Things They'll Never Say

Well this is far from my complete collection, but here are a few I've come up with. The good ones will come...eventually.

Hank: Sorry we ain’t hirin’ >br>Marjorie: That’s a shame Hank. I’ve heard sister acts do quite well in such establishments. And with the three of us…

Cloud Dancing: No drinky, bad water. You get em?
Loren: Huh?

Loren: We can’t have a lady mayor! You know what that’ll make us look like?
Hank: A town full of sissies?
Loren: Not exactly what I was thinking, but yea that works.
Jake: I don’t know guys, maybe Dr. Mike would make a better mayor.

Loren: Call me Loren. What do your friends call you? Betty, Betsy, Lizzy?
Elizabeth: Oh, Lizzy. I like that one! Yes, you may call me Lizzy.

Hank: What’s it like to walk on water Michaela?
Mike: Not nearly as exciting as it sounds.

Colleen(in Cowboy's Lullaby): "Dr. Mike, are we going to keep him?"
Mike: Heaven’s no, you children are enough for me! I can’t just go adopting every orphan that crosses my path.

Mike to Sully(Running Ghost): "If you kill him, I never want to see you again. Never."
Sully: Fine by me.

Brian(Happy Birthday): "So why don't you just marry our Ma and be our pa?"
Sully: I’m tryin! Is it my fault Dr. Mike’s playin hard to get?

Preston (upon first meeting Andrew) You look so familiar. I just can’t place you.
Andrew: Oh perhaps you knew me back when….
Preston: Back when what?
Andrew: I was going to say when I was a criminal and had a different name. I wore glasses then too. *pause* Oh wait, you did know me then! *dashes away*

Horace: Workin the telegraph is just a temporary thing. I’m savin up to start my own saloon.

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