Buliding Memories

This story is part of the Virtual 8th Season. Ashley co-wrote this with me. To read all of the 8th Season click here

October 1874

The crisp air of the October morning blew the dust along the streets. Outside it seemed quiet. The bustle of the day had not yet begun to crowd the road. An outsider may have thought that the day had not yet started in this subdued town. There was no commotion in the community until that first wagon rounded the corner and trampled the dust under its wheels.

The buckboard pulled in front of the medical clinic and it’s riders exited and went about their separate ways. “Brian’s bein awful quiet this mornin.” Sully commented as he helped Michaela down from her seat.

“Yes he is. I hope he’s not working too hard.” Michaela responded watching her younger son walking towards the Gazette office, his thick writing notebook under his arm. “He sits in his room writing all night. I can’t believe Dorothy has him doing so much.”

“He sure does seem to be workin a lot. Maybe it is a good idea that he’s not taking classes in Denver yet.”

“I don’t know Sully. I want him to get an education so he can do something with his talent. He wants to be a writer so badly. I think it would help him to get professional instruction.”

“Ya gotta let him decide that for himself. Some people need some time to figure out what exactly they wanna do with their lives. If he’s happy workin with Dorothy then we should support him in that.”

“Yes I just hope he is truly happy. He’s not been acting like himself.” Michaela again looked towards the building where Dorothy ran the newspaper.

Sully knew the worried look on her face and tried to change the subject. “You got many patients today?”

“No…Just a few this afternoon. I was going to spend the morning putting away the new supplies that arrived yesterday.”

“Alright then I’ll just drop Katie off with Madeline and then head over to Robert E’s.”

“I’ll see you this afternoon then.”

“Three O’clock. Not a minute later. Don’t want ya working too hard.”

Michaela smiled at her husband. “I’ll be fine.”

“You just be sure to take it easy.” The couple shared a loving kiss before going their separate ways.


Brian stood by the large press in the corner of the room, working on the front page. As he pulled out the freshly printed paper, he spotted his name under a headline. How good it felt to see his name, Brian Cooper, in real print. But soon the excitement faded when Brian realized that once again it was only the Gazette. Not that he wasn’t proud of all he had accomplished in writing articles for the town paper, or that he didn’t appreciate Dorothy’s help and support, but as he stood with that paper in his hands, he wondered if he would ever make more of himself then that. His mind began to wander to the notebook that he had set aside with his jacket. He had to ask sometime…but when?

Brain’s mind continued to drift away from his set task. He stared out the window at the town he had grown up in. There was so much to consider. He had been urged to go to college right away. Everyone told him it was for the best that he get a solid college education. But that didn’t feel right.

Brian knew in his heart what he wanted. He wanted to be a famous writer. But why did everyone insist that he become a big city reporter? He didn’t like the city. Yes, it was nice to visit and he loved traveling to new places, but actually moving to a city was not appealing. He loved the wilderness and the quite it brought. The life he had been raised in…that’s the life he wanted.

But what about being a famous writer? It was all so confusing. Why couldn’t he continue his work at the Gazette and still be famous? The answer there was obvious. No one outside of Colorado Springs ever read the Gazette. He would never get anywhere unless he left. Until he got a college education, he would not be a renowned writer.

Brian’s mind swirled with all of these thoughts. He seemed he only had two options. Either he stay in Colorado and continue with an ordinary life, or he go to college and become a famous journalist. Then again why was he limiting himself to a journalistic life? There were plenty of writers who were not journalists. Just because he had spent most of his writing career as a journalist doesn’t mean he has to stay with it forever. Perhaps he could be a fictional writer after all.

Dorothy noticed Brian’s sudden lack of interest in work. She took the sheet of paper from his hands but still his eyes did not leave the window. “Want to talk about it?” she asked him, gently laying her hand on his shoulder.

Startled out of his reverie, Brian shook his head. “I’m sorry Miss Dorothy. I just…. oh it’s nothing.”

“Don’t seem like nothin.”

“I’ve just been thinkin a lot lately…”

Dorothy sensed that Brian was ready to talk. She led him to the chair in front of her desk and pulled her seat next to him. “Go on.”

“Well I know everyone wants me to go to Denver and take classes there. So I can improve my writin and get a job with a big newspaper. But I don’t want to be a journalist. Idon’t want to live in a city. I want to be famous but not like that. I want to write a book like you did. But I know I’m far from that. I just keep wonderin what’s the best way to reach that goal.”

Dorothy was not sure what to say. She had always tried to encourage Brian to write. But this situation was different. He had always known what he wanted. “Brian you have to do what’s right for you. If you’re not ready to leave Colorado Springs, then you shouldn’t.”

“But what about college, or my book?”

“Those are things that will happen one day Brian, if you want them to. I’m sure you’ll get there. But you’re still young. You have plenty of time to go to college and get a good job. As for the book…You’ll start it when you’re ready. But until then you just have to practice with little things.”

“I try to write little things Miss Dorothy. They always come out terrible.”

“Come now, that’s not true. Look at all the articles you’ve written for the Gazette. You think I’d publish them if they were no good?”

“But those are just articles. They don’t require any imagination. I want to write something fictional. Somethin I came up with all on my own.”

“Well then you should do that. You have a wonderful imagination Brian. I’m sure you’ll come up with something eventually. But be patient. You don’t gotta start nothin till you’re ready.”

“Actually…I’ve been workin on somethin…” Brian went over to the shelf where his notebook lay. He took it in is hands and turned back to Miss Dorothy. “But it’s no good.” He said with a sigh.

“I’d be glad to look over it Brian.”

“Would ya really?”

“Of course.” Dorothy took the notebook and began skimming its contents. “Brian this is excellent.”

“Not good enough to be published.”

“Not yet it’s not…but it’s an excellent start. No one gets published on their first try.”

“You did.” Brian replied picking up the copy of Dorothy’s book that lay on her desk.

“Brian that book was far from a first try. I’d been writin short stories and poems for years before that. Not to mention the Gazette. I’d had a lot of practice.”

“So ya think it’s a goal worth tryin for?”

“Brian every goal is worth tryin for…but yes I think you should try for a book one day.”

“But not now?”

“You’re writing is excellent Brian but I do think you could benefit from some additional instruction. I can’t teach ya everything ya need to know.”

“I understand Miss Dorothy. I’ll go to college one day. I’m just not ready yet.”

Dorothy continued to read throughout the conversation. She suddenly sat up straight and placed the notebook on her desk triumphantly. “Brian I’ve just had a wonderful idea!”


“Well it’ll be Halloween in a few weeks and this play has a somewhat scary motif to it….Why don’t we do it!”

“Do what?”

“Put on the play of course! Just like we did Romeo and Juliet. Oh Brian it would be so fun!”

“I don’t know…It’s really not that good or scary. Plus I don’t even have an ending yet.”

“It’s just scary enough that it’s perfect. We want everyone to come and if it were any scarier the children wouldn’t be able to appreciate it. And I’m sure you can come up with an ending. And if not I’ll help you out.”

Brain began to get excited about the possibility of his play, something he wrote, being performed on stage. “Alright let’s do it!”

“Oh this is going to be wonderful! Let’s go get started on the preparations.”

“What about the Gazette? We still have a lot of work to do if we wanna get it out tomorrow.”

“It can wait…come on!”


Michaela rushed around the clinic trying to find a place for all the new supplies that had come in on yesterday’s train. Unfortunately, her ever-growing belly kept getting in the way. Sully had told her not to overdo it, but there was too much to be accomplished and so little time to do it. She sorted through the various medicines, placing some in her cabinet and others in a box that she would deliver to Dr. Fulton later on. Crates with other supplies such as bandages, suturing thread, and some new instruments were strewn around the room. There was no place to put anything. Michaela had begun to order more stock seeing as the town was growing and more patients needed treatment. But the clinic was slowly becoming crowded with the necessities.

Although the clinic still looked disorganized, Dr. Mike decided she had to take a break. Just as she was thinking she might get a break before lunch, there was a knock at the door. Having just sat down, Michaela did not make an effort to get up and answer it. Instead she called for the visitor to come in.

Louisa slowly opened the door and glanced to where Michaela was sitting. “Dr. Mike?”

With one hand on her back, Michaela slowly rose from the chair. “Louisa. What can I do for you?”

Louisa noticed all the crates and open cabinets strewn about the clinic. Not wanting to interrupt she turned back towards the door. “Oh I don’t want to bother you Dr. Mike. I’ll just be going…”

“No really. I’ve done all I can with these things. Most of it is going over to the chateau. Now what did you need?”

“Well it’s just….I’m not sure if you can do anything…but I figured I might as well see…well lately…I’ve been having trouble sleeping…I keep having these nightmares…and when I wake up I can’t fall back to sleep.”

“Well there is not much I can do for nightmares. But I can examine you to be sure nothing else is keeping you from sleeping.”

“I guess that’s the only option I have.”

Louisa sat on the examination table and Dr. Mike went to work. Both women were silent for a few minutes. As Michaela checked her patient for any abnormalities, Louisa decided to break the silence. “So are ya doin anything special for Sully’s birthday?”

“Sully’s birthday?” Michaela was confused by the question. Her brow creased in confusion. Then she realized the implication. “You know Sully’s birthday?”

“Of course I do. Abigail was my cousin after all. She told me everything. There’s not much we kept from each other. We were very close. When Aunt Maude wrote me about her dyin…”

Michaela stopped her examination to comfort her new friend. “It must have been hard.”

“Yea it was…she was my best friend when I still lived here. All growin up too. Before they we married, we used to talk about Sully and my old beau Robert till all hours of the night. I bet I knew more about Sully then anyone else in town…well except for Abigail of course.”

“Yes I imagine she would have confided in you often. And you the same with her.” Somewhat hurt that Sully had told Abigail his birthday but not her, Michaela was lost in her own thoughts of insecurity.

Louisa noticed the distant look in the doctor’s eyes. “Is there something wrong Dr. Mike?”

Michaela dismissed her feelings and tried to reassure her patient that she was fine. “No I’m fine. I was just wondering….what is Sully’s birthday?”

“You mean you don’t know?”

She tried to quickly to make an excuse as to why she did not know her husband’s birthday. “No…Sully’s really never been big on celebrating his birthday. I imagine he knew I’d make a big deal out of it as would the children if we knew.”

“Yes well I can believe that. He and Abigail never celebrated either…at least not that I know of. The only reason she found out was because she found a piece of paper inside one of his books. I think it was one his ma gave him.”

Michaela pondered the idea and decided this was very like Sully. There was some reason he had kept this secret from her, but she could not at first understand why it was only from her. She was comforted that he had not told Abigail his birthday either. Satisfied that her husband did not single her out, Dr. Mike continued her examination.

“Well I can find nothing wrong Louisa. I can give you something that will help you sleep.” Michael went over to the newly stocked medicine cabinet and brought back a drug and instructions. “As for the nightmares, I would suggest talking to someone about them. I am always willing to listen if you have no one else.”

Louisa headed towards the door. “Thank you Dr. Mike. I’ll be sure to remember that.” She turned to leave but stooped with her hand on the open door. “Just so ya know…Sully’s birthday is October 31…Halloween.”

Act 1

After working all day at the Telegraph Office, Horace was pretty exhausted. As he walked out the door into the evenings chilly weather to grab a bite to eat at Grace's cafe; the other night came to mind, he remembered looking out his window, at almost midnight, to find Louisa sitting in the mud, with the rain was coming down in torrents throughout Colorado Springs. His mind went back to their conversation, while he was holding her, and as her frame was shaking with sobs. "Ms. Martin, why in the world are you out here on a night like this?!"

Louisa looked up at him through shot red eyes, bewilderment suddenly took over. "Mr. Bing?! Is that you? I…I'm sorry I didn't realize what I was doing, I had this dream that about my mother and....Oh it doesn't matter anymore, do forgive me for my actions, I...” Realizing his arms were still around her, and the nightdress she had on was beginning to become transparent from getting soaked with the rain, suddenly starting to feel very uncomfortable. "Mr. Bing, could you let go of me now?"

Horace's face became red as a beet. "Umm sure, sorry." He looked down sheepishly, "but do you wanna come in and dry off? I still got my fire goin, it would only take a mintute to stoke it up a bit'."

She hesitated, but then seeing the sincerity in his eyes, consented....

"What'll it be Horace?" Grace asked, interrupting his thoughts. Horace had managed to wander to the cafe and sit down.

"Umm I think coffee, and meatloaf please?"

"Comin right up...are you feelin' ok? You looked a little flushed, maybe you should go see Dr. Mike?"

"Oh no Grace, I'm fine, thanks' though."

She left the table to go tell Lydia to get his order ready. Horace looked over to Dr. Mike's clinic, 'maybe I should go see if she can help me out, she'll listen to what I have to say...' he thought to himself.

"Here ya go Horace," Lydia smiled down at him.

"Oh, uhh thanks Lydia," he half smiled back. Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw Louisa leave Dr. Mike's clinic. “Was she sick? Oh my goodness, what if she got a bad cold, from bein' out there in the rain?!” He thought frantically. His thoughts were again distracted by something rubbing against his legs. "Hello kitty kitty, where did you come from?" It was a jet black cat that seemed to have wandered in to the cafe when Grace wasn't looking. "Do you want something to eat?"

"Horace, you get that cat outa' my cafe! There are bad luck around these times of the month!" Grace's usually cheerful self turned mad within seconds as she hollered from the kitchen.

"But Grace, he didn't do nothin, he's just hungry!"

"I said get im' outa here!"

"Ok, ok, what do I owe ya?" He said finally consenting.

"It's on the house if you remove that cat!" She said softening. "I tell you, It's bad luck to have a black cat around near Halloween!"

"Alright, can I take my food with me so I can finish?"

"Make sure you bring back the dish then."

"Thanks Grace." He said smiling.

"You're welcome, now go on, git!" She smiled back.


Right after tending to Louisa, Michaela started to close up, looking around the room, she decided to wait till tomorrow to finish. She then heard a knock at the door, but knowing it would be Sully she just yelled for him to come in.

"Hey, you ready to go home yet?" Sully asked, smiling his irresistible smile.

Michaela smiled back. "I don't know what to do with all of these supplies, I have almost completely run out of room!" She sighed and looked back around the room.

“I'll tell you what," Sully answered, turning her towards him, and pulling her into his arms. "I'll start working on an additional room in the back, and I'll add a whole bunch of new shelves for ya, AND I'll have it all done by the time you are ready to come back to work after the baby is born. How's that sound?"

Michaela sighed again and looked into his piercing blue eyes. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" Sully chuckled.

"I always asked my self what I did to deserve you, Michaela I would go to any extent to make you happy." He laughed again "You have to understand, my heart's yours now."

It was Michaela's turn to laugh. "You know, that didn't make sense to what we were talking about, but it was still sweet." She smiled up at him.

"I thought I would try to brush up on my humor....Didn't work eh?"

"I thought it was funny, but I'm sorry to break the moment, there has been something eating at me for a while, Sully I need to talk to you about something, why have you never told me your birthday?"

Sully immediately tensed. "Michaela, you know I don't like to talk about these things." He looked down at their feet, but Michaela raised his chin with her finger. "Sully, you know that Abigail and Louisa were very close right?"

"Of course, you know Abigail told me they were completely inseparable before I showed up." He grinned remembering his past wife, "She said they did everything together. Once about two months before we were engaged, she and Louisa played a trick on me. It was the day of the Sweethearts Dance; they looked almost exactly alike, so they dressed up exactly the same, and they put their hair up exactly the same. So come nightfall, I couldn't see very well, and...." He looked at her face, and seeing that she was interested, but also seeing that she wanted to tell him something. "This isn't what you wanted to talk about is it?"

Michaela was smiling at him, she liked to hear about his past, she had never heard that story before. "No it wasn't, but I'm intrigued! Go on!"

"Tell me what you wanted to tell me then I'll keep giving you a story."

She hesitated. "Well, I was talking to Louisa and she asked what I was going to do for your birthday." She cringed looking up with one eye open, the other one partly shut to see he reaction. Unfortunately the reaction wasn't good, he paled and motioned her to go on. "Well, I have to say I didn't know what she was talking about, so she asked if I even knew what your birthday was. I didn't know what to tell her. She told me that Abigail told her, but didn't tell anyone else. She said that Abigail only knew because she found a slip of paper in a book that she assumed to be something your mother gave you, and it had your birthday date on it. She said that she didn't think that y'all even celebrated." She saw the confused look on his face. "I am guessing that Abigail never told you she found out?"

Regret formed on Sully's face, as he prepared to tell her something he had never told anyone before. "Did she tell you the date of my birthday?"

"October 31st, Halloween..."

"Well, that little piece of information, is correct...I..." Eyes began to fill, "I never wanted to tell anyone after my ma died." His voice choked. "The people that did know about my birthday, made fun of me so much. A birthday when I was little was supposed to be a day I looked forward too. The mother's of my friends called me devil child, and demon boy, and a lot of other names, then their children picked up on it, and called me those names too, and seeing that I was only about seven or eight, I would run home crying to my ma..."

Tears of obviously unhealed wounds, and of losing his beloved mother fell softly, but steadily down his tan face. "I never told anyone else because after that, I didn't have a ma to run home to, or a shoulder to cry on if I was made fun of, I was out in the cold, mean world alone, and unshielded, and unprotected. I used to blame my mother for not being there for me, or any of my other family, I was so hateful, and withdrawn for so many years, but I learned to forgive my mother, she was miserable on earth, after being raped, and abused, nothing could have made her life easier, she was scorned upon, and she said she felt so unclean. She couldn't take being alive any longer. But she left me behind, to care for myself, and I always wondered why I wasn't enough to make her stay with me on earth, she said she loved me, but I used to doubt after she jumped off that bridge. Sometimes I still doubt."

His and Michaela's tears were now falling like rain, Michaela didn't know what to do, but pull Sully into her arms and weep with him, and help him heal this newly opened wound. She couldn't talk, she was crying with her husband who had such a rough life before Colorado Springs. They stayed there until it was nearly sunset, just crying out all of their grief in each other's arms, the promised story forgotten.

When the tears finally ebbed, Michaela broached the subject gently. “Sully I know how terrible that must have been for you as a child. But I do think that your birthday can be a happier time now. I think we should celebrate this year…it’ll be fun.”

“No Michaela…I can’t It’s just too hard. I can’t face the memories every year. I’d rather we just kept this to ourselves ok?”

“But Sully…Maybe if you had some good birthdays again it wouldn’t be as painful. And the children have always wondered. And think of Katie and the new baby…don’t they deserve to know her father’s birthday?

“I just don’t know Michaela. Yes I want the children to know I guess but…”

“We’ll get through this together. We won’t tell anyone besides the children. And we’ll just have something quite to celebrate. I want this to be a happy time of year for you. I don’t want you to bear this pain any longer.”


"Brian, I think this is the best idea we've had yet!" Dorothy beamed, while looking over the finished and edited play script.

"I think so too!!" Brian answered eagerly. "I never thought one of my own stories would make it to a play!" Dorothy smiled at his enthusiasm. "Looks' like everyone is outside the Gazette waiting to hear the news. We better go tell em' so we don't keep them waitin'!" They walked out the door, to hear a lot of, "What's goin on’s” and other questions.

"Excuse me everyone! May I have your attention!" Silence went throughout the crowd. "I have a proposal to make, concerning this Halloween. Through Brian's amazing writing skills, he has come up with a Halloween play." All of the sudden everyone started talking at once, stating approvals or disapproval’s to each other.

"If I'm in this play, I’m not wearing tights again!" Hank yelled smartly from the back of the crowd, as he leaned up against a building post, smoking a cigar.

"Well, I..."

"Dorothy, who in the world is going to pay for all of the costumes and sets?" Yelled Loren from the steps of his shop.

"I haven't figured that out yet I..."

"Where are we going to set the stage up?" Bellowed another person.

"In the meadow..." And the questions kept coming, without time to answer them Dorothy was beginning to panic.

Suddenly a blood curdling yell broke through all the noise and questions. Cloud Dancing appeared through the crowd, and jumped on to the porch. "Let Dorothy speak, she has not had time to explain her intentions," He stated simply.

"Cloud Dancin!" Dorothy gasped still frightened by the scream. "Where did you come from?"

"Well, it all started with my father and mother." He whispered with a smile and a wink. "You can finish your speech now."

"Thank you!" she told him in a whisper. "Anyway, back to Brian's idea. He’s written this play….”

What’s it about?” someone in the crowd asked.

“Well I’ll give you a quick run through of the plot...It’s called The Haunting….” Dorothy told them.

“The main character is a princess named Gwen. Gwen wants to marry Kevin, prince of England, but her parents, the king and queen, want Gwen’s young sister Princess Eva to marry Kevin’s younger brother when the two grow up. Since they cannot marry if Gwen and Kevin are together, the king and queen have found a French prince for Gwen to marry. She refuses, and is forced to stay inside the castle until she agrees to marry her parent’s choice of a prince. So Gwen retreats to wandering around the castle alone and in sorrow.

On one of her excursions, Gwen finds a hidden dungeon. She soon realizes, she’s not alone in the cold and damp room and is frightened. The ghost wants Gwen and her family to leave his castle so after their meeting, he haunts her room at night. But soon the two become friends and Gwen convinces him that they can all live in the castle in peace.

Eventually, the royals give in and allow Gwen to marry Kevin. The ghost is sad to see her leave, but wants her to be happy.

Ok well that’s the story. We are going to hold tryouts for the parts in the play. We will need a king, queen, older princess, younger princess, ghost, a prince, court jester, a Paige, and a harp player. We will hold tryouts tomorrow at three. We will meet in the meadow, and copies of the scripts will be handed out to those who will try out. As for the stage, we will try to find the old one, and the curtains we'll have to dig out as well. Of course we will also have to have the play in the meadow, there really isn't anywhere else to do it. Any questions?" Surpassingly the crowd was silent, with no questions. "I guess that wraps it up then, see you all tomorrow!!"

Act 2 A large crowd came out the next day for auditions. The meadow was full of people reciting lines and thinking of ways to impress their acting talent upon those making the cast decisions. Dorothy, Brian, and Michaela acted as judges to help determine the cast.

As they waited for the first person to take the stage, Dorothy tried to get Michaela to try out. "Michaela are you sure you don't want a part? I'm sure we can work something out."

"Dorothy that's very kind. But I'm sure."

"But you were such a wonderful nurse. It's a shame to waste that talent."

"Dorothy I'm as big as a house. I don't want to be put on stage. Plus I'll be helping with costumes and directing if you need me. That's about all I can handle with the baby so close and the clinic."

"I understand Michaela. And yes we can use all the help with other things that we can get."

"Then it's settled. Now let's get this show on the road." Brian cheered.

Hank was first to audition. He took the stage and everyone gasped. Hank had pulled out his old costume from when he had played Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet. The bartender was clothed in green tights and displayed them proudly. After performing some of his lines from the beloved play, Hank addressed the three people judging. "Now ya know I ain't too keen on wearin this again." He began. "So ya 's have to be crazy not to make me the prince. Anyone man who puts these things on again deserves whatever role he wants. I want to be the prince who slays the ghost and gets his woman!"

"Well Hank, that's not exactly the way the play goes." Dorothy began.

"Yea well Brian there can fix it a bit….can't ya Brian?"

"Actually Hank I don't think it very plausible that the ghost who is not alive gets into a sword fight with the prince." Michaela said.

"Well why'd I get dressed up in this ridiculous getup?!"

"Please Hank we have a lot of people to get through. We'll consider your thoughts."

Hank left the stage, avoiding contact with anyone who might see him in tights. Person after person took the stage and everyone had some reason why they were perfect for each role. When it was Sarah's turn to audition, she insisted Brian join her on stage. "Please Brian I've only practiced with you. I can't do it alone."

"Sarah I'm supposed to judge. It's be unfair." Sarah started without him, but could barely get her rehearsed lines out. Everyone could tell she was nervous being up on stage alone.

"Brian go ahead. She needs you up there." Dorothy told him. "I'm sure we can handle this one alone."

Once Brian was onstage, Sarah immediately calmed. She carried on the rest of the scene she had prepared with no difficulties. When the last of the crown had auditioned, Dorothy, Michaela, and Brian retired to the Gazette office to discuss the cast. While Michaela and Brian had some say, the final call was up to Dorothy. When she was left alone, she stewed over the decisions. She decided she didn't agree with some of the castings, so she made a few quick changes before going to bed. The next day she would post the list and yet another play would be in the works for Colorado Springs.


Dorothy posted the cast list the next day. "I just want to thank everyone who tried out. You all were wonderful but it's a small cast so many people did not get parts. But we can always use help with the set and costumes. Practice starts tomorrow!"

The crowd that had gathered rushed up to the post as soon as Dorothy left. Horace started at the top and started reading the roles. “Grace and Robert E. are the king and queen."

"Aww they can't be the king and queen." Loren grumbled.

"And why not?" Grace asked.

Loren searched for a legitimate explanation but stumbled one his words as he did so. "Well…well because...their… their children are white. It won't look right."

"Loren Dorothy placed Grace and Robert E. in those roles and that's where they will stay. I would have thought by now that you'd have come to accept them."

"Now don't be like that Dr. Mike. Ya know I don't have nothin against them."

"Then they will be the King and Queen and we'll hear no more grief about it."

"Ya always gotta be right don't ya Michaela." Hank smirked.

"I was simply…."

"Save it...let's hear the rest of the cast. I'm thinkin I got the part of the knight! There's gotta be a big sword fight in that role!"

Horace turned back to the paper. "Umm let's see the prince...Brian Cooper."

The crowd turned to Brian who was trying to calm a nervous Sarah. "What?" he asked astounded. "I can't be in the play! I wrote it!"

"Well it looks like Dorothy doesn't agree with you. Besides Brian you deserve it." Grace told him.

"Oh Brian that's so wonderful. You'll make a great prince." Sarah tried to congratulate her beau but was still upset about her role in the play. She was certain that she would not get the part of the princess. After all, she had messed up three lines during auditions.

Brain took her hand and led Sarah to the front of the crowd. He ran his finger down the cast list and stopped about half way down. "I may make a good prince…but you'll make an even better princess! You got Princess Gwen!"

"The Princess?! I got the part?! Oh Brian!" Sarah leapt into his arms and he gave her a congratulatory hug.

"I told ya not to worry. Miss Dorothy knows when she sees talent."

"Alright enough of this." Said a slightly disappoint Hank, though he would never admit it. "What about the rest of us?"

Brian took over Horace's task of reading the list. "Let's see…Hank you are the ghost...Loren the court jester…Horace you are the Paige...and Dorothy will play the harp player. Oh and Princess Eva…Gwen's little sister….will be played by Katie Sully."

Michaela was stunned to hear her daughter's name on the cast list. She hadn't even tried out. And she had helped with the cast list. Dorothy never suggested such a thing to her. Not to mention she was only three-years-old! "Wait a minute Brian…Katie cannot be in the play."

"Why not ma? She's perfect for the part."

"Brain she's three-years-old! What kind of acting can she do?"

"Ma have ya even read the script? She doesn't need to act."

Not wanting to cause a scene, Michaela stopped the conversation. "We'll talk about this later Brian." She said before returning to the clinic


The next afternoon, Brian and Dorothy meet for lunch at the café to discuss the play. "I was thinking about the costumes..." Dorothy began showing some sketches she had done.

But Brian was distracted. "Miss Dorothy Ma doesn't want Katie in the play."

This got her attention. "What do you mean she doesn't want Katie in the play?"

"She thinks Katie's too young. She doesn't think that it's even worth it to put a three-year-old in a play when she can't act in any way."

"But she don't have to act." Dorothy argued.

"I know. I asked ma to read the script before she made such a decision but she told me that would ruin the show for her if she already knew the story."

"Well we'll just have to change her mind. Did she say any other reasons she don't want Katie in the play?"

"Well she said she doesn't think Katie's part is that important. And somethin about she won't set her little girl loose on a stage with no one to look after her. Plus she thinks she'll get scared."

"Oh my she really has no idea of the role does she?"

"No she doesn't I tried to explain it but she wouldn't listen."

"How can we convince her?"

"I thought you could talk to her. She won't listen to me but she might listen to you."

Just then Grace came over with their meal. "I'm sorry Dorothy, Brian....I couldn't help but overhear. I think I may be able to help convince Dr. Mike that Katie can be Princess Eva."

"Really?" Brian asked. "How?"

"Well I have an answer to all of her worries."

After discussing how to approach Michaela, the trio headed over to the clinic. Michaela was taken back seeing the group at the door of the clinic. They all looked incredibly serious and not even her initial cherry greeting or smile could make them budge. "What's this all about?" she finally asked.

"Michaela we gotta talk."

"Dorothy I know what this is about and the answer is no. I will not have my daughter subjected to such things."

"Dr. Mike just hear us out will ya?" Grace interjected.

Letting out a heavy sigh Michaela opened the door wider and invited her guests in sit. Dorothy and Grace took chairs in front of Michaela's desk and Brian stood behind them. "Alright." Michaela began after taking her own chair. "Say what you will."

"Dr. Mike we know that you are concerned about Katie bein in the play. But there's nothin to worry about. Yea she's young, but the role of Princess Eva is so tiny. All she has to do is sit on stage and look cute. I don't know a more adorable child in all of Colorado..." Before Michaela would interrupt with another objection, Dorothy quieted her with a look. Grace continued. "And I know you're worried about not bein able to watch her while she's on stage. But I get to be the sweetheart's mother. I'll be with her at all times.

"And what if she gets scared?" Michaela managed to ask? "It's not the happiest play."

"We'll all be right there Ma." Brain explained. "And Katie's not in any of the frightenin' parts. She'll never know what's going on."

"Alright!" Michaela said throwing her hands in the air. "You have an answer for everything don't you?" The three just smiled. "But I will have to convince Sully. He agreed with me last night and it may take some convincing to change his mind."

"Ya want us to handle it Michaela?" Dorothy teased.

Michaela smiled. "No Dorothy I think I can take care of Sully. But I'm not promising he says yes. If he doesn't agree Katie will not be in the play."

"Alright Dr. Mike. I guess we can't argue with that. But remember what we said…No one else could play that part." Dorothy laughed.

With that, Dorothy, Grace, and Brian left Michaela to finish her work for the day. The play was in the works and the excitement was spreading all throughout the town. This year’s Halloween celebration would not be quickly forgotten.


"Mr. Bing! Please, wait up!" Louisa saw Horace briskly walking outside of the mercantile, on his way to the telegraph office.

"Ummm hi Ms. Martin, how are you this mornin'? He answered, shyness suddenly overtaking him.

"I'm fine, I wanted to thank you again for helping me the other night, it was very kind of you! I don't know if I was in my right mind." She smiled the special smile that Horace often found himself admiring from a distance.

"Ah that's alright, I'm glad I could help." He smiled back, unsure of what to say.

"What are you costume are you planning on wearing for Halloween?" She asked looking up at him with her deep hazel brown eyes, further making Horace nervous.

"Well, I haven't really thought about it, I have a lot of things I need to do."

"I'm gonna be Sleeping Beauty, I loved that fairy tale when I was younger." She laughed, "I still like it! I wanted to be her when I was little but my family didn't have the money to get a costume, but this year Uncle Loren said he would give me the materials to make it! The only bad thing is I don't have long golden hair." She smiled to herself, still walking with Horace towards the telegraph office.

Horace was getting increasingly uncomfortable with the attention she was giving him. They stopped at the door, and Horace looked around oddly not know what to do, thinking of any excuse to go inside. "That's nice Ms. Martin, ummm, I don't mean to sound rude, it's not that I'm trying to get rid of you or somethin, I mean, I wouldn't want to get rid of ya, I like ya! I...." He looked around still trying to figure out a reason to leave, "I really need to feed my cat, ah she's a lot of trouble, and uhhhhh....there's no tellin what she's gotten into by now, so if you'll excuse...."

"Oh you have a cat?! I didn't see her when I was here the other night, is she new?"

"Well, I found her yesterday but she has only been trouble." He answered.

"May I see her please? I love cats! I used to have one, but she ran away." She looked up at him again with pleading eyes.

"Umm...” He couldn't resist. "Oh alright." He unlocked the door and stepped inside, and held the door open for her, "Say, since I only think of her as a burden, why don't I give her to you? I can't take care of her very well anyway."

She gasped as if this was the first act of kindness anyone had bestowed on her. "Oh yes Mr. Bing, I would love to have her! What is her name?" She asked looking around the room.

"Well I haven't really named her I...” The door closed and the first step of their relationship took place.

Act 3

"You want Katie to be in the Halloween play?!" Sully asked astonished, the thought sinking in as he was talking to Michaela.

"Well, seeing that it was Brian who wrote it, and Grace and Robert E will be the King and Queen, I don't see why Katie can't be the princess." She answered, trying to think how to persuade him to agree.

"Don’t ya think she'll be scared?

"Not if she doesn't see the scary parts, even Brian and Sara will be in it, so I think it will be fine!" She answered back. It seemed like he was fixing to agree when they heard someone knocking at the door.

"Matthew, you know you don't have to knock, you're always welcome here." Michaela said as she opened the door and let him, the look on his face stopped her from saying much more. "What is it?"

"Ma, Sully, this is goin to seem childish, but I have a big problem." He looked at them with pleading eyes.

"Well, Matthew you know ya can tell us anything." Sully answered, with a worried expression. "Yes Matthew, anything." Michaela also looked very worried.

"I....well..." He hesitated. "I don't know what to wear for a Halloween costume! I want to do something with Lydia but I don't know what she likes or wants."

Sully and Michaela both looked at him and started laughing, and gave him a look of relief, thankful that nothing serious was happening.

Michaela looked at him seriously. "Matthew don't ever scare me like that again! You came in a looking like you had seen a ghost!"

He looked at her with apologetic eyes, "I'm sorry Ma, I didn't mean to scare you, but I need an idea for a costume. I know that Lydia's gonna want to do something together, but as I said, I don't have no ideas."

"You don't have *any* ideas," Michaela corrected with a pretend stern face. "Well have you asked Lydia what she wanted to do?" Sully asked him with a humorous look on his face. Matthew went red with embarrassment. "No, I didn't...I...I'll be back..."He ran out the door, jumped on his horse and rode very quickly into town, leaving Michaela and Sully to finish their conversation. Michaela finished watching Matthew leave out the window, and sighed.

"I am so happy he has finally found love, he has been through so much, he deserves this." Sully came up behind her and put his arms around her waste. "How do you know it's love?" He asked softly in her ear.

She smiled with motherly love. "The way his eyes were shining, the way he looks at her, just the normal things that happen when one is on love." She replied even softer, she turned around and looked into his eyes, "I don't want to start a fight over this play, if you don't want Katie to be in it, then she doesn't have to be…I love you." The deep blue of his eyes seemed to get deeper. She began to get lost in his eyes, as they seemed to pierce her soul.

"Katie can be in the play if you want her to be in the play," he replied. "But only if you’re sure she's not gonna get scared." He laughed, "And you'll have to get her back to sleep if she has nightmares, when she *is* scared."

Michaela laughed this time. "Well, as I see it, there was a totally different side to that agreement," she said to him smartly. "But I am pretty sure she won't get scared. I have an idea, since I am so sure she isn't going to be scared, and you are so sure she is going to be scared, lets make a deal."

He looked at her with a sly face, then playfully started to mock her. "A deal over our daughter?! I wouldn't *dream* of it.....What kind of deal?" It was her turn to be playful. "Well, if she does get scared, I have to get her to go to sleep and stay asleep. But if she isn't scared you have to spend an entire week doting on me, with the exception of our children, you can dote on them too, not that you don't already."

She smiled at him with confident eyes, as he looked around trying not to smile too much. "Well, what if I lose my bet, then I don't get to dote on you," he said as he moved closer with a pretend pout. "Hmmm I guess I'll just have to lose mine."

She answered. "You?! Lose a bet?! Never! I guess I'll just have to dote on you another week..." He turned around and headed toward the front door, but suddenly Michaela came up from behind and turned him around to face her. "Or not." Michaela said as she leaned in for a kiss…


“Lydia, wait up!” Matthew hurried toward Grace’s Café where Lydia was just leaving.

“Hello Matthew.” She returned his greeting with a peck on the cheek.

He smiled. “I was wondering something…What did you want to do for this Halloween?”

“Well that was a spur of the moment question, but since you asked, I’ve been thinking about something romantic. I heard about you in the play of Romeo and Juliet. Maybe we could do something like that?” She asked.

He hesitated. “Well, I didn’t enjoy being in tights very much, but if that’s what you wanna do…”

“Well you don’t have to wear tights, you can wear tights and some pants maybe? I guess that could work because we could do what I suggested, but you can have your way too.” She smiled at him.

“Well, you’re certainly in a good mood, is there something going on?”

She looked up at him her blue eyes shining. “I’m just happy, I’ve never been this happy in my life…I..” She hesitated trying to gauge his reaction. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Matthew said after a kiss. “Do you think we can get the right materials in time?”

“I thought you already had a costume?” Lydia asked. “Didn’t you have the one you wore for the play?”

Matthew hesitated a moment. “I uh…I don’t think I could wear that.”

“Why not? You can’t have grown that much.” Lydia teased.

“No…No, I’m sure it would fit…it’s just…I think wearing that costume would remind me too much of Ingrid. She made it and all…I just don’t think I could do that.”

“Matthew, you’ve got to move on.” Lydia told him. “There can’t be anything between us if you are still in love with Ingrid.”

“Lydia you’ve got to understand….I will always love Ingrid. Nothin can change what I felt for her…but you are here now…and I love you as well. ”

“I don’t know if I can live with that Matthew. I don’t want to compete for your love.”

“You don’t have to Lydia. I…”

“No, I do…I can see that now…” Lydia turned and walked away, tears brimming in her eyes.

“Wait! Lydia please!”


Ghost noises echoed throughout the meadow. "Wooooooo.........ohhhhhhh......." An incredible look of terror appeared on Princess Gwen's face as the predicted ghost appeared in her bedroom.... “Hey this isn't bad!" Hank smiled to himself. "I'm the ghost who has haunted this castle....I demand for you to leave, or you shall suffer dire consequences!" He then looked at the script in disbelief, and stood up and walked over to the set up stage table. "And he just leaves?! Brian, Dorothy, what's goin on with my character?! He doesn't do nothin' to the princess!" Dorothy and Brian looked at each other smiling.

"Well what did you want to do to my girlfriend Hank?" Brian asked with a huge smile on his face. He then thought to himself... “I called her my girlfriend...”

"Brian come out of dreamland, and you know I don't want to do nothin to your ‘girlfriend’…my character don't got enough action! I mean what's he gonna do that's gonna be so exciting, AND the part is small, what's goin on with that? The ghost is the one that haunts that castle, shouldn't it have a bigger part?!" Hank demanded.

"Hank, did you read the whole script?" Dorothy asked quietly.

"I looked over it real quick but, didn't really read it. And I didn't see that many lines for me." He answered trying to look hurt. “I still say I can make a good sword fight happen. And I can’t be injured seeing as I’m already dead. Come on Brian! Draw your weapon!”

"Oh Hank stop with the pouting, your part is just as important as the rest of ours, so you better be thankful to have one." Loren shouted over at him. He had heard their discussion from behind the stage where he was rehearsing his lines.

"I ain’t gonna be thankful, cause I ain’t got nothin to be thankful for, but I'll let it be just cause I don't wanna start trouble. Hank stalked toward the saloon with his script, leaving Brian and Dorothy to discuss some of the issues of the play set.

"Ms. Dorothy, as I was sayin, Sully has looked everywhere for the stage curtain, but he can't find it. He looked behind the mercantile, and in the church, but it's nowhere to be found!" He said with a worried frown.

"Well that does present a problem doesn't it? That curtain was so expensive we don't have the time or money to get a new one....maybe....maybe the quilting circle would make us a new one, we need a new project to work on seeing that we just finished our fifteenth quilt." She said proudly.

"Dorothy!!!!" Yelled a rather angry Loren from behind the stage.

"What is it Loren?" Dorothy asked looking frustrated because so many new problems were occurring.

"What is this fire-blazin costume you an’ Brian got me wearin?! I look like fool! I'm a respected business man who doesn't like being seen as a fool!" He said still behind the stage.

"Well, remember when the circus came to town, and you an' Brian were clowns? That looked like kinda being a fool to me! Come on out, you can't look that bad." She stood and walked on stage to help Loren. As he walked out awkwardly his footsteps echoed throughout the suddenly silent meadow. Loren turned and ran quickly to hide behind the back wall of the stage. Laughter suddenly rang throughout the once silent meadow; Brian started working quickly to “Shush” it.

“Loren you don’t look that bad! It’s just…well…different.” Dorothy tried commenting.

“Yeah Dorothy, I like this just as much as you loved that outfit you wore when the circus came.” Dorothy’s face went aflame as she remembered the immodest clothing she had to wear. “You just have to work with me, there are no other parts open.”

“I don’t wanna look like a fool!” He replied stubbornly. “I ain’t wearin this get-up!”

Another piercing scream filled the background, but this time it wasn’t Cloud Dancing, but Katie.

“Brian what’s going on now?!” Dorothy shouted over to the other side of the meadow where Sara had taken Katie to rehearse. Brian quickly ran to the scene.

“Sara was rehearsing her lines along with Katie, and I guess she got a little scared…” Brian sheepishly shouted back, as he carried a sobbing Katie over to the set.

“Oh Katie what is it sweetheart?” Sara asked kindly

“Ghwost haunt you Sawa! Bad ghwost! I not want him to haunt you! He might huwt you!” Katie replied with a hiccup.

“Sweetheart, this is pretend! There are no ghosts, and they can’t hurt me, I’m just acting like they are for the play. It can’t hurt me or you.” Sara replied trying to convince her. Still confused Katie replied frightened, “Ghwost huwt Sarwa, bad ghwost!”

“Hey beautiful, who said I’m gonna hurt Sara?” Hank had come back from the saloon to plead his case again to try to get his part scarier, and arrived in time to hear Katie’s last statement.

“Mistewr Lawson, ghwost is gonna huwt Sawra in play!” She said burying her head in Sara’s shoulder.

“Hey, did you know I’m the ghost in the play?”

“You gonna huwt Sawra?! She looked at him with a horrified face.

“No, no beautiful, I’m gonna act like I’m haunting Sara, I’m not gonna hurt her, it’s just actin.” He tried to reason with her.

“Awe you sure Mistew Lawson? You won’t huwt Sawra?” She looked up at him with her huge green and brown tear-filled eyes.

“I promise, now go dry your eyes, and don’t be scared no more.” He looked around to see everyone’s jaws dropped wide open. He smirked trying to regain his reputation. “So I’ve got a weakness for Dr. Mike’s kid, no big deal.” He ambled off toward the stage.


Later that day, Michaela had returned to the clinic to pick up Katie and work some on getting the clinic straight; she had left Katie in the recovery room to take a nap, but when she returned Katie was nowhere in sight.

“Katie…Katie! Where are you?.” No answer; “Katie, sweetheart please answer mama.”

“Mama?” a soft voice answered.

“Yes Katie, where are you?”

“Undew the bed mama, pwease don’t let the ghwost get me!” She whimpered.

“Why are you under the bed sweetheart?” Michaela asked as she peered under the bed skirt.

“I don’t want the ghwost to get me! My dweam said he was gonna get me!” She said trying to hide further under the bed.

Michaela sighed, she should never have let Katie be in the play. “Sully was right…”

“Katie, will you come out please?” The hesitation that came on her daughter’s face was heartbreaking, she never wanted her daughter to be afraid. “Is the ghwost gone?”

“There is no ghost Katie, you don’t need to be afraid.” She said. “I am going straight to Dorothy and pulling Katie out of this play…” She thought. After Katie came out and they were sitting on the bed, Michaela decided to approach Katie with the thought of pulling her out of the play.

“Katie, do you still want to be in the play?” She watched Katie’s face to see her reaction, seeing it thoughtful, decided to let her take her time. “Mama, will you be in the pway? I’ll stay wif Sawra if you’ll be in the pway wif me.”

Michaela didn’t know how to react, being pregnant, she didn’t want to parade herself on stage in front of all of the townspeople. “Katie, sweetie, mama doesn’t want to be on stage with her tummy so big.” She smiled, “It might get in my way, and I might trip and fall and get hurt.”

Katie looked horrified at the thought of her mother getting hurt. “No mama, you stay an’ watch me on the pway, you stay wif poppy!”

Michaela smiled. “We’ll see honey, but we might just all sit and watch Brian’s play with poppy.”


Michaela left the clinic after Katie had fallen asleep for a nap. She headed over to the meadow. Everyone was bustling around rehearsing. The stage had been reconstructed from the pieces used during “Romeo and Juliet.” The men of the town were working on making the set look like and older castle. It was lucky that they had saved all of the set pieces from the first play. Building it up and repainting it was an easy task.

Michaela found Dorothy and Grace and set about telling them that she was pulling Katie out of the play.

“Michaela I thought we had this settled.” Dorothy began.

“I agreed to let Katie in the play despite my fears. Now she is scared of a ghost coming to hurt her. I cannot allow her to stay in this environment and be frightened of something so silly. You don’t need her…just write her out of the script.”

Brian had seen her mother approach and head her decision. “Ma please, I don’t want to rewrite it. Princess Eva may not seem like an important role, but she is. She adds contrast to Princess Gwen.”

“Brian’s right Dr. Mike.” Grace agreed. “It may seems that Katie doesn’t need to be here…but she does.”

“What exactly does a three-year-old add to a play that’s not even about her?”

“How about this Michaela…” Dorothy thought of a compromise. “You come watch us rehearse a scene with Katie. Then you can decide weather or not you want her to stay. And if you do, we’ll be sure that she isn’t around during any of the scenes involvin the ghost.”

Seeing that she was once again cornered, Michaela agreed. “But this better be convincing. Katie will not be in this play if it’s not necessary.”

Act 4

A few days later, rehearsals were well underway. Most lines had been memorized and the set was almost ready. Having no crisis as they did with the laryngitis, things were running smoothly.

Michaela brought Katie to practice one day and decided it was a good time to watch a few of her scenes. Without anyone knowing, so they couldn’t chose what they would show her. Michaela took a seat and watched Sara lead Katie to the stage. The two took a seat on a bed and Sara began talking. “I know you’re still little Eva, but I’ve always been able to talk to you.” Gwen began. “I’ve been so upset lately. You know mother and father are ruining my life just so you can get married! You’re only three. Why are they so set on making your life good. What about me?”

Katie saw the tears on Sara’s face. “Don’t cwry.” She said wiping the tears from her friends eyes.”

“Thank you Eva.” Gwen said.

Suddenly an eerie wail came from behind the window curtain. Katie jumped at the sound and huddled into Sara’s lap. Michaela was about to pull Katie right off the stage when the little girl sat up and looked in the direction of the ghost. “That gwost is back.”

“Yes it is.” Gwen agreed. “Here’s let’s put you to bed…the ghost won’t hurt you.”

Sara set Katie in a bed and the entire scene with the ghost continued in another part of the room. Michaela was relieved to see that Katie was out of earshot of most of the conversation. When the ghost left, Gwen returned to the room she shared with Eva. The younger princess woke and went to her sister. “The gwost gone?” she asked.

“Yea the ghost is gone.” Gwen said, stroking her sister’s hair.

“I not want gwost ta hwurt ya.” Eva said looking worried.

“The ghost won’t hurt me sweetheart.” Sara told her. “It’s not real.”

“Ya’huh.” Katie said nodding her head. “I sees him!” she confirmed, her eyes widening.

Michaela broke in at this point. Katie was obviously not going to be easily convinced that this was make believe. “Ok that’s enough.” she began. “Is this part of the script?”

“Actually Dr. Mike it is.” Sara told her. “This is the part where Princess Gwen convinces Princess Eva that the ghost is not real. It’s really a way to convince herself that there is no ghost, but it works both ways. And ya see Katie won’t be scared. We’ve been through this scene a few times….and as far as I know, she hasn’t been scared sine then.”

“Yes you’re right she hasn’t shown signs of being so frightened.” Michaela admitted. “But she was obviously frightened during that scene.”

“She’s just a good actress.” Brian said, coming from where he’d been rehearsing with Dorothy.

“Brian, she’s three. She can’t act! Or memorize lines! It’s not reasonable.”

“She really wrote most of those lines herself ma. Princess Eva has no real lines in the play. This is just Katie interacting.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of Brian. She obviously thinks there are ghosts.”

“But ma what about later when she says she’s not afraid? She does this on her own and she’s really not afraid. Please ma let her stay.”

“Well seeing as she isn’t scared outside of the play, I guess I have no argument. But if I lose the bet with your pa, you will be staying up with Katie at night.”

“Bet? You and pa made a bet over Katie?” Brain could hardly believe what he was hearing.

Michaela hated to admit it, but what else could she say. She had already let it slip. “Yes. Sully and I made a bet about Katie being scared.” Noting the look on her son’s face she added. “It was the only way I could convince him to let her in the play!”

“If I agree to take up you’re part of the deal, will you let her stay?” Brian confronted.

Michaela threw her hand up in the air. “Alright you win! But the deal is if she’s in any way scared out side of the play, you have to take care of it. That includes staying up with her if she wakes up with nightmares.”

“You got a deal.” Brian agreed.


Halloween finally arrived. Everyone in Colorado Springs had gathered in the meadow for the long awaited play. The stage was set and to everyone’s surprise, the red brocade curtains had appeared. No one could figure out where they had been, or who put them up, but sometime during dress rehearsals and the sunrise, they had been added to the stage.

While the chairs quickly filled with citizens, all the actors gathered backstage. Grace and Robert E. were preparing Katie for the first scene. Really all she had to do was play with a few toys while they discussed the marriage situation with Gwen. But they made sure Katie knew what she had to do. Brain and Sarah, meanwhile, were rehearsing the final scene where they learn they will be wed. Loren was still trying to convince Dorothy to let him wear another costume. And Hank was throwing around more violent lines.

But when the curtain was opened, everything backstage settled. The crowd hushed and the play began. Michaela and Sully had front row seats. After Katie’s final scene, Michaela leaned in to whisper something into Sully’s ear. “I think I won the bet.”

“Oh the night’s not over yet.” Sully bragged. “With some of those scenes, I don’t see how she won’t be afraid.”

“I thought the same thing Sully. I almost pulled her out many times. But she’s been rehearsing everyday and she hasn’t had any trouble. She seems to like being around everything.”

“Well I guess we won’t find out until she goes to sleep. You don’t know what’s coming.”

Michaela only smiled, knowing no matter what the outcome she would have a wonderful night. But she was certain Katie had gotten over her fear of ghosts.

The play continued without fault. After the final scene, the curtains closed and the audience went wild. The curtains opened again, and the cast all took a bow. When the curtain closed again, the audience began to filter away from their seats. Excitement of the other events of the evening was growing. The townspeople spread around the open area, exploring the various activities.

Children enjoyed bobbing for apples and pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. Older children and teenagers took part in the famous apple peel toss. Lydia was watching Katie in her princess dress, admiring the many jack-o-lanterns lining a table. Matthew came up behind her and placed his hand on the small of her back. “Ya know I was thinking about trying the apple peel toss. But I’ve never gotten a good answer from that.”

Lydia turned around and noticed Matthew’s costume. She herself had dressed as Juliet, but the dispute between her and Matthew left her wondering the fate of her Romeo. When she saw Matthew, she knew that she had been too harsh. But she couldn’t help but stifle a giggle. “Matthew where on earth did you come up with that costume?”

“It’s the one Ingrid made me…with a few adjustments.” Matthew responded, noting the slightly looser and longer britches.

“You wore it? For me?”

“Yes Lydia…I love you. I loved Ingrid too but when someone passes away, you have to move on. You are the only woman for me. I promise, you won’t have to compete with her.”

“Oh Matthew…I love you too.” The couple shared in a kiss and remained close to one another until Katie interrupted them. “Maffew! Did ya sees the pumpakins?!” She exclaimed running into his arms.

“Hey there little Princess…Yea I saw them. What do you think?”

“I think theys looks silly!”

“Your right Katie. They do look silly.”

After relishing in the festivities, everyone gathered for the final costume judging. Everyone from the show was dressed in their costumes. Loren was one of the finalists with his jester costume. The other finalists were Matthew and Lydia as Romeo and Juliet, and Teresa in her authentic Mexican dancer dress. Louisa in her Sleeping Beauty costume, and Jake as Frankenstein, were very close contestants.

Michaela and Sully had been chosen to judge the contest since they were the only non-biased town members. And they themselves had decided not to dress up. After a quick discussion, they had a winner. “All of the costumes this year were wonderful.” Michaela began. “But Sully and I have agreed that the grand prize should go to Loren Bray and his court jester costume!”

Loren briefly resented his foolishness being public, but then he decided winning wasn’t so bad. He proudly walked over to Michaela and Sully and accepted his prize, and apple pie from Grace’s. He nobly displayed the colorful costume and then returned to the merriment of the night.

Katie was beginning to fall asleep so Michaela and Sully decided it was time to leave. Katie rested in Brian’s arms in the back of the wagon. When they arrived home, Sully woke Katie and brought her to the kitchen table. Brian joined them while Michaela went to the kitchen. “We have a little surprise.” She told them. She returned with a cake that said “Happy Birthday Poppy.”

Sully smiled at the gesture. Katie snuggled into her father’s embrace. She mummered a happy birthday before smiling and falling back to sleep. “Well I guess she’s tired out.” Sully chuckled. “I’m going to go put her to bed.”

“Wait….” Brian began. “It’s your birthday?”

“Yes Brian it is. I know we should have told you before now….” Feeling his arm begin to fall asleep from the weight of his daughter, and wanting to avoid the topic, Sully got up to take Katie upstairs. “I really should take her up to bed…I’ll be right back and we can have some cake.” He added that last line with a fake smile on his face.

Michaela could see the pain her husband felt recalling his past birthdays. When he was out of site, she turned to Brain who was still upset he had been kept out of the dark. “What Sully is trying to tell you is that in the past, his birthdays have been painful. He wanted to forget them so he pretended they never happened. We can tell you more when you’re a bit older.”

“But ma I’m an adult now…I could go to college if I wanted!”

By only giving him a look, Michaela got Brain to stop. “I know you are Brain. And so does Sully. But some things are private. Just know that it was nothing against you that Sully didn’t say anything. He was hurt so badly, he never told anyone his birthday. I only found out a few weeks ago and not from him. Please just try and understand…I think having small celebrations with only the family may help bring about some happy memories. That way this time of year will not be so painful for him.”

Sully returned then and made Michaela sit down. “You need to get off your feet. I’ll get some plates so we can try this cake.”

Michaela watched her husband carefully for any sign that he was hurting. Satisfied that he was somewhat enjoying the very simple celebration, she relaxed. After having cake, Brian offered to clean up. “I can handle it Brian. You must be tired.” Sully offered after Michaela headed up to bed.

“No I’ll be ok.” Brian assured him. “Think of it as my birthday present.”

Sully smiled. “Just having you and seeing your talent in that play…that was enough of a present for me. I’m so proud to call you my son.”

“An I’m the luckiest boy around…to have you as my pa.” Brain returned, giving Sully a goodnight hug. “Happy Birthday Pa.”

When Sully reached the bedroom, he entered and found Michaela already snuggled under the covers. When he climbed in beside her, she saw the tears on his cheek. Immediately, she was struck with guilt. “Oh Sully I’m sorry!” she exclaimed, taking his chin in her hand. “I didn’t think it’s be so hard for you!”

“No Michaela…it’s ok…you were right….I need happy memories….this…this was the best birthday I’ve had in a long time. I never thought something as simple as cake with my family could be so special.”

“Oh Sully…I’m so glad. I hate seeing you in pain.”

“I know…but from now on, by birthday will be a happy day. I don’t mind celebratin so much anymore…I love you Michaela.”

“I love you too.”

After one last kiss, the couple parted and they together shared a blissful night’s sleep. It had been an eventful day for everyone. Halloween in Colorado Springs would never be the same.

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