it Serenity??

?When?s pa comin home??

Michaela sighed softly. She too was missing her husband. ?He should be home tomorrow sweetheart.?

?He?s been gone a long time.?

?I know he has. But you know how important his job is.?

?Can we fix something special for supper tomorrow??

?Fried chicken!? Melissa exclaimed, interrupting the conversation. ?Pa loves fried chicken.?

Melissa and Serenity both smiled. ?Fried chicken it is.? Michaela said. ?I?ll come home early to get it started.?

?They won?t need you at the hospital?? Serenity asked.

?Well I have no patients, and there are plenty of other doctors if an emergency should arise.?

?Can you pick us up from school?? Melissa hoped.

?If you like.?

?Oh good. It?s no fun walking home by ourselves.?

?But there?s five of you,? Michaela laughed. ?You can?t find something to talk about between you??

?There?s only four when Katie doesn?t walk with us.?

?That doesn?t happen very often.?

?Only every other day,? Melissa responded.

Michael tried to hide her concern and her anger. Now her suspicions that Katie was not only skipping her medical appointments but also certain responsibilities, were confirmed ?Well, there are still four of you. You can?t make the trip enjoyable.?

?We just like it better when you?re there.?

?I like that better as well,? Michaela smiled.

Just then, Josef came running into the room, Christopher was just behind him. ?Someone?s coming!? he cried.

Michaela rushed to the window and looked out. Through the snow that continued to fall, she could not make out who was approaching. She missed the vision of the rider as they slipped quietly into the barn, but seeing the horse being led inside, her nerves calmed. ?It?s just Katie.? She told her children. But she continued to watch out the window and the kids soon joined her in peering out. ?Oh that?s enough of that,? She said, brushing her hands nervously on her skirt. ?What are we getting ourselves worked up over??

?Katie sure is taking a long time to unsaddle Thunder,? Chris pointed out.

?She?s probably contemplating life,? Melissa said as she rolled her eyes. ?I don?t know what there is to contemplate. Katie?s got it all planned out. She?s gonna drive us all mad, but she does have it planned.?

?Or she?s being theatrical,? Josef scoffed.

?Now children, I won?t tolerate such talk. What have I told you about talking behind people?s backs??

?We are not to do it.? Chris answered. ?But I was only saying??

Michaela hushed him with only a glance. ?What your sister does is not your concern. If she wants to sit in the barn talking to the horses, that?s perfectly alright. You worry about yourselves.?

?Yes ma?am,? They all choused.

?That?s better. Now boys, set the table while the girls finish cooking. I?m going to go talk to your sister. We?ll be in to eat in a few minutes.? Michaela then grabbed her coat from the hook and went outside. Braving the continuation of the falling snow, she made her way out to the barn. She opened the door, fully prepared to see Katie brushing down Thunder. Therefore when she saw someone different standing alongside a different horse, she was more then surprised. Pleasantly surprised.

He hadn?t yet heard her come in, or if he did, he was pretending as if he didn?t. She went to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Leaning her head upon his back, she whispered to him. ?You?re early.?

Sully ran his hands over her arms. Without breaking her embrace, he turned around and kissed her. She shivered under the coldness of his lips. ?And you?re freezing.?

?I?ve been riding since before dawn. I wanted to get home as soon as I could.?

?I?m so glad you?re back.?

?We best get inside, before the kids come looking for ya.?

?Speaking of the children,? Michaela began. ?You?re eldest daughter has yet to arrive home.?

Sully immediately became worried. ?Where is she??

?Heaven only knows.? Michaela sighed. ?She was late coming by the hospital this afternoon. Then she stormed away from there quite angry with me. She hasn?t been home since then.?

?Maybe she just needed a little time to cool off. What was she angry about??

?I don?t really know. She said some things about letting her grow up and live her own life, but all I did was ask her to come by the hospital so I could check her sugar. There?s something more behind her frustrations. I can tell there is. I just don?t know what it is. There is something she?s not telling us Sully.?

?It?s not like Katie to keep secrets.?

?No it?s not.? Michaela and Sully stood in silence for a moment, contemplating the situation with their daughter. Michaela finally shrugged it off and suggested they head inside for dinner.

When they entered the house, the children did not notice their father?s presence. They all assumed that their mother had brought Katie in and therefore did not even think to look up. Michaela and Sully stood watching their children, not wanting to disturb their peace. However, when Serenity looked up from the stove to scold her sister on not helping with supper, she saw that her father was home. ?Pa!? she cried, running to greet him. ?We thought you weren?t coming home until tomorrow.?

?I finished early,? Sully said. By this time, all of the other children had come to welcome their father home. Sully hugged each one of them in turn. ?Smells like supper?s ready.? He grinned.

?We were just waitin for Katie.? Melissa said. ?She?s run off again.?

?Aww do we have to wait for her again?? Christopher complained. ?I?m starvin.?

?No we don?t have to wait for Katie.? Michaela conceded. ?But must I remind you of your manners young man??

?No ma?am.? Chris answered. ?I?m sorry.?

Michaela accepted the apology with a small nod of her head. ?Katie can eat when she gets home. There?s no sense in waiting if we don?t know when she plans on returning.?

With her mother?s permission, Serenity went to the stove to fetch the casserole. The other children took their seats at the already set table. Michaela and Sully too sat down for the meal. They were just finishing with grace when the front door opened. A burst of cold air swept through the room. The family all turned their heads and saw that Katie had come home.

Chapter 3
Katie quickly closed the door and hung her coat on the hook. She wanted nothing more then to avoid supper with her family and retreat to her room. But she knew better to tempt such a thing, especially after she saw that her father had returned early. Instead, she sat down in her place at the table and said a silent blessing over her meal. When she had finished, Serenity passed the pot to her so that she might serve herself. The family returned to their meal without saying one word to Katie.

As she ate, Katie could not work up the courage to look her mother in the eye. Although she had not said anything that she didn?t believe to be true, somehow, she did regret actually saying them. She had been raised better then that and she knew it was wrong to speak to her mother in such a way. If only she could make everyone understand without having to resort to sounding so harsh.

Michaela looked at Sully across the table. He could tell just by looking into her eyes what she was thinking. She wanted him to notice how odd Katie was behaving. But Sully didn?t need his wife to tell him something was wrong. He could see it in his daughter?s eyes. Somehow he would get to the bottom of her mysterious conduct.

However, before Sully could start up a conversation with his eldest daughter, Josef spoke up with his own discussion. ?Pa, now that you?re home, can we go to that stream to get some samples??

?I don?t know that the stream will be thawed enough at this time of year,? Sully said.

?The creek around here is frozen still,? Katie said. ?There?s no way a stream that high in the mountains wouldn?t be as well.?

?Perhaps in a few weeks,? Michaela suggested.

?I guess,? Josef sighed. ?I?m just tired of looking at that same things.?

?You know you?re more then welcome to come by the hospital and look at the study slides we have there,? Michaela told her son.

?I know ma,? Josef said. ?But I?ve already looked at those plenty. Besides, they aren?t live samples.?

?They?ll do till spring Joe,? Katie said, the harshness of her tone increasing every time she spoke.

?Katie, that?s no way to talk to your brother,? Michaela scolded.

?I?m just tired of hearing him complain. All he talks about is lookin at his creatures under that microscope. Some of us don?t care about those things.?

?Ma always says we should take an interest because we?re a family.? Melissa said. ?We should care about what the people we love are interested in.?

Katie just rolled her eyes. ?You would be the one to remind us of that. Too bad no one is interested in what I care about.?

?Katie what is wrong with you today?? Michaela asked, her brow wrinkling in concern.

Katie continued to pick at her food with her fork, avoiding eye contact with her mother by staring at the meal in front of her. ?What do you care??

?Why don?t you wait for your ma and me in your room,? Sully suggested.

?But I?m not finished eating.?

?Yes you are.?

It wasn?t often that Sully became so harsh with his children, but every once in awhile, it was necessary. He saw this as one of those times. Katie stood from her place and left the table without another word. Michaela too left the table, but felt it was too soon to continue the conversation with Katie. She went outside and stood on the porch, just waiting for something inside her to tell her what to do.

Sully stayed at the table with his other children until they had finished. He got them started with the clean up and then went out to get Michaela. ?Do you see what I mean?? she asked when he sat beside her.

?You?re right, she?s not being herself.?

?I just don?t know what to say to her anymore Sully. Everything I say seems to be the wrong thing.?

?You?re doing fine.? Sully reassured her. ?She?s just going through something we don?t understand yet.?

?We have to talk to her.?

?I figured it was better to do it in private.?

Michaela sighed softly. ?Let?s go.? She took Sully?s hand and together they went inside and up to Katie?s bedroom.

Michaela knocked softly on Katie?s bedroom door. When there was no answer, she knocked yet again. Katie gave in and beckoned her parents to enter. She knew that she would have to deal with them sometime.

When they entered the room, Michaela and Sully found their daughter sitting by the window staring out as if she was thinking so hard that she wasn?t thinking at all. Michaela walked over to the window and placed a gentle hand on her daughter?s shoulder. ?Katie, sweetheart. We need to talk.?

Katie continued to gaze out the window. ?I figured it was only a matter of time before y?all came up here.?

?You?ve been acting rather peculiar,? Michaela said. ?We?d like to know what?s going on.?

?And why ya haven?t come to talk to us before now,? Sully added.

Katie took a deep breath in and held it for several seconds. She finally turned to her parents and gestured to them to sit. They both sat on their daughter?s bed and waited for her to speak. ?All my life you?ve told me that I can do anything I set my mind to,? Katie began. ?All these years I?ve believed you. And why shouldn?t I? You?ve always made it possible for me to do the things I wanted. It?s just lately??

Pausing to collect her thoughts, Katie?s eyes returned to the window. She knew that out there lay infinite possibilities. How could she explain to her parents how she felt right then? Confined to a house where she was not free to live as she wished. Where there even words that could convey her feelings? How could she make them understand that although they had always tried to give her the world, that this idea was swiftly falling away.

Michaela placed a hand on Katie?s. ?Katie? What is it??

?Lately it seems that everything I do is wrong.?

With a gentle ease, Michaela turned her daughter?s head to face her. ?Sweetheart, you know we don?t think that.?

?Then why does it feel like you do?? By now, Katie had tears in her eyes. A few fell slowly, then more. ?I can?t cook well enough, I don?t eat right, I?m irresponsible and selfish, and I don?t want to go to college.?

?But you wanted to??

?No, I didn?t. I see the way you look at Matthew, Colleen and Brian. You?re so proud of them. And Josef?every time he looks through that microscope your eyes light up. I just wish there was something I could do to make you feel the same way.?

?Everything you do makes us feel that way.?

?You just haven?t found your path yet,? Sully said. ?When you do, we?ll support you in it.?

?And what if I have found my path? Are you saying that no matter what I say you?ll support my decision.?

?Of course.?

?I want to be an actress.?

Michaela and Sully did not know what to say. Of course they knew that Katie loved acting. She?d been doing it for years. She?d had the lead in the last two plays the town had put on and four at school. Besides the lead roles, she had a part in each play since she was seven. But what Michaela and Sully never realized was just how much their daughter enjoyed these performances.

?Maybe not forever.? Katie clarified. ?I might still decide to go to college. But for now I have to follow my heart. There are auditions in Denver next week. If I get a part in the performance I?ll be able to travel the country with the group. I could make a name for myself and really get my start.?

?Katie, you?re only 15. You can?t just run off to Denver to chase a dream.?

?Why can?t I? I?ll be 16 in only a few months. Colleen wasn?t much older then me when she went away to school. Why is her dream any different from mine??

Michaela had no argument for this. There shouldn?t be any difference. But deep in her heart she knew there was. She couldn?t explain it now, but watching Katie throw away college to become and actress was something she could not do. ?Colleen wasn?t much older then you. You?re correct about that. But she was older. I will not allow you to go to Denver now. Perhaps in a few months??

?In a few months the opportunity will be gone.? Katie shouted.

?Then you find something else.?

?You?re being so unfair. You?re just going to sit there and tell me I can?t do this simply because I?m not old enough? When you were growing up, it was perfectly normal for a girl my age to be married and expecting a child.?

?Times are changing.? Michaela said. ?I don?t expect you to understand where we?re coming from here, but you I do expect you to mind our decision.?

?You?re decision. As in both of you together? Pa hasn?t said one word.?

Michaela and Katie both turned to Sully then. He had been quiet, but not because he had no opinion. On the contrary, he agreed with Michaela full heartedly. She was doing a fine job without him so he had remained silent. ?I agree with your ma.? He finally said. ?Wait a few months. If you were meant to act, something else will come up.?

?I can?t believe you?re doing this! If I wanted to go to some medical thing you?d let me go.?

?Katie, that?s not true.?

?Yes it is. You want me to be like you but I?m not. And one of these days you?re just going to have to realize that.?

?Katie we??

?I don?t want to talk about it anymore. Please just leave me alone.?

Michaela and Sully knew that would get nowhere talking to Katie any further. The rest of this discussion would have to be held sometime when they were all a little calmer. They rose from their places and left the room quietly.

When her parents left, Katie left her spot by the window and headed to her bed. Without changing out of her clothes, she crawled under the blankets and let her head sink into the pillow. As she stared up at the shadows on the ceiling, she tried to keep her mind off the conversation with her parents.

But like everything difficult in life, this was one thing Katie could not avoid. It was just like a nightmare that she couldn?t shake. She had run through what she thought would happen a hundred times. Somewhere inside her, she knew that as soon as she mentioned the auditions, her parents would say it was a bad idea. She had prepared herself for weeks for the disappointment. Now that it had actually come, Katie couldn?t bring herself to accept it.

Somehow she had to change the way her parents felt. Somehow she had to show them that she was not only ready to be let on her own, but also that acting was the correct means to receive her freedom. Knowing her parents quite well, Katie realized that this would be no easy task. Whatever she did, it had to be perfect.

Thousands of ideas swept through her head as she continued to stare at the shadows. At some point, the moon had shifted positions in the sky, thus changing the positions of the shadows on the ceiling. They were now beginning to creep down towards the walls. How long she had been trying to come with a plan was beyond Katie?s knowledge. She was no longer paying attention to time or how tired she was. Now she was desperate for anything that would work.

And then it came to her. It was by far the most brilliant idea she had come up with. But would it work? She would need the help of a few people to pull it off. This did take away from her idea that she could prove her ability to make things work on her own. That was, however, a chance Katie was willing to take.

There also was the fact that in order to make the full plan work, she would have to lie and sneak. Katie was raised to know better then that, but again, it was something she had to do. She wasn?t proud that she had to resort to such means, but in all her thinking, she could not come up with a way around it. Katie was desperate to be an actress and if that meant she had to upset her parents once, then so be it.

Of course, she would have to ask Miss Dorothy. She would do that first thing in the morning. That was the first step. After that, things would simply fall into place. The citizens of Colorado Spring were in for more then they bargained for this Valentines Day. They were going to put on a play. The words of William Shakespeare would once again grace the lips of Katie?s neighbors. It was time again for Romeo and Juliet.

Chapter 4
Katie rose before her family the next day. She saddled Thunder and headed into town. She knew that Miss Dorothy would be working at the Gazette early today. Dorothy always went in early on Saturdays to get ready for all the work for the next week.

When Katie arrived at the Gazette, she tied up Thunder and let herself in. She made her way to the back of the building where Dorothy?s office was. After knocking softly, she let herself in. ?Good morning Miss Dorothy.? She said.

Dorothy sat behind her desk, one pencil behind her ear, another in her hand. In front of here were a dozen sheets of paper, no doubt articles she was editing. She looked up from her work and noticed Katie standing before her. ?Katie. What brings you here so early??

?I was wonderin if I could talk to you about something.?

?Of course dear.? Dorothy gestured for the girl to take a seat. ?What is it??

?I?ve been thinking?Well I know it?s only January and we usually do a play in the springtime?but I thought maybe, this year we could do it a little early.?

Dorothy could tell that Katie already had everything planned. She placed her pencil down on the desk and leaned back in her chair. ?What did you have in mind??

?Well it will be Valentines Day in just over a month. We could pull off Romeo and Juliet by then couldn?t we??

?Romeo and Juliet?? Dorothy asked. She thought a moment and added, ?We did that play?what has it been?17 yrs ago now. No one would want to do it again.?

Katie had planned for this and had already worked out what she would say as a rebuttal. ?But there are so many different people here now. I never got to see it, neither did Sam, or Serenity. I know plenty of people who would enjoy it. And you can not tell me that seein a play once is enough for a lifetime.?

Dorothy could see that the young girl was quite determined in her efforts. Not only that, but she began thinking about how excited she had been when they did Romeo and Juliet the first time. It had all began after seeing the play in Denver. She knew that people would love to see it again as well. ?It would be a lot of work.? She said. ?A lot of work that I couldn?t do myself.?

?I can help with whatever you need,? Katie volunteered. ?I?ll work every day after school and all weekend long.?

Knowing her best friend well, Dorothy?s thoughts turned to Michaela. She loved every play the town put on but was always very wary of the effect it had on Katie, especially Katie?s schoolwork. ?Your ma would have my head if this interfered with your school.?

?I won?t let it,? Katie pledged. ?It?s my last term anyhow. Work is hard to come across.?

?It?s a good idea Katie,? Dorothy finally admitted. ?What made ya think of it??

?Oh nothing in particular,? Katie lied. ?I just thought it would be fun.?

?Well we better get right to work then.?

That afternoon Dorothy and Katie made their way to the café, a copy of Romeo and Juliet in hand. Most of the town?s citizen?s had gathered for lunch. The perfect opportunity for the announcement had come. Dorothy stood in the center of the room and clapped her hands to get everyone?s attention. Once the crowd began to quiet, she began. ?Katie and I have decided to put on our play early this year.? Now, the entire café was silent. ?We?re going to do Romeo and Juliet on Valentine?s Day.?

The idea of the play done in Colorado Springs so long ago brought back mixed memories from the group. Some remembered all the good that came from the show, others recalled those they had lost since then, and the younger generation couldn?t remember anything. ?It?s the middle of winter,? Jake pointed out. ?You?re gonna do a play now??

?It?s the exact same time as last time,? Dorothy said.

?But there wasn?t a foot of snow on the ground then,? Jake replied.

?The stage will be covered,? Katie decided. ?And the seating are as well. Just like a real theater.?

?And how do you plan on doin that? There?s no place big enough.?

?The café is big enough,? Grace said. ?And now that we have part of it enclosed??

?It?s perfect!? Dorothy beamed.

?I?ll help with the costumes,? Emma offered. ?I?m sure with a little help I can have em ready in time.?

?I still have the Juliet costume,? Colleen said. ?It would only need a few alterations, depending on who got the role.?

?And there are some more at the mercantile.? Dorothy said. ?Loren was keeping em for me. The curtains too.?

?Well just let me know what ya need.? Emma said. ?I?ll get started soon as I can.?

?So when are auditions?? Sam asked.

?Monday afternoon in the meadow,? Dorothy announced.

Arriving at her sister?s homestead, Katie jumped off her horse and tied it to the front rail. She walked up the two steps and knocked on the door. Soft footsteps sounded inside. Moments later, Colleen appeared at the door. ?Katie,? she said, pleasantly surprised to see her little sister. ?What are you doing here??

?I was hopin I could talk to you.?

?Of course,? Colleen said as she opened the door wider. ?Come on in.? The two sisters walked to the Cook living room and took a seat in front of the fireplace. ?What did you want to talk about?? Colleen asked.

?Well you know I convinced Miss Dorothy to do Romeo and Juliet again this year??

?Yes, I heard something about that. I was there remember??

?Right. Well, I was thinking,? Katie began. She hesitated for a moment. ?I was thinking of trying out for Juliet.?

Colleen laughed at her sister?s uncertainty. ?Katie you?re Colorado Springs? resident actress. You?re almost guaranteed the role.?

?I don?t think so.?

?You?ve had the lead in plenty of our plays, and large roles in all the others, ever since you?ve been old enough. You?re a natural actress Katie.?

?You know everyone keeps telling me that,? Katie said, letting a half smile escape her lips.

?It?s true,? Colleen assured her.

?I don?t think ma and pa think so.?

?What are you talking about? They are so proud of you.? Colleen paused and took on a more serious tone. ?They?ve been through so much together. So much you might never know about. I?m sure there is plenty that I don?t know. So much of that was for you, or for one of us kids. They?d do anything for us.?

?I know that but?? Katie felt bad for opening up this conversation. She could tell that Colleen was trying to defend her parents, and doing so unnecessarily. Katie knew that Michaela and Sully loved her more that life itself, but sometimes they didn?t realize what their innocent words and actions meant to her.

?I?m not finished,? Colleen said. ?Even when ma was so sick she couldn?t walk, she was at you?re performance. You remember? They have never missed one of your shows. That has to say something about how proud they are.?

Now Katie was just frustrated. She knew all of this and was tired of being told. It only made her feel guilty about what she thought. Why couldn?t anyone else see what she saw: her parents interfering, though unintentionally, with her happiness. ?Then why don?t they want me to go to Denver??

?What?s in Denver?? Colleen asked, not knowing what was going on.

?There are these tryouts for a play?Oh Colleen,? Katie said dreamily. ?If I got a part it could be my chance to finally be an actress. I?d be able to travel with the company and perform all over the country!?

?What about college?? Colleen asked.

?I don?t know that I want to go. Not now anyway. I just don?t feel ready. Right now, I want to act. Maybe I?ll change my mind later, but I doubt that. Acting is the only thing in this world that I can see myself doing for the rest of my life. But ma and pa don?t see it my way. They don?t want me to live my dreams.?

?Oh Katie, I?m sure that?s not it.? Actually, Colleen knew that was not it. She had felt the same way about her parents years ago. When Michaela forbade her to go to the horse races, she felt she was being prevented from having fun. When she was afraid of never being able to learn everything for medical school, Michaela had incessantly made her practice, only making things worse in her daughter?s eyes. Colleen didn?t see this as help, but as being forced into something. No one wanted her to travel with Gilda St. Clair and Michaela initially had problems with her marrying Andrew.

There were plenty of times when Colleen felt that Michaela was trying to control her life, but soon after each incident, she realized that what Michaela Quinn did, she did out of love. What?s more, Colleen knew that her mother often realized that she had not been too controlling, but to rash in her thinking. Michaela and Sully weren?t trying to keep Katie from living her dreams. The problem was convincing Katie of this and getting her parents to lessen up on whatever they were doing that made her think that way. And to do it all before someone did something impetuous.

Colleen felt stuck, especially with Katie?s next statement. How could she make her understand?

?No?? Katie asked defensively. ?Then why won?t they let me go??

?They?re just tryin to protect you.?

?One of these days they?ll have to realize I?m growing up and can make my own decisions.?

?They will Katie. You just have to give it a little time.?

?I just wish there were something I could do to make them see that I know what I?m doing.?

?Katie you?re not thinking??

?No, I?m not gonna run away. Well not totally. I?m going to Denver Colleen. I can?t pass up this chance. I just can?t.?

?As your sister, I will help you out,? Colleen said. ?But you have to tell ma and pa. If they say you can?t go??

?Colleen they?ve already said no. But I have too.?

Colleen suddenly felt that she was going to be more involved in this then she cared to be. ?You came here to ask me to talk to them??

?No, I came here to ask you to come with me. Which I guess would involve talking to them.?

?I?ll do what I can.?

?Also?I was wondering?could you help me get Juliet??

Again Colleen laughed, lightening the pervious stress that had hung over the conversation. ?Oh Katie, you don?t need my help with that.?

?Sure I do. I have to get the part. So they?ll see that Denver isn?t such a bad idea.?

?What can I do??

?Tell me how you got the part last time.?

?Well I don?t know how much help that will be,? Colleen said. ?I didn?t get the part. My best friend Becky did.?

?But you have the costume,? Katie replied. ?I thought?.?

?I can?t believe you?ve never heard this story,? Colleen mused. ?Well I guess I should start at the beginning.?

?I know a little.? Katie said.

?But you don?t know about me and Becky.?

?I don?t remember her.?

?You were still so young when she died.?

?But she was your best friend.? Katie said, remembering other stories her older sister had told her.

?That?s right. And I have yet to find a better friend.?

Colleen then began to tell her little sister the events of the first production of Romeo and Juliet in Colorado Springs. After the short tale, Colleen walked in the direction of the second floor. ?Come with me,? She told Katie. The two sisters went upstairs and into the spare bedroom of the Cook homestead. Colleen went over to a chest that sat in the corner. ?These are Becky?s things.? She said, running her hand over the soft brown wood. ?The ones her family thought I should have anyway.? Colleen opened the lid to the trunk and both sisters looked inside. The items meant nothing to Katie, but to her sister, they meant everything. They held all the memories of her best friend. Katie watched as her sister picked up a small jewelry box. Inside were two very important objects. Becky?s half of the friendship necklace and Colleen?s lucky stone. She took out the stone and handed it to Katie. ?This is the stone I was telling you about. I want you to have it.?

Katie began to protest. ?But Colleen, it means so much to you.?

?Of course it does,? Colleen said. ?But it means more to me to see my little sister happy. And if you think it will do any good, then I want you to have it.?

Katie leapt into her sister?s arms. ?Oh Colleen! Thank you!?

Colleen then took the soft green material of Becky?s Juliet costume and held them in front of Katie. ?I don?t think we should have to do too many adjustments on this.?

?I haven?t gotten the part yet,? Katie reminded her.

?No, but you will,? Colleen said with confidence.

?And ma and pa??

?Will be in the front row cheering you on. Just like every other performance of yours.?

Katie sighed to herself. Why couldn?t she just believe what her sister said? Why was everything suddenly becoming so complicated?

Chapter 5
Katie stood in front of her mirror, carefully examining herself. She took the costume hat Colleen had given her and placed it carefully on her head. After securing it with a few pins, she spun around, making sure it would stay. She smiled at her reflection, feeling even more certain that the role of Juliet would be hers.

Taking the glass that sat on the nightstand, she began reciting lines. ?Stay, Tybalt, stay! Romeo, Romeo, Romeo?here?s drink. I drink to thee.? Katie collapsed onto the bed for a moment, then got up and began a new scene. ?Oh Romeo, Romeo. Where for art thou Romeo??

Michaela stood outside her daughter?s bedroom, her head plastered to the door. She hadn?t meant to pry, but when she heard the words of Shakespeare sounding from behind the closed door, she couldn?t help but stop and listen. She smiled momentarily at the thought of her daughter in another play. How she loved to see Katie up on that stage, displaying her obvious talent.

However, the smile that crossed her lips didn?t last long. Michaela quickly remembered what Katie had said just a few nights before. She wanted to go to Denver for a chance to be a professional actress. It wasn?t that Michaela had anything against theater or the people who devoted their lives to it. On the contrary, she had every respect for their talents. But Katie was her little girl, and she wasn?t ready to give her up to that kind of life. Perhaps in a few months?or years?

Yes, Katie was growing up. Michaela could see that in the way the young woman handled herself around adults, the gentleness she had around children, the devotion to school and town activities. But in other ways, she saw a young girl, rebelling against authority, neglecting her own well being, forgetting the simplest tasks. To Michaela, these were signs that Katie wasn?t ready to be on her own.

Having Katie in Colorado Springs for a little longer, and then allowing her to go to college was the only solution Michaela saw. Perhaps then, she would forget the idea of doing acting professionally. Katie would, of course, continue to act for fun, but the insecurity of a young, unmarried actress in the world they lived in was too much for Michaela to comprehend.

While Michaela was throwing around all of these ideas, she failed to notice that Sully had come up beside her. He looked at her for a moment until she turned her head toward him. She could tell by his look that he wanted to know what she was up to. She didn?t even bother to explain why she was eavesdropping; she just looked at him and sighed. ?Do you remember when Colleen was trying for the part of Juliet?? she asked.

?Course I do,? Sully said, still trying to figure out what his wife was getting at.

?She never hid it from us Sully. She was always so proud.?

?Is Colleen trying out for Juliet?? Sully asked, quite skeptical that such a thing would happen. Colleen had not acted in another town performance after Romeo and Juliet. She said it didn?t feel right without Becky backstage with her.

?No,? Michaela answered. ?I think Katie is.?

?Wouldn?t surprise me. She loves bein on stage.?

?But she?s being so secretive about it. With all the other plays, she was so open?like Colleen was.?

?They?re different girls,? Sully pointed out. ?Maybe Katie?s just ain?t comfortable practicin for us.?

?She?s done it before.?

Ever the voice of reason, Sully pointed out the obvious reason for Katie?s actions. ?But right now, Katie thinks we?re against her.?

?I?m not against her acting,? Michaela said, felling the need to defend herself. ?I just don?t think she?s ready to leave home, especially to pursue a career in which her future is so uncertain.?

?I know how you feel Michaela,? Sully insisted. ?But if we?re going to get through this without Katie resenting our actions, we have to look at it through her eyes.?

?What do you mean??

?We weren?t exactly supportive of her acting a few nights ago. Although we both know that we?re only looking out for her, she doesn?t see it that way. She sees it as an attack on her and what she loves. So we gotta make sure she trusts us.?

?I don?t know how to do that.?

?We gotta show her we?re not against actin.?

?But I?m not. I?m only??

?Michaela, I know. And Katie does too. She smart enough to see how hard we?ve worked so that she can act. Right now she?s just bein a teenage girl who wants to break away and live her life.?

?I just wish we could slow her down a little.?

?All we can do now is let her know that we support her in this play. We?ll just have to work from there.?

?We can?t force her,? Michaela knew. ?To be someone she?s not.?

?No, but until she?s sixteen, she does have to listen to us.?

?Dorothy said tryouts are tomorrow. Would you come watch her with me??

?Of course I will.?

The next morning, the entire family was together for breakfast, a rarity as of late. However, no one was talkative and they ate most of the meal in silence. Michaela took the obvious way out of the quiet and brought up the play auditions. ?Is everyone going to the auditions today??

?We?re getting out of school after lunch so we can all go,? Melissa said. ?Everyone is so excited.?

Serenity made known the one bit of information, weather or not Katie was trying out. ?Ben and Katie are trying out together,? she said. ?She wants to be Juliet.?

?That?s a high goal,? Michaela said. ?Who else is trying for the part??

?Can?t we talk about something else?? Katie asked, lowering her head so as not to face her parents or siblings. She was thrilled about the auditions, but knew that the more they were talked about the better the chance that Michaela or Sully would bring up her idea of a career in acting. Once that was brought up, it was a given that they would be disapproving and end up ruining the day.

But the family would not drop the subject. ?Not too many,? Chris said. ?I think Emma, Sam, and a few other girls from school.?

?Sam isn?t,? Katie explained. ?She?s not trying out at all.?

?It should be interesting to watch,? Michaela said. ?I remember last time??

?We don?t want to hear it ma,? Katie interjected. ?We know the story, you?ve told it a thousand times.?

?I want to hear it,? Josef said. ?Tell us about Hank changing his lines.?

?That?s not about the tryouts silly,? Melissa said. ?Tell us about that ma, what happened then??

?Well there isn?t much to tell,? Michaela began. ?The tryouts all ran rather smoothly now that I think about. It?s what followed that was a little more exciting.?

?What about when we did A Midsummer Night?s Dream?? Serenity asked. ?Didn?t something happen during those tryouts??

?Well that was the year that someone caught buckets full of frogs and brought them to the meadow. You couldn?t take two steps without running into one. The tryouts were a nightmare to say the least. We had to move to the café just to get through everyone.?

?Let?s hope no one pulls that again,? Chris said. ?I would hate to have to be the one to get them all back to the creek.?

?Yes, it was quite a task,? Michaela remembered.

?Did you ever try out for a play ma?? Josef asked.

?No, Joe, I never tried out. There was too much keeping me busy. But I did end up in a number of productions, for various reasons.?

?Everyone was sick for Romeo and Juliet and you had to be the nurse.? Katie said knowingly. ?We know.?

?Katie don?t talk to yer ma like that,? Sully scolded.

?Well why can?t we just drop this like I asked. You?re just pretending to be interested so that I think you aren?t against me actin. But I know better. Why don?t you just say what you are really thinking? Don?t hold up false pretences just because the kids are around.? Katie stood for a moment, waiting for a response from her parents. After that outburst there was sure to be some punishment to follow. When they said nothing, she picked up her skirt and headed out the door.

Sully looked up at Michaela and saw that a few tears were threatening to fall. ?I?ll go talk to her,? he offered.

?No,? Michaela insisted. ?I?ll go.?

After grabbing her coat as well as Katie?s, Michaela went out the door. She found Katie sitting on the porch swing, tears in her eyes as well. Michaela sat down next to her, draping the coats around their shoulder. Katie went to shake hers off but decided she really was cold so kept it around her. The younger children flocked to the door, but Sully quickly got them back to the table to finish their breakfasts.

?If you?re going to be upset, go ahead and get it over with,? Katie said, forcing herself to stay upset so that she wouldn?t get angry and say yet another thing she would regret.

?No, I think that you already know what you said in there is wrong. Telling you that again would only make matters worse. What I want to know is why you said it.?

?Because it?s true!? Katie said, forgetting her attempt at calm.

?What?s changed here Katie?? Michaela asked, her face stricken with concern over her daughter. ?Why all of a sudden have you turned against me??

A tear slipped down Katie?s cheek before she could respond. She quickly wiped it away and turned to her mother. With all seriousness she said, ?You turned away from me first?

?Is this because I said you couldn?t go to Denver? Because you started acting like this long before you even brought that up.?

?It?s not just Denver,? Katie cried. ?It?s everything. I just feel like nothing I do is good enough for you. I?ve felt like that for a long time.? Katie lowered her head a moment but then raised it quickly. ?But you didn?t see it did you? Even when I said something you didn?t see it. Did you not here what I said the night I told you about the tryouts in Denver? Did you listen to anything besides that??

?I?m asking you to tell me now?specifically?what is going on that you feel so hostile towards your father and I??

?All you?ve done my entire life is treat me like a child. I?m tired of you chasin after me so I get the right medical care. I?m tired of not bein allowed to do things because it might make me sick. I?m tired of you spending more time with Josef because he likes scientific things and I don?t. You?ve always said I can do anything I want with my life but when it comes time that you honor that, you treat me as if I were a baby in the cradle. Only I?ve grown up now and you don?t realize it. Things change ma and you?ve gotta except that. I?m not your little girl anymore. I need to be out on my own, away from here.?

?Katie, I?m sorry if you?ve ever felt neglected or that I?ve been overprotective. Perhaps sometimes I am, but it?s only because I love you so much. I?m sorry that you think I am against you acting because I?m not. Seeing you up on that stage makes me so proud. I just cannot allow you to do something that I think is wrong.?

Katie stood from her place behind her mother and headed to leave the front porch. Before she reached the last step, she turned back, ?That?s not up to you to decide anymore.?

Chapter 6
That afternoon the meadow was full of action. The entire town had showed up to show support for the eager ones trying for parts. Those people who were trying out for the play were scattered around the snow-covered meadow trying both to keep warm and practice their scenes.

?Who ever decided to do this outside in the middle of January must have had some fool thoughts runnin through their heads.? Jake walked up to Dorothy as he said this, his hands stuffed deep into the pockets of his coat, hoping to keep them warm.

?Where else would you suggest we do it?? Dorothy asked him.

?I don?t know, the church? The indoor café. Heck do it at the hospital. Anywhere but out in the cold.?

?The church is too small and the hospital doesn?t have enough open space. We?re doing the play in the café so Robert E. and Sully are doing repair work and stage building in there. With all their tools and the wood?there just isn?t enough room right now. Sides, everyone can stand a little cold.?

?Plus, it?s good for business,? Grace said bring Jake and Dorothy mugs of hot chocolate. ?Drink up,? she instructed. ?Else you?re gonna freeze for sure.?

Dorothy took a sip of the warm cocoa and set the mug down next to her. She took her copy of the play and called everyone?s attention. ?I want to thank everyone who came out to try for a part,? she began. ?We?re gonna try and do this as quickly as possible so when I call your name, just come over here and do the scene you?ve chosen. Any questions?? everyone remained quiet. ?Alright then, we?ll start with Ben and Katie who have asked to tryout together.?

Katie walked swiftly over to the area Dorothy had set up for tryouts. Ben followed hesitantly behind her. ?You sure you want me to do this with you?? he asked quietly. ?I might mess up your chances.?

?Sure I?m sure. You?ll be great.?

?If you say so.?

?Trust me,? Katie whispered, planting a small peck on her friend?s cheek. ?Just do what we practiced. You?re a natural.?

With Katie?s vote of confidence, Ben sucked in his chest and started the scene.

When they were through, Katie and Ben took a bow and headed off to join the crowd watching the other competitors. Hank and Jake took the makeshift stage and acted out on of the key fight scenes while Grace and Emma did a scene between Juliet and the nurse. When the last person finished, Dorothy called them all around and announced her further plans for the show. ?I?ll have the roles decided tomorrow and we start practices right away. We only have a few weeks before Valentine?s Day and everything will have to be just right. For anyone who didn?t tryout, we?ll need your help with costumes and the set. I?ll see you all tomorrow morning.? With that, Dorothy headed back to the Gazette office and began pondering her decisions.

The next morning the town gathered outside the Gazette, waiting for Dorothy to come out and announce the roles for the play. Mummers fluttered amongst the people, speaking of the shoo-ins and hopes for certain roles. Katie and Sam held their hands tightly together, wishing things would just hurry up. Ben stood behind them, offering his support to Katie. Dorothy finally emerged with a pad of paper in her hands. ?I spent all night puzzling over this list,? she began. ?We have a lot of talent in this town and it was a hard decision. But I think we have an excellent cast.? With that, she tacked the list into place on the post and left the town to read without her presence.

Matthew stepped up to read the list. He started at the bottom, with the less important roles, so as to build suspense. ?Jake got Sampson,? he revealed. ?Emma, you?re the nurse.?

?What did Andrew get?? Colleen wanted to know.

?I?m sure I didn?t get anything,? Andrew said. ?I told you I shouldn?t have tried out.?

?Actually you got Mercutio,? Matthew said. ?And Daniel is Benvolio.?

?What?d I get?? Horace asked eagerly.

Matthew scanned the list, finally finding the telegraph operator?s name. ?Horace, you?re Lord Capulet,? he paused a moment and added, ?And Myra is Lady Capulet.?

?Oh no,? Hank protested. ?Myra ain?t playin his wife.?

?I don?t think that?s for you to say Hank,? Horace said. ?It?s Dorothy?s decision.?

?We?ll see about that.? Hank walked away from the crowd, pulling Myra along with him. He followed the road in the direction Dorothy had left in, finally finding her at the café, watching over the construction. ?Dorothy we gotta talk,? he said angrily.

?What?s the problem Hank??

?Your cast list. You gotta change it.?

Dorothy looked at him, confused. ?But I thought you would want to play Tybalt again. You were so wonderful last time.?

For a second, Hank was flattered. ?I got Tybalt?? he asked proudly.

?You didn?t know??

?We didn?t get that far,? Myra interjected.

?Then what is the problem?? Dorothy asked.

?You got Myra here married to Horace in that play.?

Dorothy acknowledged the truth of the statement. ?That?s right.?

?Well you gotta change it,? Hank insisted.

?Hank my casting is final. Unless someone gets sick, heaven forbid we go through that again, then all roles are as I set them.?

?Then you better consider Myra sick cause I ain?t letting her play that role.?

?You ain?t lettin me?? Myra asked, placing her hands on her hips in defiance.

?You?re my wife now, not his.?

?Hank it?s a play!?

?Then maybe Horace and I should switch roles.?

Hank turned to Dorothy with the suggestion, but she refused. ?With all respect for Horace, he?s not right for Tybalt. That?s your role Hank.?

?Then I guess you just lost yourself two roles. Cause Myra ain?t doin it and neither am I. ?Less of course you move Horace or get him to quit.?

?Hank, please we need you,? Dorothy begged. ?And Myra.?

?She?s not playing his wife.?

Myra could not stand the battle any longer. She would not allow Hank to rule over her. ?Hank, I?m going to be Lady Capulet and there is nothing you can do to stop me. Either you suck up your pride and be Tybalt or excuse yourself from the play altogether. Horace will be my husband in the play and the play alone. You?re the one I?m married to now. Though for life of me I can?t see why at this moment.?

Myra left Hank and Dorothy starring while she returned to the crowd outside the Gazette. Hank stood there for a few minutes before walking back to the saloon. He stood outside, leaning against a post, watching everyone read the remaining parts.

?Grace and Robert E. are the Montagues and Hank is Tybalt.? Matthew read.

?I guess all that?s left is Romeo and Juliet,? Colleen said.

Matthew just looked at the list and back at the crowd a few times, building up the suspense as they waited for the lead roles to be announced. ?Come on Matthew,? Katie whined. ?If I didn?t get it, just tell me?I can take it?I??

?Whoa, calm down little sister,? Matthew said. ?You got Juliet.?

?I did?!? Katie exclaimed, a small squeak escaping her voice as she did. ?I got Juliet??

?That?s right.?

?Ahh!!? Katie jumped up and hugged her brother and then Colleen, Myra, Jake, and finally Sam. ?I can?t believe it!? she cried.

?Well believe it,? Sam said. ?Didn?t I tell you there was no contest??

?Who got Romeo?? Katie asked, still caught up in the excitement.

?Romeo will be played by Ben.? Matthew finally said, finishing is role as announcer.

?Me?? Ben asked, astonished. ?You sure you read that right Matthew??

?Sure as can be.? Matthew responded.

Ben remained silent then, but others in the group were not going to keep quiet. ?Ben can?t be Romeo,? someone said. ?He?s?well he?s??

?What,? Robert E. prodded. ?He can?t be Romeo because he?s black??

?Well, it just wouldn?t look right, him and Katie.? Jake said.

?I think it?s a wonderful idea,? Andrew said. ?It adds something else to the play. Not only is it about love that goes against family lines, but also against race.?

But Jake and others continued to protest. ?That ain?t the kind of thing we want to be sayin.?

?I don?t think that?s for any of you to say,? Matthew spoke up. ?You didn?t want Grace and Robert E. in the play last time either, but they were and they?ve been in every show we?ve done since then. Why shouldn?t Ben get a chance if he wants to??

The crowd shushed for a moment. ?Aww fine,? Jake said. ?Let him be Romeo.?

Ben finally got his tongue back after all of that, and was more then hesitant to take the role himself. ?But I was just helping Katie. I figured I?d just get one of those tiny roles where you don?t gotta talk. I didn?t?? he stopped there, not really knowing what else to say.

?Oh this will be so exciting!? Katie said. ?Playing opposite one of my best friends.?

?But that means?I have to kiss her.?

?I think Miss Dorothy is trying to start a tradition,? Matthew laughed.

?What do you mean?? Ben asked.

?Well,? Matthew began. ?When I was Romeo, I didn?t want it either. And I was worried about kissing Colleen when she was going to be Juliet.?

?But she was your sister,? Ben said.

Matthew nodded. ?Exactly.?

Ben began to calm down. ?I guess it wouldn?t have to be a real kiss.?

?We better start practicing our lines,? Katie said. ?Practices start tomorrow.?

The crowd began to disperse from their gathering to their various homes and workplaces. Everyone was bubbling with excitement over the play and all that went along with it.

Michaela arrived home late that evening after being caught delivering a baby at the hospital. When she finally got out of the snowy Colorado weather, she found her family all sitting around the fire talking excitedly amongst themselves. She smiled to herself and hung her coat up. They still had not noticed her presence. Michaela then saw that Matthew, Julie, Colleen, Andrew, and all of their children were also at the homestead. She made her way around the kitchen, seeing that dinner had been eaten and the dishes washed.

?Did you hear something?? Michaela heard Christopher ask.

Sully turned around and saw his wife in the kitchen. ?You planning on join the celebration?? he called to Michaela.

The doctor smiled again and went to stand behind him. She placed a kiss on his lips and then turned to the rest of her family. ?What are we celebrating?? she wondered.

?Katie got the lead in Romeo and Juliet!? Serenity cried.

?Oh Katie that?s wonderful!? Michaela went to her daughter and embraced her. ?I?m so proud of you.?

Melissa giggled ?And she has to kiss Ben!?

?He?s Romeo,? Katie explained.

?Sounds like it will be quite a show,? Michaela mused. ?I just hope nothing happens like last time.?

?We?ve done plenty of shows around here since then,? Katie said seriously. ?There?s no reason to think anything will go wrong now. It?s been years since anyone had to be replaced because of illness.?

?But you have to admit,? Julie joined in, ?Things do tend to get rather crazy around here when Dorothy puts on a play. At least, that?s been my experience.?

?Something does usually go wrong at some point,? Colleen admitted.

?But Dorothy manages to make things run smoothly by show time.? Michaela finished.

?What kept you so long?? Sully finally asked.

?Mrs. Duncan had her baby, a little girl.?

?Oh, I can?t believe I missed it,? Colleen said. ?How are they??

?Doing wonderfully.? Michaela beamed. ?Now why don?t we have some pie to celebrate the play??

?Actually, I think I?m going to head to bed,? Katie said, rising from her place by the fire. ?I promised Ben I?d meet him before school to start working on our lines.?

?Perhaps tomorrow then,? Michaela said as she watched her daughter climb the stairs to her bedroom.

Chapter 7
The first week of tryouts went off without much trouble. Ben and Katie, having already done most of their work together, were well on their way to making Romeo and Juliet come alive. Hank had agreed to play Tybalt, mainly because he needed an excuse to be so close, to watch over Horace and Myra. Everyone else was slowly learning their lines. By the end of the first week Dorothy had moved them all from separate practices around town to joint readings on the nearly completed stage.

Daniel and Andrew were in the middle of a scene between Benvolio and Mercutio. ?I pray thee, good Mercutio, let's retire: The day is hot, the Capulets abroad, And, if we meet, we shall not scape a brawl; For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring.?

Andrew followed, ?Thou art like one of these fellows that, when he enters the confines of a tavern, claps me his sword upon the table, and says 'God send me no need of thee!' and by the operation of the second cup draws him on the drawer, when indeed there is no need.?

After this line, Dorothy called for the scene to end. ?Alright, that?s enough for today.? Dorothy called. ?Keep working on your lines. We?ll start here again tomorrow.?

Daniel and Andrew left the stage. Katie closed her book and walked out from behind the curtains and then down the stairs on the right side of the stage. She was met there by Sam who smiled excitedly. ?You were wonderful!? she exclaimed.

?That wasn?t even my scene.?

?No but I saw you before that. And you were wonderful.?

Katie grinned weakly. ?Yea I guess.?

?You?re upset,? Sam knew. ?Did I miss something??

?The auditions in Denver are tomorrow,? Katie said.

?Oh I can?t believe I forgot!? Sam cried. ?Are you nervous??

?I?m not going.?

?Not going?! Why not??

?Ma and pa said I couldn?t go. I thought they would change their minds, but they haven?t. They just can?t see how happy I am when I act. They pretend like they do. They say how proud of me they are. But they still said I can?t go to Denver.?

?Katie you have to! It?s the chance of a lifetime! You said so yourself.?

?I know what I said. But I can?t just disobey them.?

?Your ma disobeyed her ma plenty of times.?

?That?s different. She was a grown woman.?

?Now you?re just making excuses. The Katherine Sully I know would already have her train ticket.?

Katie pulled something out of her pocket and handed it to her friend. ?I already do.?

?Then you?re going.?

?I?m supposed to baby-sit the twins so they don?t have to go to Josef?s concert.?

?I?ll do it,? Sam offered.

Katie then pulled a second ticket out of her pocket. ?I was hoping?you?d go with me.?

Sam took the second ticket and eyed it nervously. ?Ma won?t be too happy about that.?

?So I?m supposed to disobey my parents, but you won?t??

?I didn?t say that.?

?So you?ll go with me??

?Of course I will. But who will watch the twins??

?I?ll ask Colleen.?

?Isn?t she going to the concert??

?Oh that?s right. Ok, then Miss Grace.?

?Ben?s playin too.?

?We could take the twins with us,? Katie suggested.

?They?d be sure to tell.?

?They would.?

?I could get Ella Thompson to do it if we did her history.?

?Perfect,? Katie smiled.

Michaela stood at the foot of the stairs. She tried once again to get her oldest daughter to join the family. ?Katie it?s time to leave! Are you coming??

Katie peeked her head around her door so her mother could see her. ?Give me five minutes ma! I?ll be down,? the girl then disappeared back into her room.

Michaela sighed and turned to Sully. ?What are we going to do with her??

?She?ll be down.? Sully insisted.

Michaela walked over to the kitchen table where Sully was drinking his coffee. She sat down next to him and looked back to the stairs. ?She?s been late getting ready three times already this week.?

?Maybe you outta just let her be.?

?She?s turning 16 in a matter of months. She shouldn?t be behaving like this.?

?Like what? Bein late??

?Sully you know it?s more then that. She?s late, she doesn?t do her chores, she?s always sneaking off without permission.?

?Seems this is a pretty normal thing for kids her age.?

?What do you mean??

?Remember how Colleen acted right after we got married??

?Of course but??

?It?s the same thing Michaela. Katie?s grownin up. You gotta let her decide how she want to live her life. If she wants to be late and go off with her friends, you gotta let her. You and try and stop it and she?ll only pull away more.?

?Like Colleen.?

?Just like that. She ran off to those races only because you told her not to.?

?Only Colleen only wanted to go out with her friends more often. Katie is far worse. You know as well as I that things aren?t good. Her attitude towards us is atrocious. I?m worried that she?ll do more then race horses.?

?So am I Michaela,? Sully revealed. ?That?s why we have to keep letting her know we aren?t against her. It?s the best we can do.?

Just then, Katie came racing down the stairs. She grabbed a muffin off the table and headed out the door. She stopped with one hand on the doorframe. ?I?ll be home late,? She said.

Before she could leave, Michaela said, ?Katie, you?re brothers and sisters are waiting for you to take them to school and you will not be home late because you are watching the twins while we are at Josef?s concert.?

?But ma, I have plans. Can?t you take the kids with you??

?They don?t wish to go, and I?m not going to force them. You agreed to this weeks ago Katie.?

?But Sam and I were goin??

?Going where?? Sully asked. When she didn?t answer, Sully became stern. ?Katherine Sully, where??

Katie couldn?t lie to her parents. In a tiny voice, she squeaked ?Denver.?

?You were going to Denver without telling us?? Michaela asked, trying to keep her anger in check. ?What on earth would possess you to do such a thing??

?I knew you wouldn?t let me go even if I asked. But I couldn?t pass up this opportunity.?

?Katie what are you talking about?? Sully wondered.

?There?s this audition??

Michaela sighed. ?Katie we?ve been through this.?

?No you?ve been through this.? Katie said. ?You talk and I listen. That?s how it always goes. I haven?t gotten any say whatsoever.?

?Katie I just,?

?No ma, I?m going to talk now. I have been actin as long as I can remember. I just can?t get away from the stage. It?s my life, my love. I have a chance to make something of my talent?to be able to do what I love for the rest of my life. How can you sit there and tell me I can?t do it? ?

?Katie acting isn?t a profession, it?s a hobby.?

?You?re bein just like Grandma when she said you couldn?t be a doctor.?

It was time that they were told.

?Acting is the only thing in this world that I enjoy.? Katie continued. ?I don?t like science or history or mathematics. I don?t want to spend the rest of my life studying deer or trees or the history of the railroad. All I want to do is act.?

Michaela was the first to try and persuade her daughter that this choice of careers was not what she really wanted. ?Katie, acting isn?t a profession. If you?re saying you want to give up college in order to??

?That?s exactly what I?m saying.? Katie interrupted.

?And if you don?t get into the show??

?Then I?ll just have to keep trying. With other shows if I have to.?

?Katie, I want to support you in this. I wish with all my heart that I could tell you to go, but as I?ve said numerous times in the last few weeks, you?re too young. Your behavior as of late has shown me that you aren?t as mature as we once thought. If we can?t trust you to honor a simple promise to watch your brother and sister then how can we sit back and let you leave home for a so-called career in something that is so uncertain.?

?And as I said before, that is no longer your decision to make.?

?You?re not going to Denver.? Sully said.

?Yes, I am,? Katie said defiantly. ?I?ve already asked Ella to watch the twins and I already have my ticket. I?m going. I?ll be back late.?

Chapter 8
Katie and Sam stepped off the train onto the platform. They looked around the station and then at one another. ?Where do we go now?? Sam asked worriedly.

?The theater is just across the street from here,? Katie informed her friend. ?It should be fairly easy to find.?

?Are you getting nervous??

?A little.?

Sam squeezed Katie?s hand encouragingly. ?I?ll be right there watching. Just forget everyone else.?

?It?s just?this is my only shot at this Sam. If I don?t make it??

?Then you?ll wait for another show to come up and try again. I know you Katherine Sully. You?re not one to give up.?

?I really can?t afford an ?I told you so? from my parents.?

?And you won?t get one.?

By this time they had arrived at the theater, which was in fact just across the street from the train station. Katie opened one of the large doors and led Sam in. They made their way in, slowly admiring the beautiful decor. When they came to the stage, a man met them. ?Can I help you??

?We...I mean I?m here for the auditions, for Antigone,? Katie explained.

?Didn?t you hear, they?ve been moved??

?Moved?? Katie questioned. ?Moved where??

?Not where,? the man said. ?When.?

?Ok, when then??

?Two O?clock.?

?That?s almost three hours from now.?

?You?re welcome to stay here if you wish,? the man offered. ?But there isn?t much to occupy you.?

When the man walked away, Katie turned to Sam. ?Well, what should we do? Wait for wander around Denver.?

?Knowing us, we?ll lose track of time.?

?It would be just my luck,? Katie agreed. ?Fine, we shall wait here.?

The two friends sat down in the middle of the theater. They both leaned back in their seats and stared up at the ceiling. It was done in a mosaic of colors that shone brilliantly behind the light of the chandelier. After some time, they both just sat silently. ?Want to go over your scene?? Sam suggested.

?I?ve done it more times then I can count. If I don?t know it now then there?s nothing I can do.?

?One more time couldn?t hurt.?

?It?ll only make me more nervous.?

Sam sat back again, out of ideas to pass the time. Katie soon joined her and the two friends sat and stared at the stage, no words between them. Later that afternoon, a tall skinny man entered the theater and saw the two girls sitting there. ?You two here for the auditions?? he asked.

The voice startled Katie and Sam and they stood up rather quickly. Katie took a few seconds to compose herself and then answered ?Yes, I am.?

?And you?? the man asked Sam.

?Oh no, I just came along for support,? she answered. ?I don?t act much.?

The man offered his hand to both girls. ?Well you?re a bit early Miss?.

?Sully, Katherine Sully.? Katie answered.

?But everyone calls her Katie,? Sam told the man. ?I?m Samantha Bing.?

?It?s a pleasure to meet you both. I?m Todd Landson, the director.?

?Are you expecting a large turnout?? Katie asked apprehensively.

?Trying to gauge your competition?? Todd laughed. ?Don?t worry, most actors in the area already have parts in my brother?s production of King Lear. They?d rather do Shakespeare then Sophocles.?

?Your brother is a director as well??

?That?s right,? Mr. Landson answered. ?Our father was a director and I guess being raised in theaters just rubbed off on us.?

Katie?s eyes became dreamy with the mere thought of spending so much time around theater productions. ?That must have been wonderful. To grow up like that.?

?It was an experience, I?ll say that much for it.?

A large group of people entered the theater then, and Mr. Landon excused himself to greet them ?Paul! You came!?

?Of course I did,? one of the two boys of the group answered. ?Nick and I never miss one of your shows, you know that Todd. Although, it looks like my little brother will miss this. He?s coaching someone for King Lear.?

?You are my favorite brothers in Denver,? Todd laughed. ?It would figure I?d lose one of you to my own blood.?

?Aww ya didn?t lose him,? Paul said, slapping his arm around Todd?s shoulder. ?He said he?ll still come tonight if you want him in the show.?

?Of course. You?ll tell him to come right?

?Of course,? Paul agreed.

?Now who is this you brought with you??

Paul turned to the large group of girls that had followed him in. ?Just a few girls we thought might want a part in this wonderful production.?

?Well, well, I guess we better get started. If you all will take a seat, I?ll run upstairs and get the Maggie and John.?

Paul led his flock of girls closer to the stage and they all took seats. Katie and Sam went unnoticed by them all, but they too sat and listened to everything Paul said after that. ?Maggie is the costume designer,? he began. ?Todd has her and John, the stage manager, help out with tryouts. Don?t worry, they?ll all love you girls. Just go up onstage when Todd calls your name and do what I showed you.?

The tryouts soon began and everyone took their turns onstage. Katie thought that more people would come, but only two other male actors showed up for the audition. When her name was called, Katie slowly rose from her seat. Nervousness like she had never felt before crept over her body. Using all the courage she had left inside, the young girl made her way onto the stage.

The wooden platform was set high above the crowd, with five stairs leading from the floor where the chairs were set, to the stage base. There were curtains set on elaborate pulleys and the grandest set Katie had ever seen was built up around her. Nothing had prepared her for this.

The scene before her was like that out of a dream. This could really turn out to be something, and she could wind up being a part of it. The excitement was almost overwhelming.

From her place on the stage, Katie looked out into the audience. All of the other actors sat there, only watching her to size up their competition. Sam stood at the back of the theater where she had been instructed to stay. When Katie saw her friend, she felt her encouragement and was able to perform her scene.

When she was through, Katie went to meet Sam at the back of the theater so they could watch everyone else. Paul and Nick herded their girls around Mr. Landson as soon as they knew the auditions were over. Katie felt out of place and hoped to sneak out quietly. Just as she and Sam headed to the door, she heard her name being called from behind her. She turned around and saw Mr. Landson heading up the isle towards her. ?Miss Sully, are you leaving already? He asked when he reached her.

?I thought we were through,? Katie said quietly.

?Yes, we are finished here,? Todd answered. ?But I was hoping you would come to my house this evening for a small get together. I want you to meet the rest of the cast.?

?Excuse me??

?Well today was just for three main pats in Antigone, Antigone of course as well as Haemen and Creon. All the other parts, being the chorus mainly, have already been chosen. I?ll announce my decision for the leads at the party. You will come won?t you??

?You mean I actually have a shot??

?Your competition was not that great Katie?I can call you Katie right??

?Of course.?

?As I was saying, only the girls Paul Krug drug in here tried for Antigone and frankly, only one of them has a chance with an acting career. Susan is the only one I would worry about if I were you.?

?You?re serious.?

?I am. You have real talent Miss Sully.?

?Thank you Sir.?

?So you?ll come tonight.?

Katie declined with great regret. ?I can?t, I?ve really got to get home. I?m supposed to be on the last train out.?

?I?ll get your ticket switched to the first one in the morning. I want you too meet everyone else.?

Katie turned to Sam and grabbed her hand. ?I have a friend with me. I can?t keep her here too.?

?So send her along alone,? Mr. Landson suggested.

?Oh no, I?d never let her travel alone.?

?Then we?ll find someone to go with her.?

Katie turned to her friend so they could have a somewhat private moment. Mr. Landson stood back while they spoke. ?Sam?? Katie asked imploringly.

?I do have to go Katie. I just don?t feel right about leaving you here.?

?I?ll be fine.?

?If you?re sure??

?I?m sure.?

?Then I best head back over to the station.?

?If you see my ma, tell her I?m alright.?

?She?s gonna be awful mad.?

?And your folks aren?t??

?I?ll deal with them. Ma will understand I couldn?t let you go alone.?

?I sure hope so. I wouldn?t want you to get into trouble because of me.?

?Best friends have to stick together.?

Katie gave Sam a quick hug. ?I love you Sam.?

?You just better get yourself home in time for practice tomorrow. The play cannot go on without you.?

?I?ll be home,? Katie promised. When Sam had departed, Katie turned back to Mr. Landson. ?She?ll be ok alone won?t she??

?It?s not far to the station,? Todd reminded her.


Mr. Landon then led Katie to the door, ignoring all the other actors still present in the theater. ?I?ll put you up in the hotel and have a carriage come for you at six. I trust you have nothing else to wear since you were headed home this evening. I?ll send my daughter with something for you.?

?You really don?t have to do all of that.?

?I can?t have you wearing the same thing you?ve been in all day. Don?t worry, I?ll take of everything. You just concentrate on having a good time tonight.?

Chapter 9
Katie looked around the room, hoping to see a friendly face, someone who looked approachable. The only person she knew there was the director, and he looked quite busy with some other people. Besides, she didn?t know him that well; only from the auditions. Now what she needed was a friend.

Before she could scan the room again, there was a light tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw a gentle face staring back at her. A pair of dark green eyes focused on hers. ?You look lost,? the eyes said. Not the eyes themselves, but the mouth under them. Katie wasn?t thinking clearly. Something about those eyes drew her in. She barely noticed the perfect way the lips curled upwards in a smile, the small dimples in the cheeks, the way a few strands of dark brown hair fell across the forehead.

Katie tried to focus, but kept her gaze locked with those yeses. ?Not lost,? she replied. ?Just a little alone.?

?You new to the cast?? It was only now that Katie realized an entire person stood in front of her. More then just the green eyes made up this handsome young man. He looked about her age, but stood a good six inches taller.

Katie smiled at him. ?I hope to be. Mr. Landson asked me to come here tonight and meet some people. I thought he was going to offer me a part but he asked me here instead. I figure coming could only help matters.?

?Don?t you worry, I?m sure you?ll get a part.? The boy said. ?Landson wouldn?t have asked you here if he didn?t want you in the cast.?

?I?m Katherine Sully.? She extended her hand in greeting. ?But most people call me Katie.?

?Nicholas Krug. Call me Nick.?

?Krug?? Katie asked, recognizing the name. ?Do you know Paul??

?He?s my older brother,? Nick answered. ?Why? Did you meet him??

?Not officially, but Mr. Landson seemed very fond of him.?

?He better be. Paul and I have been in every one of Todd?s shows since the time we started acting?and that was a good five years ago.?

?You?ve been acting for five years??

?That?s right.?

?You?re so lucky. Your parents must be very understanding.?

?Our parents are dead.?

?I?m so sorry,? Katie said.

?No, it?s alright. They died in a train wreck five and a half years ago. Paul and I started acting so we would have a little money to eat with. We got lucky finding Mr. Landson. We would never have made it this far without all the work he?s given us.?

?I?m happy for you.?

An awkward silence came over the conversation, but after only seconds, Nick broke with by inviting Katie to dance. ?I?d love to,? she replied. But as soon as he took her hand, the music stopped and Mr. Lanson stood up in front of the group, clinking his fork on a crystal glass. ?Excuse me everyone,? he said loudly. ?I know you all want to dance some more, but first I?d like to announce my decisions for the play.?

Everyone quieted then, eager anticipation coming over the room. ?First, I want to thank everyone you showed up at the theater today, and even those that did not. There was a lot of talent, but as you know, most of the roles were already filled. For some short introductions, can the Greek chorus please come up so everyone can see you??

A group of people gather around the director and Katie was quick to skim over all of their faces. ?And we all know Ismene and Eurydice are being played by my daughter Joy and her cousin Michelle.? These two women also joined the chorus.

?But now, the remaining roles are to be determined.? The crowd inhaled deeply, the suspense growing. ?As Haemon,? Todd continued, ?Nicholas Krug.?

A round of applause filled the room as Nick left Katie?s side and joined the rest of the cast. He shook Todd?s hand and smiled his gorgeous smile at the group. Todd quieted the room and continued. ?Creon will be played by a newcomer from Manitou, Thomas Wright.? Again, more applause and another actor joined his director.

Mr. Landson continued, ?And Antigone, the prized role?another newcomer from Colorado Springs?Katherine Sully.?

Katie spent so much time celebrating the night before that she did not return to Colorado Springs until late in the day. She went straight to the homestead. Sully was sitting inside the kitchen, a glass of water in his hand. ?Where have you been?? he asked.

Katie?s happiness could not be contained. She forgot everything her parents had said about Denver and acting and simply blurted out her good news to her father. ?Oh pa you won?t believe it! I got the part! I got Antigone!?

Sully wanted to congratulate his daughter but knew that this was not the time. She had disobeyed and there were consequences for that. ?Do you know what I said to Brian when he ran off to Denver without permission from your ma or me??

?No,? Katie said, her excitement dying with the stern tone of Sully?s voice.

?He was punished. His heart might have been in the right place but what he did was wrong. Even though you don?t like it right now, you are still under our care and living under our roof. Your ma and I will decide on a punishment when she gets home.?

?But pa??

?No,? Sully said. ?Go up to your room and wait.?

After discussing the situation, Michaela and Sully went up to Katie?s room to discuss her punishment. However, Katie was not there. Sully immediately went out to the barn and saddled his horse. ?Sully wait!? Michaela called.

?I?m goin ta find her,? Sully answered.

?Do you even know where she is? You haven?t seen her in two hours. She could be anywhere.?

?I?ll find her.?

?And what then? Ground her like we originally planned? She won?t stay here Sully. We know that now. There has to be something more harsh taken away from her.?

?We can?t take away Romeo and Juliet,? he reminded. ?She?ll never see our side if we do that.?

?I agree,? Michaela said. ?She?ll only see it as an attack on acting. So what are we going to do??

Sully reluctantly dismounted. ?Nothing.?

?We just let her go??

?We still have a hold on here,? Sully said. ?She knows it too. Long as we aren?t too harsh, she?ll come around.?

?You know, Dorothy told me something very similar when Colleen was younger. She said if you hold the reins too tight, children with struggle and break free. But if you lossen em?.?

?That?s exactly what I?m suggesting.

Katie came riding up then and saw her parents standing outside the barn. She almost turned around, but knew she had to face them eventually. She dismounted and held Thunder?s reins rightly. ?I?m sorry pa, I had to let Sam know I was home safe and I told Miss Dorothy I wouldn?t be at practice this afternoon. I didn?t want them to worry.?

?But having yer ma and me worry all night about weather you were safe was ok??

?I told Sam to tell you I was ok.?

?That doesn?t mean we were any less worried,? Michaela said, somewhat calmer then Sully. ?And it does not excuse you from running off without your permission.?

?I?m sorry, but this was something I couldn?t pass up.?

You?ll go to bed tonight without supper,? Sully told her. ?You best get up to your room and do some thinking.?

Katie could not believe the simple punishment. ?That?s all??

Michaela only nodded in the affirmative. With that confirmation, Katie ran off into the house, fearing her parents would think of something else.

Katie spent the next week avoiding her parents. If they knew what she was really doing, she knew there would be harsh punishments to follow. As far as Michaela and Sully were concerned, she was simply busy with Romeo and Juliet. Katie expected them to make her stop or warn her not to get to involved with acting, but they didn?t. They pretended like they were perfectly fine with it.

Katie was spending a great deal of time practicing for her role as Juliet. However, she was also making frequent trips to Denver for Antigone practice. She was running herself down trying to juggle both productions on top of school, but until the night of dress rehearsal for Romeo and Juliet, she showed no signs that it was too much.

On the night before Valentine?s Day, the entire cast gathered at Grace?s café for the final rehearsal. The stage had been long completed and the finishing touches put on the set the day before. Dorothy called everyone to their places and the curtain lifted. Everything ran smoothly until Juliet?s first scene came.

Before the curtain raised, Ben came running out from behind the stage. ?Miss Dorothy,? he called. ?Katie?s not here.?

?What do you mean she?s not here? It?s dress rehearsal. How can she not be here??

?I don?t know. But I can?t find her.?

?Katie wouldn?t miss this,? Dorothy knew. ?Something must be wrong.?

?Jake, ride out to the Sully homestead and see if she?s there.?

?I can?t ride in these tights,? Jake complained.

?Then change quickly,? Dorothy instructed. ?Our leading lady is missing.?

Jake ran backstage to grab his trousers, but before he even changed, Katie came riding up on Thunder. ?Sorry,? she cried as she dismounted. ?I?m so sorry. Just let me change and we can get started. I?m sorry.?

Katie didn?t give anyone time to respond. She went over to the clinic to change and was back in minutes. Dorothy started the play back at the beginning and when Katie?s scene came, she was there for it.

The curtain opened and the scene began with Myra and Emma. Upon her cue, Katie came out and delivered her line ?How now, who calls??

Emma answered her, ?Your mother.?

Katie turned to Myra, ?Madam, I am here. What is your will??

?This is the matter, Nurse, give leave awhile, We must talk in secret: nurse, come back again; I have remember'd me, thou's hear our counsel. Thou knowest my daughter's of a pretty age.?

The scene continued on until it came to a key scene for Katie. She often thought on these words when she thought about her own situation. Although marriage was never brought up with her mother, the principle of different dreams between mother and daughter ran true for her.?

Lady Capulet said, ?Marry, that marry is the very theme I came to talk of. Tell me, daughter Juliet, How stands your disposition to be married??

Juliet responded, ?It is an honour that I dream not of.?

?An honour!--were not I thine only nurse, I would say thou hadst suck'd wisdom from thy teat,? the Nurse joined in.

Myra continued as Lady Capulet. ?Well, think of marriage now: younger than you, Here in Verona, ladies of esteem, Are made already mothers: by my count I was your mother much upon these years That you are now a maid. Thus, then, in brief; The valiant Paris seeks you for his love.?

Emma added ?A man, young lady! lady, such a man As all the world--why he's a man of wax.?

The two adults continued their dialogue in a back and forth way while Juliet listened. Myra went on, ?Verona's summer hath not such a flower.?

?Nay, he's a flower, in faith, a very flower.?

?What say you? can you love the gentleman? This night you shall behold him at our feast; Read o'er the volume of young Paris' face, And find delight writ there with beauty's pen; Examine every married lineament, And see how one another lends content; And what obscur'd in this fair volume lies Find written in the margent of his eyes. This precious book of love, this unbound lover, To beautify him, only lacks a cover: The fish lives in the sea; and 'tis much pride For fair without the fair within to hide: That book in many's eyes doth share the glory, That in gold clasps locks in the golden story; So shall you share all that he doth possess, By having him, making yourself no less.?

?No less! nay, bigger; women grow by men?

?Speak briefly, can you like of Paris' love??

After her mother?s last line, Juliet finally broke back in, ?I'll look to like, if looking liking move: But no more deep will I endart mine eye Than your consent gives strength to make it fly.?

Katie spoke her lines strongly and managed to make it through the scene without problem. But as she went to exit the stage, she began to feel dizzy. She stood still a moment, and leaned up against one the walls of the set. Katie collapsed onto the stage with a thud. Everyone there gathered around her worried again about their Juliet. After much prodding, Katie still wouldn?t wake, so Jake was again sent to the Sully homestead, this time for Dr. Mike.

Chapter 10
Katie was brought to the clinic since it was closer than the hospital. By the time Michaela arrived, Katie had regained consciousness. Though still feeling poorly, she was insisting on getting back to rehearsal. Everyone insisted she rest, but none as much as her mother. ?Katie, you?ve passed out. I?m not about to let you leave this bed until I know you are going to be alright,? Michaela told her sternly.

?Ma, I?m fine,? Katie insisted. ?I just got a little dizzy is all.?

?Sleep tonight or there will be no play tomorrow.?

?But I?m Juliet! You can?t just pull me out!?

?When your life is at stake, I can, and I will if need be.?

?We haven?t been through the entire show yet. We need to practice.?

?Perhaps Dorothy can postpone the show.?

?She can?t! I have to be in Denver the next day for Antigone.?

?Then you?ll just have to go without your dress rehearsal or turn the role over to someone else. I?m sure Colleen could take it.?


?No. Your father and I have ignored all of your transgressions these last few weeks. We?ve let you off with little more then a missed meal. When your health becomes an issue, I can?t continue to ignore it. I have done all I can to show you that I am not against you acting for fun but you still don?t see that. If you want to take this like that as well than feel free. But you?re staying in bed and it?s not because I don?t want you running off to Denver for some play it?s because I love you and want you to be safe. Now sleep. I?ll check on you later.?

Dress rehearsals did carry on without Katie. Colleen stood in for her but everyone could tell that the chemistry with Ben was not there. His friendship with Katie made the romance more believable. Colleen was willing to do the show as well, but the cast held out hope that Katie would return. So when the day of the play dawned, everyone was more than nervous.

After giving Katie a proper lunch and a dose of bicarbonate of soda, Michaela agreed that she could head over to the café. Everyone cheered when she showed up, already wearing her costume.

The curtain rose and the narrator began the show.

?Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
Whose misadventur'd piteous overthrows
Doth with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which but their children's end naught could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
The which, if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.?

The show ran without any difficulties. When the final curtain fell, Katie gave Ben a huge hug. ?Oh Ben, you were wonderful.?

?I wouldn?t have been anything if it weren?t for you. I can?t imagine your folks having any problem with you actin after seein that.?

?They admit I have talent Ben. That?s never been the problem.?

After celebrating the success of the play with the entire town, the Sully family returned home. By this time, it was late at night and everyone was eager to be in bed. Everyone, that is, except Katie. Moods fluttered between happiness and sadness, anger and hurt. She was thrilled that the show had gone so well yet the mindset of her parents was constantly lurking in her head.

While in town, they had been as they were during all her other performances. Michaela congratulated her openly while Sully was more personal. They all spoke with their friends on what a wonderful job she had done. Katie even heard Michaela tell Dorothy how she was looking forward to seeing her in next year?s show. What Katie couldn?t tell was how much of this was genuine and how much was just for show.

Through all of her struggles to be accepted as in actress by her parents, Katie knew one thing remained true, her parents were always proud of her. That just made her more frustrated because she could not understand how they could be so supportive of her acting in town plays and then be so against her making a living through other performances.

Katie spent the entire ride home thinking this over. Because she knew they would be proud, and they had never missed one of her performances, Katie had been thinking about inviting them to Antigone. However, the entire show in Denver had been quite a sore subject between them. Unsure of what they might say if the subject was broached, Katie had been avoiding it. But now, seeing them in such a good mood, she thought it might be the right time.

When they arrived home, Michaela and Sully sent their youngest children to bed but asked Katie to wait for them by the fire. After they said goodnight to Melissa, Christopher, Josef, and Serenity, the couple returned downstairs. Michaela sat down in the chair next to Katie while Sully tended the fire. He then took a seat on the floor. Katie eyed her parents curiously and waited for them to say something.

?The show went really well,? Michaela began. ?Much smoother than when I tried to direct.?

?Yes it did,? Katie said, still unsure how to talk to her parents about acting.

?Yer ma and I are really proud,? Sully said.

?I know you are,? Katie responded.

?You?re being awful quiet,? Sully noted.

?Is there something wrong?? Michaela wondered.

Katie began to fiddle with a loose strand of hair. She avoided eye contact by staring into the fire. ?I don?t know.?

?Katie, what is it?? her mother implored.

Katie looked at Michaela, then Sully, then Michaela again. ?I guess I was just wonderin exactly how proud you are.?

?What do you mean??

?You spent all night telling folks how proud of me your are. You keep telling me what a great job I did. Yet you forbade me to go to a tryout in Denver and when I got a part you told me not to take it. I?m just not sure how to read all of that. Are you really proud of me or not??

?Of course we are.?

?Are you proud that I got the lead in Antigone??

?Of course.?

?Then you?re ok with me going to Denver every day for practice.?

?We didn?t say that.?

?So if I told you I have been you would be angry.?

?You?ve been going to Denver without our permission??

?Yes I have. I was not about to give up that role ma. You knew I wasn?t going to.?

?So not only did you run off once for the audition, dragging your best friend along I might add, but you?ve been back every day, even after we grounded you.?

?You never actually grounded me,? Katie reminded. ?Besides the limitations you put on me mean nothing. I told you I want to be an actress and there is no way I?m going to give that up. Not because you don?t like it. Not because this is supposed to be my home. I will do anything to follow this dream.?

?Including making yourself sick?? Michaela posed. ?That?s why you got sick last night isn?t it? You?ve been running back and forth between towns all the while trying to hide it from us. You let that time interfere with the time you should be spending taking care of yourself.?

?Don?t turn this into an argument about my health.?

?But it is about your health. Diabetes isn?t something to mess with Katie.?

?Isn?t it you that said if I followed all of your rules I should outgrow it? Children don?t usually have it for their entire lives? You said that didn?t you??

?Yes I did but??

?But nothing. As I was saying, we?re talking about my career here.?

?You?re career? Katie you?re 15. You got a part in one play. I hardly call that a career.?

?Everyone has to start somewhere. Like you said, I?m only 15. Did you ever stop to think that me getting a part so young might mean a reasonable career was in my future??

?As an actress? Katie I don?t know how to explain this properly?I just don?t think that it?s right for you to be running around the country trying to find work where it?s so unstable. You?ll never have a real job. How can I allow you to do something where you?re going to constantly be looking for a way to support yourself? What happens when one show ends and you can?t find another for months??

?You will let me do it because it?s what I love to do. I don?t care if I never live in a big house. I?ll live out in the woods if I have to. I?ll get a job in a store, I?ll learn to sew. I?ll do something to support myself should the need arise. Why can?t you just trust that I know what I?m doing??

?Because you haven?t shown that I should trust you. You take something as important as your life and put it in jeopardy everyday.?

?It?s my life,? Katie countered. ?If I live everyday to the fullest, then it won?t matter that I die. If I get sick while acting, while living my dream then?? Katie paused a moment trying to find the best words to describe how she felt. She finally decided on one of Antigone?s lines ?I guess it would be best to quote my staring role: I?ll be glad to die in the attempt. If it?s a crime, then it?s a crime that God commands.?

?How can you say that?? Michaela cried.

?How can I live a life where I am not happy? What?s the point of living every day in misery. Why should I eat when I?m not hungry, food that I don?t want to eat simply because you say I have to have a balanced diet. Why do I choke done the bicarbonate every time you see fit? Why do I let you prick my finger three times a day with a needle and squeeze out my blood to run unnecessary tests? Why do I continue to stay here where my talent seems to be appreciated but my dreams mean nothing? What is the point of putting up with it all? My body may be alive but I sure as hell am dead inside.?

Katie then stormed away from her parents into her mother?s office. She began rummaging through her bag, through the shelves, over the desk, looking everywhere. Michaela appeared at the doorway, followed closely by Sully. She saw her daughter frantically tearing apart the room. ?Katie, what are you doing?? she asked, worried out of her mind.

?I?m?looking?for?a needle. So I can prove to you once and for all that I am fine!?

?Katie, please??

?You said I don?t check my blood often enough,? Katie said, almost to the point of screaming. By now tears were running down her cheeks and she was breathing heavily. ?So I?m going to do it. Now are you going to show me where you keep the needles or not?? Before Michaela could answer, Katie found a small knife, one of Michaela?s extra surgical instruments. ?I guess this will work fine.? Katie slit a small opening in her finger. ?How much do you want?? she asked, spreading blood on a slide. She placed the knife on another finger. ?Do you need more??

?Katie, please,? Michaela begged. ?Don?t do this. Put the knife down.?

Katie sunk into a sobbing heap on the floor, the knife dropping down at her side. Michaela rushed to her daughter and took her in her arms. ?I know you love me,? Katie sobbed, burying her head into Michaela?s chest, allowing herself to be rocked close. ?I know you do. But if you don?t let me live my life, I will be dead. Even if I?m alive in your eyes, my soul will be dead. And then it will be you quoting Antigone. Only you will be Creon, speaking of a daughter not a son, but knowing the pain just the same, saying ??by my stubbornness, oh my son, so young, to die so young, and all because of me.?

On the night of the final rehearsal, Mr. Landson called everyone into a circle. When the actors gathered, he looked at them all proudly. ?I just want to start off tonight by saying that it has been an honor working with all of you on this production. I would be nothing without you, this show would be nothing. There is a lot of talent in this room. Some of it more well known. I hope that we will all be working together again soon.?

?Perhaps with a few additions?? The group of actors turned around towards the voice they heard at the edge of the stage. Before them was a tall man with a round stomach. His hair was long and gray with a beard to match. He dressed in costume most of the actors were familiar with, though they did not understand its relevance yet.

?Actors,? Mr. Landson began, using this term as he always did when he wanted everyone?s attention. ?I?d like you to meet my brother, William.?

Everyone greeted the second Mr. Landson with eagerness. ?But what did he mean, a few additions?? Nick eventually asked.

?Will and I have decided to work together once again,? Mr. Landson said. ?We haven?t directed together in years and have decided that it is time.?

?Oh that?s wonderful!? Katie beamed. ?What show will you be doing??

?Will it be here in Denver?? a member of the chorus wondered.

?First,? William began, ?We have decided upon Shakespeare?s A Midsummer Night?s Dream. Second, no, we will not be staying in Denver. Todd and I are headed to San Francisco.?

?And we want all of you to come with us,? Todd added.

A murmur of excitement rumbled through the small group. San Francisco was a long way from California, but for all of them, it offered great hope for their careers. Todd quieted them enough to continue. ?We were hoping that all of you, plus a select few from Will?s last show would travel with us. We would start an acting group of sorts. We?d start with Midsummer and if that is a hit, we travel the country with it, adding other shows as we must.?

?And don?t any of you say no,? Will warned. ?We already have the cast list set in stone.?

Todd avoided this however, by turning everyone?s attention back to Antigone. ?But we?ll go over that later. For now, I have a show to direct.?

The actors broke apart from the circle, all of the abuzz with the news. In their groups, they gossiped about who would be given what part and al the exciting things that awaited them in San Francisco.

Amongst the chatter, everyone found their spots on stage and when Todd called ?action,? they stopped talking and carried on with the rehearsal.

Chapter 11
Katie stood in front of her mirror, preparing to leave. In a few hours she would be in Denver, sitting in front of another mirror, doing her makeup for her first real show. She was wearing a pale pink dress that she had bought in Denver just for this night. Before the play, the entire cast had been scheduled for a newspaper interview. All had been instructed to dress formally for the event. ?Isn?t a man?s right to burial decreed by divine justice? I don?t consider your pronouncements so important that they can just?overrule the unwritten laws of heaven.? Katie smiled excitedly at herself as she recited her lines. She twirled around in the dress once and smiled again. Nothing was going to ruin this day.

When she came downstairs, Katie was surprised to see her entire family dressed up and looking as if they were going somewhere. ?The wagon?s ready,? Sully said as he came to the stairs. He took his daughters hand and led her gracefully downwards. ?You look like a princess,? he whispered into her ear when she reached the bottom stair. Sully kissed her gently on the cheek and then turned to the rest of the family. ?Everyone ready now??

Katie just stood there, dumbfounded, while Sully ushered the other children out to the wagon. Michaela stayed behind. ?Ma?? Katie asked. ?What?s going on? Why are you all so dressed up??

?The theater in Denver is quite fancy,? Michaela answered simply.

?You?re coming??

?We wouldn?t miss it.?

Katie rushed into her mother?s arms. ?Oh ma, I?m so sorry I disobeyed.?

?And I?m sorry we were so harsh. I was only trying to protect you.?

?I know.?

?Forgive me??

?Of course.?

?Well then, we best get going. We can?t miss your train.?

Once the curtain fell, the entire cast burst into smiles. Katie immediately flew into Nick?s arms. ?I can?t believe it!? she cried. ?It was perfect.?

?You were perfect,? Nick smiled.

?I have to go find my family,? Katie told him. ?I have to say goodbye.?

?They?re letting you go to San Francisco??

?They don?t know yet. I wasn?t going to tell them, but after Ma apologized?I can?t just leave.?

?I?ll see you at the party later then??

?Of course.?

When Katie found her family in the hall of the theater, Michaela went straight for her and engulfed her in a hug. ?Katie you were wonderful!? she beamed. Sully agreed in his own, quiet way while the children talked a mile a minute about their sister?s performance.

?I?m so glad you all came,? Katie said. ?I didn?t want to leave without saying goodbye.?

?Goodbye?? Michaela asked. ?What are you talking about??

?I?m going on the road,? Katie told them. ?Todd and William are starting an acting group and I?ve been invited to join.?

?You?re leaving us?? Melissa asked timidly.

?I?ll be back to visit,? Katie responded comfortingly. ?And maybe we?ll pass through Colorado Springs, once we take the show on tour.?

?Katie, you?re not going anywhere except home,? Michaela insisted.

?No, I am,? Katie said firmly. ?This is the real thing ma. I can?t just pass it up. I already have a part.?

?You?re not ready!?

?What happened to your apology?? Katie wondered. ?I thought all of this was over.?

?So did I.?

?You thought one show and I?d just give up? You didn?t have enough faith to believe that I?d actually amount to anything??

?I didn?t say that.?

?You didn?t have to.?

?Katie, please calm down. Let?s go home, have a good night?s rest?.?

?No!? Katie shouted. ?Don?t you understand? I am going to be an actress weather you like it or not. I don?t have a choice in the matter. It?s just something I have to do. If I have to do it against your wishes, without your support, then so be it. You can?t control my life anymore.?

Paul found Katie sitting alone on the stage. Her feet dangled off the edge, swinging freely back and forth. Her costume was draped over her shoulder and across her lap. She held it close, running her hands over the silk as if she was petting an animal. As he walked nearer, he could see a few tears on her cheeks. Her eyes were red and puffy, the makeup from that night?s performance streaked downward. All signs of the crying she had been doing all night long.

Noticing her current state and not being totally heartless, Paul began with the kind, gentle approach. He wandered slowly up to the edge of the stage. The top of the stage was high from the floor, almost at his chest. Paul leaned down slightly, placing his elbow on the floor of the stage. He bent his arm upward and allowed his head to fall into his hand. ?Hey there,? he said coyly. ?What are you doing here so late??

Katie just then realized his presence. ?I wanted to be alone,? She said.

?You?re missin all the fun.? He said, placing his free hand on top of hers.

?I don?t feel much like fun right now.?

?Aww how come? You had a wonderful show tonight.?

?I?m glad someone thinks so.?

?What are you talking about? Everyone thinks that.?

?Not my parents.?

?Are they still givin you trouble??

?They never stopped.?

?Well don?t let them get to you. You have talent Katie. You can?t waste it.?

?I just don?t feel right?doin something they are so against.?

Sensing his motives, Katie immediately got defensive. She moved over a few inches. "Hey don't do that." Paul said. "I just wanna talk." he placed one hand on her leg and the other around her back. Slowly, he slid her closer to him. ?Tell me what happened.?

?I don?t want to talk about it,? Katie said between sobs.

?We don?t have to talk,? Paul said softly. He turned Katie to face him. He moved closer and placed his lips on hers.

Chapter 12
Once they arrived in San Francisco, the newly formed acting group began work right away. The Landson brothers had bought a small building close to the main theater of the city. In this theater, they housed their actors and built a large stage in the basement on which they held practices.

As soon as everyone had settled themselves into this new space, Todd and William called the first meeting between all the cast. After everyone was introduced, Todd took over with business. ?We decided that instead of just telling you who will be playing which parts, that we would be a little more creative.?

William decided to take over then. ?We are going to run through a summary of the entire play while doing some simple blocking? he began. ?And whenever we get to the entrance of a new character, we will tell you who got the role.?

?Builds suspense,? Todd laughed.

At the stage manager?s request, everyone then took a seat on the floor in front of the newly built stage. He took out a measuring tape and his writing pad and nodded his head to Todd, letting him know he was ready.

Todd jumped up on stage and began a synopsis of the tale. ?The play opens in a palace in Athens one hour before the wedding of Theseus, Duke of Athens, to his newly conquered Amazonian queen, Hippolyta.? William led Thomas, who had played Creon, and Michelle, who had played Eurydice, onto the stage and placed them next to one another, to the far right. John started measuring distances and making notes so as to correctly place him at future rehearsals.

Todd continued to outline the story. ?Their nuptials are interrupted by Egeus, an Athenian father begging help of Theseus. His daughter, Hermia, is in love with young Lysander, and wants to marry him. Egeus already bequeathed her to Demetrius, who is also in love with her. Hermia's childhood friend, Helena, is in love with Demetrius, and follows him around like a lost puppy. Theseus tells Hermia that she has until morn to decide to marry Demetrius, join a nunnery, or die.?

While John continued with his stage notes, John kept bringing more people on stage. Egeus was being played by someone from one of Will?s productions, Richard. Katie would be Hermia, Nick was Lysander, and Paul got Demetrius. Helena would be played by another one of Will?s actors, Joan.

As John threw everyone except Katie and Nick off the stage, Todd moved onto a new scene. ?Lysander and Hermia decide to run away together into the woods and elope near his aunt's home.? John brought Joan back onto the stage. ?They get ready to leave as they see Helena ranting about her love for Demetrius and her unhappiness that he puts her down all the time. They tell her of their plan to escape.?

John stepped out into the center of the stage. ?Everyone pause!? he shouted. Each person in the room stopped. ?This is a scene change here. I just want to be sure you do it right. The lovers exit to the right and the new players come on from the left while the curtain is drawn.? Dramatically, he added, ?It?s essential that we do this correctly. Every action must be perfect. Slow down, exit with poise.?

No one really knew weather John was trying to lighten up the fast pace that Will and Todd had been going with or if he was actually series but they continued more slowly.

?In a room in the carpenter Quince's house in Athens, six commoners discuss their plan to put on the play, Pyramus and Thisbe, at the Duke's wedding. Quince dispenses the roles to the players, most notably the over-dramatic weaver Bottom. He will play Pyramus, while Flute will play Thisbe.

?In the woods, the sprightly fairy Puck addresses the audience with his mischievous nature. Oberon and Titania enter the woods, furious with one another over the possession of a little Indian boy. Oberon spot Demetrius running into the woods looking for Hermia, followed by a doting Helena, whom he hates. He tells Puck to find a magic flower that holds juice that when placed on sleeping eyelids, makes the person sleeping fall in love with the first creature he or she sees upon waking. He tells Puck to place it on the sleeping eyes of a man he will notice by the Athenian clothes he has on (namely Demetrius). Puck plans to obey these orders.

?Oberon sees Titania and plans to play a trick on her by placing the magic juice on her eyes, as well, allowing her to fall in love with a fool.?

?Now Joy,? John interrupted. ?Titania will be up in a tree at one point in the story, so be prepared to be high on the stage. Don?t worry, it will be perfectly safe.?

?Does that mean I have to go up in the tree too?? Asked Andrew, a young man who would be playing Oberon.

?Actually, yes.? John answered.

?That cannot be changed?? Andrew asked with concern.

?Andrew,? William said. ?You?re the king of the fairy realm. Were you going to avoid nature??

?I just have a problem with heights,? Andrew explained.

John tried to think fast. ?What if we made a lower branch that Oberon sits on. He would be below Titania, but all of those scenes would still work.?

?I see what you mean,? William said to the stage manager and set designer. ?That will work fine.?

?Can we carry on now?? Katie asked.

Andrew nodded his consent and Todd continued his narration once more. ?Lysander and Hermia go to sleep, separately because they are not yet married. Puck sees them and thinks that Lysander is the man on whose eyes Oberon wants the magic juice placed. He does so. Helena runs into the woods at the same spot, sees Lysander, wakes him for fear of death, and Lysander falls in love with her. He leaves the sleeping Hermia to follow Helena and win her heart.

?The six players rehearse in the woods. Puck plays a trick on Bottom by transforming his head into that of a donkey's. The rest of the men are frightened off. Bottom is unaware of his appearance. Titania awakens, sees Bottom, and falls in love. She and her fairies adorn him with flowers, attention, and "love."

?Demetrius follows a lonely and distressed Hermia through the woods looking for Lysander. She blames him for Lysander's disappearance. They bicker as Oberon and Puck watch, realizing that Puck placed the juice in the wrong's Athenian's eyes. They sleep and Oberon squeezes the juice into Demetrius's eyes for Helena. He awakens, sees Helena, and falls in love. Lysander and Demetrius now fight for Helena, where they used to fight for Hermia. Hermia is now cast aside and cursed by the two men. Helena believes they are all playing a cruel joke on her. Hermia attacks Helena for stealing her lover and the insults fly on both parties' end. The two women then run away enraged.

?Oberon reprimands Puck for his negligence and vows to make peace of the chaos. Puck tricks the two men into falling asleep and places the juice back in Lysander's eyes. He gets all four lovers to sleep in one location and says that in the morning, both couples will be happy and all will be well.

?Titania still tends to Bottom, but they get tired and lay down to nap. Oberon, pleased with his handiwork, places the juice back in her eyes and allows her to return to her normal state. She awakens and returns to Oberon, thinking it was all a dream. Bottom's head returns to human status and he returns to Athens finding the players at Quince's house worried. They prepare to perform the play at the Duke's wedding night.

?Egeus, Theseus, and Hippolyta are on a hunting trip in the woods and spot the four lovers asleep together. They are shocked at the amiability between the four, but welcome the new couples.

?The three happy couples, Theseus and Hippolyta, Lysander and Hermia, and Demetrius and Helena return to the palace for a triple wedding. The play concludes with a hysterical presentation of Pyramus and Thisbe by the six players and a fantastical closing by Titania, Oberon, and Puck.?

By the time the end of the play was reached, everyone was tired. Each actor, now knowing their part, took a script and headed in various directions to begin learning their lines.

By the middle of March, rehearsals were well underway. Katie stood off to the side of the stage, watching Titania and Oberon during on of their scenes together. Suddenly, she felt a hand upon her shoulder. ?Hey there darlin,? someone whispered in her ear.

Katie shuddered and shrugged herself away from Paul?s grasp. ?Leave me alone.?

?You?re doing really good out there.?

?I haven?t even been on stage today,? Katie said.

?No, but I?ve been watching you other days. You?re perfect.?

?Stop trying to flatter me Paul,? Katie replied coldly. ?It won?t work.?

?Who?s trying to flatter you??

?You are.?

Paul once again placed his hand on Katie?s shoulder, trying to pull her close to him. Katie jerked away and came extremely close to slapping Paul but stopped herself. ?I have warned you time and time again not to touch me?ever. I will never forgive you for that night. I would not be sorry if I were never to see you again.?

?You can?t mean that.?

?Yes I do,? Katie said with all seriousness.

?We had so much fun that night? and you were so good.? Paul again went to embrace Katie but this time she did slap him.

?Good?!? She yelled. ?I was good! I made a huge mistake that night. I forgot for those few minutes that you were nothing like your brother, in fact you?re the exact opposite of him. But I let you make me think that you?d take care of me. I crawled into your bed and drank that retched tea. I should have known that you weren?t trying to be nice. Instead you were drugging me so that you could rape me.?

?I wouldn?t call it rape,? Paul said.

?I would.?

Paul replied smoothly. ?But wasn?t it worth it??

"AHH I hate men!" With that, Katie threw down the script which had hung down in one hand during the entire ordeal. She angrily marched off running into Nick on the way upstairs. He stopped her fuming run and grasped her shoulders tightly to prevent her from leaving. He looked straight into her eyes and looked for explanation. "Katie, what's going on?"

Katie tried to get away from him but Nick refused to let go. "Men!? Katie screamed at him ?Men are what's going on. Stupid, condescending, demeaning MEN! And you're one of them so I suggest you stay out of my way!"

?I will not,? Nick said. ?Something is wrong and I want to know what it is.? Nick smoothed a piece of her hair back behind her ear. ?I love you Katie. I can?t stand to see you upset.?

?You love me? You?ve known me what...a month? How can you say you love me??

?Because I do. I want to spend every moment with you. I want to see you happy. I want to protect you from harm. Katherine Sully I love you.?

Katie felt a single tear drip down her cheek. ?I love you too?I just can?t right now. Please understand.?

?Is this about your family? You?ve got to stop beating yourself up about leaving. You know you had to come here. Things will work themselves out.?

?It?s not my family,? Katie said softly. ?It?s yours.?

?What are you talking about? The only family I have is Paul.?

?Exactly.? ?

Do you wanna tell me what?s goin on??

?You don?t want to know.?

?Yes, I do,? Nick insisted.

?Paul raped me, alright. After Antigone. While everyone else was at the party. He took me to his room, put laudanum in my tea, and raped me. There. Is that what you wanted to know?? Before Nick could overcome his shock and say something, Katie had walked away from him, disappearing into her room.

Chapter 13
Michaela and Sully last heard from Katie at the beginning of March, only a few days after she arrived in San Francisco. Thought still furious at them both, Katie had written to let them know that she was safe. More so, she wanted them to know that she had gotten the role of Hermia. A small part of her wanted them to know just because they would be happy, but her larger intention, at the time, had been to show them once again that she was making something of herself as an actress. But after that one telegram, Katie went unheard from.

By the time May rolled around, Michaela had stopped trying to contact her daughter. Everyday she regretted keeping her hold on Katie so tight. She tried to think what she could have done differently. Was it possible that she could have been less protective? And if she had, would it have made a difference? After all this time, she tried to forget it all. But her daughter was still out there somewhere, all alone, and obviously still angry with her parents. Knowing that Katie was still upset tore Michaela to pieces. More then anything she wanted to erase everything and start over.

Michaela received the letter only three days after the new month began. Serenity had picked up the mail that day, and had waited until after supper to give her parents the envelope. As she and Michaela stood at the sink washing the dishes from supper, she suddenly remembered. ?Oh ma!? she cried, pulling the envelope out of her dress pocket. ?I can?t believe I forgot?This came for you today.?

Michaela took the letter and looked at the front. It was addressed to Mr. And Mrs. Byron Sully. The return address was in San Francisco, but there was no name on it. Thinking it was from Miriam, Michaela wandered over to the fireplace and sat down in one of the wingback chairs. She tore open the envelope and began reading. Before she reached the second line, she was calling for Sully.

?What is it?? Sully asked, walking from the kitchen table to his wife. Michaela remained silent, so Sully came around closer. He kneeled down next to her and set his hand on her knee. ?Michaela?? It was then that he saw a few tears drop from her eyes. ?Serenity,? he called. ?Take your brothers and sisters upstairs.?

Melissa and Christopher gathered up their schoolbooks from the table and were quietly herded upstairs by their older sister. ?I can?t use my microscope upstairs.? Josef protested.

?You can look at your bugs tomorrow.? Serenity said, ?Now come on. Ma and Pa need to talk.?

Josef picked up the microscope and followed his sister. ?And they aren?t bugs, they?re tiny organisms from the creek water.?

When Sully saw that all the children were upstairs, he turned back to Michaela. He wiped a tear off her cheek. ?Michaela, talk to me.?

Holding up the letter, Michaela started crying even harder. ?It?s?from?Katie?? she managed to say through the tears.

Sully took the letter from her hands and began reading.

Dear Ma and Pa,
I know I haven?t written in a long time, and for that I am sorry. I guess I just didn?t know what to say. We didn?t part on good terms and I was afraid that you wouldn?t want me to come home. When I sat down to think about it, I realized how silly that was. You both have always wanted what was best for me and would never not want me home. I simply needed to be out on my own, to follow my own dreams, before I could realize just how lucky I am to have the two of you in my life.
I am writing now, because I don?t want you to expect me home for my birthday. With all my heart I want to be there, but work simply won?t allow it. The production of Midsummer Night?s Dream ran for the entire month of April at the theater in San Francisco. Now we are headed to the San Diego Theatre for shows there. It will run for three weeks.
Until then, I can be reached at the address I?ve enclosed. A friend there will forward your letters to the theater in San Diego. I hope to be available to come home after San Diego. There are a few things I need to sort out before then, but I?m working on them. We plan on going on the road with the show come July, but I will have until then to be with you.
I love you and miss you. Say hi to everyone for me. Tell them I love them too.
Your daughter,
Katherine Sully

Sully looked up with tears brimming in his eyes. He didn?t cry often, but knowing is daughter was safe made his heart melt. After all the possibilities that had gone through their heads. Now they knew she was safe. ?She?s ok,? he said. ?Katie?s ok.?

Michaela stood up from her seat and walked over to the fireplace. She took down the family photo from the mantle and held it close to her for a moment. She then placed it back in its place and slowly ran her finger over Katie?s image. Sully sat patiently next to the chair, waiting for her to speak. Michaela turned around quickly and looked straight at him. ?We should go to San Diego,? She said.

?Now?? Sully asked.

?As soon as possible.? Michaela clarified. ?She needs us Sully.?

?Sounds like she has things under control to me.?

?Can?t you tell Sully? She?s miserable and she?s hiding it. Katie doesn?t write like that when she?s happy. I know. She?s my daughter. I can feel that something is wrong.?

?And you think going to California and barging in on her life is going to help.?

?I?m her mother Sully! I cannot sit here and do nothing.?

?You don?t even know that anything is wrong.?

?She has not written to us in two months! Something has been going on in that time. Why would she suddenly decide to write now and not then? Something bad happened Sully. I can sense it.?

?I guess it?s pointless to argue with you. You?ll be on the first train out if you have your way.?

?I don?t know why you can?t understand this,? Michaela said.

?Michaela we lost her once my forcin her, by doin what we thought was best. By pushin too hard. She obviously doesn?t want us to know where she is, otherwise she?d have given us her address in San Diego. If we just show up there before she?s ready?I don?t know how she?ll take it.?

?Or maybe she really wants us to see her perform. Otherwise why would she have told us which theater the show was at??

?I don?t know Michaela, but I don?t think we should go. She said she?d be coming home, can?t you wait a few weeks? Maybe she?ll work things out on her own.?

?I?m going out there Sully. And I?m bringing out daughter back with me. You can come with me or you can stay here. But come Friday, I?m taking the first train out.?

?Someone will have to watch the kids.?

?I?ll ask Colleen and Andrew to stay here. There is plenty of room.?

?What should we tell them??

?Just that we got a letter asking us to come see her show. And promise they can go to another one, some other time. They?ll want to come along, but it will be easier to help Katie without them there. They will understand.?

Michaela and Sully arrived at the theater and let themselves in the front door. They could hear the faint voices of the actors rehearsing on the stage. Following the sounds, they soon found their way to the floor seating and a close view of the stage. Michaela took Sully hand and led him quickly up to the stage. Their presence distracted those on stage. The actors stopped and started at them, causing the Todd Landson to also turn his head. ?Can I help you?? he asked.

?We?re looking for our daughter.? Michaela began. ?She?s supposed to be in this production.?

?Families aren?t allowed at rehearsals.?

?Please, we need to speak with her.? Michaela begged.

?Well if she isn?t on stage now, she?ll be getting ready for her scene.? The director assumed. ?You can try backstage but if you interfere in my practice, you?ll have to leave. We have to go on tomorrow night.?

Michaela barely waited for him to finish before rushing around the stage, looking for a way behind it. Sully quickly followed her, offering a ?thank you? to the director as he left.

Once backstage, Michaela began frantically searching throughout the many people, trying to locate her daughter?s face. All around her were actors talking amongst themselves, rehearsing lines, have their costumes altered. But none of them were Katie.

Michaela noticed a young woman who didn?t look particularly busy, and walked over to her. ?Excuse me,? she said. ?I?m looking for Katherine Sully. Might you know where she is??

The woman looked up from the sheet of paper she had been reading. ?Katie?? she clarified. ?I haven?t seen her in days. She?s been really sick and hasn?t left her hotel room. Nick had a doctor check on her but if he knows what?s goin on, he sure hasn?t told us.?

A worried expression washed over Michaela?s face. ?She?s sick?? she barely whispered.

?That?s what Nick said.?

?Who?s Nick?? Sully asked.

?Right over there,? The woman pointed. ?That?s Nick?s brother Paul. You see, Nick was cast as Lysander, but when Katie got sick?he hasn?t left her side. We have someone to stand in for both of them right now, but come show time, they?d better be on stage.?

?We should got talk to Paul then.? Michaela suggested.

?Wouldn?t try that. Paul won?t say anything about Nick that would be helpful and he sure has heck won?t talk about Katie.?

?Why on earth not??

?It?s all been kept real quiet,? the woman began, ?But I think he and Katie had a fling. I don?t think it ended too well.?

Sully cast a suspicious glance in the direction the woman pointed. He saw the young man talking with another young woman. Sully had a bad feeling about that boy. ?Can you tell us where Katie is?? Sully asked, not taking his eyes off of Paul.

?I don?t know about that,? The woman hesitated. ?I shouldn?t just be giving that kind of information out to strangers.?

?After all you told you, now you?re worried about revealing information.?

?I may be a gossip,? the woman admitted. ?But I?m not looking for someone to go and attack my friend in her hotel room.?

?We?re her parents.? Michaela said. ?Please, tell us where she is.?

?You?re Katie?s folks??

?That?s right.? Michaela confirmed.

?Well don?t tell her I was the one to tell you where she is. I wouldn?t normally seein how she?s been feeling about the two of you. But I?m worried about her.? The girl paused a minute. ?She?s stayin at the hotel down the street, room 203.?

?Thank you so much??


?Thank you Rose,? Michaela said.

?Just don?t tell her I told you.?

?We won?t,? Sully promised.

Chapter 14
Reaching room 203 of the hotel, Michaela suddenly felt her stomach churning. Suddenly remembering all the harsh things they had said to one another made her ill. The knocked on the door, hoping that things between them might have began to heal over their months apart. Sensing her anxiety, Sully placed one hand around her back and took her hands with the other. He squeezed them softly and gave her a quick smile. ?It?ll be ok,? he assured her.

The door opened then, and a young man greeted them. ?Can I help you?? he asked.

Michaela saw her Katie through the door. Her heart filled with relief and concern. ?Katie!? Michaela ran over to her daughter.

?Ma!?? Katie tried desperately to sit up in bed, but couldn?t do it alone. Michaela noticed and slipped her arm behind Katie?s back to assist. ?What are you doing here??

?We got your letter. I thought something might be wrong.? Michaela gently placed a strand of Katie?s hair back behind her ear. She slid her hand down Katie?s cheek, noting how pale she looked. ?And from the look of things, I was right.?

?I?ll be alright? Katie said halfheartedly.

?How long have you been feeling poorly??

?About two weeks.?

?Have you been able to keep anything down??

?Ma, please. Just leave me alone.?

?I certainly will not. You?re sick. I?m staying until I know you?re well. Then you?ll return home with us.?

?You can?t just order me around!? Katie yelled. ?I thought I made that clear when I left Colorado. I?m living my life the way I want to live it. I said I was coming home for in a few weeks. Wasn?t that enough for you??

?We were concerned,? Michaela said again.

?I didn?t ask you to come.?

?Katie we only want what is best for you.?

?What you think is best!? Katie was still yelling, angry that her parents were intruding on her life once more. However, after her last statement, she sank down into bed in defeat. Her heart was racing and her head spinning. Had Michaela not acted quickly and gotten some sugar in her, she would have fainted. The candy helped momentarily, but soon after Katie vomited what little she had in her stomach.

When Katie was calmed from the events following the argument, Michaela helped prop up her head in bed. Allthe while, Sully and Nick stood off to the side of the room. While she mixed some medication in with a glass of water, Michaela once again spoke. ?We obviously were right about something. Look where you?re way got you. Alone and sick in a strange city.?

?It?s not strange anymore. I?ve been here for two weeks and I was in San Francisco for six. As for being sick, I was taking care of it.?

Michael flung her arm dramatically towards Nick. ?By letting some random stranger take care of you?! Katie you need a doctor.?

?I?ve seen a doctor ma. And he isn?t a random stranger. Nick and I met in Denver back in January. I?ve known him for months now.? Katie closed her eyes as she spoke, felling too weak to keep them open and argue at the same time.

Michaela noted her daughter?s condition and felt guilty for aggravating it. She did, however have a great need to speak her mind, but more importantly to help Katie. ?What did the doctor say??

?It doesn?t matter. I?ll be fine after next week.?

?Is that what he said??

?What she said,? Katie clarified. ?And no, she said it?d be a few months. But I got a second opinion who assures me that if I come to see him again next week, I?ll be fine afterwards.?

As realization set in, Michaela turned to her husband. ?Sully, will you take Nick and wait in the hall please??

Sully silently obeyed, ushering the young man into the hallway. When they were gone, Michaela turned to her daughter. ?You?re pregnant.?

It was more of a statement than a question, but Katie responded anyway. ?Yes.?

?And you were going to get an abortion??

?What else can I do? I can?t have this baby.?

?I won?t let you do that,? Michaela insisted. ?We?ll work things out. Your father and I??

?Will treat me like a child. If I do one thing that warrants it, I will once again be your little girl, the one who cannot make her own decisions, who needs constant supervision and guidance. I won?t be that person anymore ma. I?m living my own life now.?

?Yes and it got you pregnant. How responsible is that? It?s obvious that you still need your father and I in your life.?

?Ma I was raped! This was no decision of mine.?

Michaela?s stomach dropped as she tried to digest this news. It felt like her heart was being squeezed by some unknown force, draining the life out of her. All she wanted to do was keep her children safe, to ease any pains they might face. Katie being pregnant was one thing, but this would not disappear and could not possibly be seen as good. This was something Michaela couldn?t take away. Composing herself, Michaela prodded further, ?Did you contact the authorities??

?What for? I have to work with him everyday. I didn?t need to make things worse.?

Dread filled her as the rapist?s identity came into question. ?Nick raped you??

?Of course not! Nick loves me. If I would agree, we?d be married. It was his brother, Paul.?

?He should be punished.?

?No one cares about things like that. I?d rather just forget it all and leave him be.?

?Unfortunately, you have that child to think of. You can?t just forget that.?

?Like I said, as of next week, this will not be a concern.?

?Katie please, think reasonably. You don?t want to do this.?

?Nick already tried to talk me out of it ma. He was unsuccessful as you will be.?

?But it?s against everything you believe in.?

?Everything YOU believe in.?

?You?re telling me you think that it is ok to kill another human being.?

?Of course not.?

?That?s what you would be doing.?

?Don?t you think I know that?? Katie screamed. ?I don?t want to do this, but I have no choice.?

?You do have a choice. Come home with us. We?ll take care of you, and the baby.?

?And face everyone back in Colorado? What will they think of me??

?Let?s ask your father back in first. Then we?ll think of something.? Michaela went to the door of the hotel room and asked Sully and Nick to come back in. ?I think you both should be here for the rest of this conversation.?

?What?s wrong?? Sully asked.

Michaela sensed that Katie could not bear telling her father the news, so she did it herself. ?Sully?Katie is pregnant.?

For seconds, Sully didn?t know how to react. First he stood in disbelief, but seeing the looks on both his wife and his daughter?s faces, he knew it was true. Sully then became angry, blaming the entire ordeal on Nick. Sully grabbed the collar of the boy who had been standing next to him. He shoved the boy roughly against the wall. "You did this?!"

?Nnnnn?.no sir.? Nicholas stuttered. At the same time Katie weakly called over to her father. ?Pa let him go. It wasn?t him.?

?It was Paul,? Michaela explained. ?Nick?s brother.?

Sully slowly let the boy down. ?Then what?s he doin here??

?Nick?s been takin care of me,? Katie said. ?I haven?t been doin so well.?

?Is she gonna be alright?? Sully asked his wife.

?I haven?t had a chance to examine her yet,? Michaela responded. ?There are risks to be aware of with her diabetes, but I believe she?s just suffering from morning sickness right now.?

?You?re sure??

?No, Sully I?m not sure. But it?s all better then her alternative.?

?Ma doesn?t want me to have an abortion,? Katie said.

?And neither do I,? Sully insisted. ?It?s wrong.?

?Then again I ask, what am I supposed to do??

Sully had much the same answer as his wife. ?Come home with us. We?ll help you take care of the baby.?

?Pregnant and unmarried?? Katie asked. ?That will go over real well in Colorado Springs.?

?They?ll understand Katie,? Michaela swore. ?They are all your friends.?

Nick finally saw an opportunity to speak. ?Or you could marry me like I asked.?

?Nick I can?t marry you,? Katie said.

?Why not. You said you loved me just as much as I love you. I?ll make a good home for you and the baby.?

?You?re his brother,? Katie tried to explain herself. ?Yes I love you, but right now?I just can?t be with you until I get over this. I don?t want to be with anyone.?

?At least let me come to Colorado with you. Even if we aren?t married, I want to help take care of you.?

Katie gave in, with limitations. ?As a friend,? she said. ?You can come as a friend.?

?I guess I?m going home then,? Katie said half glad half upset.

?I?ll go talk to Todd about the play,? Nick offered. ?I?m sure he?ll give us the money we?ve earned without a fuss.?

?I forgot about the play,? Katie said. ?Ma, is there anyway I can keep going, even these last few shows here??

?Katie, I would like to say you could, but you look miserable. You can?t even speak to us without becoming totally exhausted. I don?t see how you can get up on a stage and act for two hours.?

?Isn?t there something you can give me??

?I can try giving you bicarbonate for the diabetes and something to settle your stomach, but it will be a few days before you get your strength back, and that?s if those two things do the trick. Normally, with someone in your condition, I?d order you to stay in bed.?

?Why?s that?? Sully wondered for them all.

?As I?ve told Katie for years, people who develop diabetes as children usually outgrow it. It?s obvious that she isn?t one of those people, or she just hasn?t yet. We can control it as we?ve been doing, but being pregnant?that adds the possibility of complications.?

?You?re sayin I could die??

?It is a possibility,? Michaela confirmed. ?But with the proper diet, a lot of rest, and constant supervision by a doctor, you should be fine.?

Katie sighed deeply, taking in all of this information. ?Then I guess I shouldn?t even try to keep going in the play.?

Michaela placed her hand on Katie?s. ?You know I?m only saying this because it?s what?s best for you and the baby. If I could get you back on that stage I would.?

?I do miss Colorado,? Katie said, close to tears now. All this information, the possibilities, and the loss of acting were all beginning to set in. Although she knew it was for the best, she didn?t want to leave the stage. She didn?t want to face the future when it was so uncertain.

?Will she be ok to travel?? Sully asked.

?We should stay a day or two and let her rest,? Michaela decided. ?But we can get a sleeper car on the train. She should be ok there.?

?We?ll let you get her settled then,? Sully said. ?Nick, let?s take a walk.? Nick looked at Katie and given her affirmative nod, he followed Sully out of the hotel room.

Chapter 15
While Michaela got Katie settled for the night, Sully and Nick went to the front desk. He got a room right next to Katie?s for him and Michaela to stay in. As per Nick?s request, he would stay with Katie. Although Sully at first refused this idea, he came to realize that this young man had no inappropriate intentions towards his daughter. In addition, it would be useful to have him so close to her, in case she needed someone to fetch Michaela.

Sully then accompanied Nick to the theater where they met with Todd and William Landson. Although both were desperate not to lose two of the best actors, they really had no choice but to let them leave. They paid Nick and told him they?d be happy to have him and Katie back when life permitted.

Returning to the hotel, Sully went to his room and Nick went to Katie?s. Nick told Michaela where Sully was and she left her daughter to sleep.

When Michaela stepped into the room, she found Sully pacing up and down small space between the bed and the wall. When he saw her, he stopped and slammed a fist against the wall. ?I can?t believe this is happening.?

?I know,? Michaela whispered, placing a gentle hand on Sully?s arm.

?I just want to go down to that theater and?? Sully?s voice faded. He hated feeling how he did but when someone hurt his little girl, he wanted nothing more then to make them pay.

Michaela knew what her husband was feeling. "Sully I'm just as upset about this as you, but we cannot let Katie know that. She needs us now. That baby needs us."

?I remember holdin her right after she was born. I was never happier. Now my little girl is pregnant?I just wish we were all happier about it. Seems we?re focusin on the bad.?

?Katie will come around once she stops feeling so poorly,? Michaela knew. ?As for us?we already love that baby more then it seems we could. I know you feel it too Sully.?

?Do you think she?ll marry Nick??

?Maybe someday. Right now she knows she isn?t ready.?

?Do you think she?s ready to be a mother??

?No one is ever truly ready for that,? Michaela said. ?I think she?ll need our support, but she can do it.?

?The question is will she accept our help??

?We didn?t talk much,? Michaela told him. ?After you left I just made sure she was comfortable enough to sleep. But there?s something different about her. I think she knows she can?t do this alone.?

Safely back in Colorado, Katie was sent immediately to bed. Michaela came to check on her that first evening. ?You know your father and I will always think of you as our little girl.? Katie opened her mouth to protest, but Michaela shushed her. ?But we do realize that you?re growing up. Yes, you need our help now, but it?s clear that going to California was right for you. You should be touring the country and acting, I see that now.?

?You see that after seeing me propped up in bed for days??

?No, but after seeing the entire production shut down without you??

?It wasn?t just me. Todd and Will were just being nice. They probably got someone else to fill in as soon as the train pulled away.?

?Even if they did, it wouldn?t matter. They obviously loved you as did your audience. Katie, if you love what you do, then you should be doing just that.?

Katie was confused. ?Why the sudden understanding??

?I don?t know,? Michaela admitted. ?I guess I just realized how close I came to losing you.?

?I wasn?t about to die ma.?

?Not lose you like that. Lose you as in the Katie I know. She started to disappear for a while there, but she?s comin back now.?

?And to think what might have happened had you not come,? Katie said. ?I hated you for it at first, but really?I was glad you were there. You sayin I couldn?t leave?that just made it easier for me to go.

?When you were angry, that?s how you saw it. But I?d bet money that there were times when you didn?t want to disobey.?

?Plenty of them,? Katie revealed. ?I hated doing something that you didn?t agree with.?

?But you had to.?

Katie agreed. ?I did.?

Michaela let out a soft sigh. ?One of these days, I will learn from my mistakes.?

?What do you mean??

?When Colleen was your age, she wanted to go to some horse races and I insisted she could not go.?

?She went,? Katie knew.

?Dorothy warned me not to fight against her. She said that if I pulled the reins too tight that Colleen would just struggle and break free.?

Katie snuggled under the covers. ?Colleen never broke them, not completely. But I did.?

?I try to do what is best for my children and their families,? Michaela began. ?I thought I was being loose with you. I didn?t ground you when you disobeyed and I never forbade you from acting. I thought that was enough to get you to listen. I realize now that this wasn?t where I should have loosened the reins. It was with school and acting. Katie, if you don?t want to go to college??

?I don?t think I?ll be doing much of anything for awhile,? Katie mused.

?But once the baby is born, you could return to the stage.?

?Or I could take classes at the university and write my own plays,? Katie suggested.

?Whatever you decide,? Michaela said. ?Your father and I will support you, and help in anyway we can.

Michaela saw her daughter fading into slumber. She pulled the blankets higher up and placed a soft kiss on Katie?s forehead. Yes, she had pulled the reins too tight this time and instead of obeying, Katie had resisted and broken away. But both storms had settled and though the reins had been broken, the true family ties would always remain.

The End! What did y'all think? :)

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