Jailbirds continued

Chapter 6

“Us? Own the chateau? What on earth would we do with a heath resort?”

“Well we’d hire someone to run it. We’d just have a say in what goes on there. We’d make a lot of money.”

“Sully what is wrong with you? You would never feel this way. What’s going on?”

“I don’t want Preston getting the place back.” Sully admitted.

“Preston? How on earth could he afford to buy the place back?”

“He won’t have to. If we don’t agree to take the chateau, Dinston will leave it to Preston. He says he has no other options…he doesn’t want ta see it go ruin.”

“I don’t know about this Sully. I can’t keep running things like I have been.”

“You won’t have to Michaela. We’ll hire people to do that for us.”

“And the clinic?”

“We’ll hire another doctor.”

“You really want to do this? You want to own a health resort?”

“Yes I do.”

“There’s not another catch you aren’t telling me about?”



“They’re about thirty-five acres behind the hot springs. It’s undeveloped land. It’d be ours too. We could protect it Michaela. It’s be safe from development.”

“Oh Sully…why didn’t you say so before. I would have jumped at the opportunity!”


“Where have you been all these years? Have you forgotten that I share you’re love for the land?”

“No I didn’t forget, I just let it slip my mind.”

“Sully, Senator Dinston has been a partner in our struggle to keep Colorado as it is. I would think he really doesn’t want Preston to have the chateau again. I think we should do it.”

“You do?”

“Yes, I do. We can keep all that land preserved and unindustrialized. It will be wonderful.”

“Good…I’ll go tell him tomorrow.”


“Dr. Quinn it is such a pleasure to officially meet you.”

“And you Senator. Sully and I have appreciated your work on protecting the land.”

“Yes well your husband helped me realize how important the land is.”

“He does have knack for that.”

“I assume you’re visit here means you have reached a decision?”

“Yes sir we have.” Sully looked over at Michaela for one last approval. She nodded her head and he continued. “We would be honored to have the chateau.”

“Excellent! I have the papers already drawn up. If you would like you can sign them now…or we can wait.”

“We’ll sign them now.” Michaela said. “But I really would like to examine you. Perhaps there’s something I can do.”

“Dr. Quinn I’m dying. I’ve had enough doctors poking on me to last a lifetime. Please…I’d just like to enjoy my last few months with my family, with no worries. You taking the chateau will be a great relief.”

“If that’s what you really want.”

“It is.”

“Well then where are the papers?”

After signing the papers, the three enjoyed lunch at the chateau restaurant. “How long will you be staying in Colorado Springs?” Michaela asked the senator.

“Now that I have my affairs taken care of, I plan to leave on the morning’s train.”

“So soon?”

“Yes ma’am. I have a family to get back to.”

“I understand.”

“I must admit that this is a huge relief for me. I know you will respects my wishes for the chateau and the land involved in the agreement.”

“Yes sir. We will do everything we can to keep the land as it is.”

“Thank you Dr. Quinn, Mr. Sully. I really do appreciate this.”


A few days later Daniel brought the wanted man to the jail. He was in a lot of pain, but Michaela made sure he had pain medication. She told Daniel she’d be by to check him often. “I don’t see why I’ve gotta go ta jail.” The man said. “I didn’t do anythin…I saved that woman by bringin her to town.”

“Slow down sir…why don’t ya start by givin us your name?”

“Names’ Bart Stevens…I live ‘bout eight miles from here. Found the woman on the way ta the train station. She was just layin in the road not movin.”

“I thought you said you saw a man hit her with a log?”

“Umm…well that is…I saw the log near her head and….uhh just put two and two together.”

“I’m going to leave you here with Hank….I’ve got to wire the judge.”

“The judge?! But I’m innocent…you won’t get away with this!”

“If you can’t give me any information as to who did kill that woman, then you will be tried for her murder.”


“Good morning Horace. Any mail today?”

“Hey Dr. Mike.” Horace greeted. The telegraph started clicking nearby. “Hold on just a sec…”

“Of course.”

“Umm Dr. Mike? This is for you and Sully.”

“What does it say?”

“Senator Dinston died on the way back to Denver. His wife says that the papers have been sent to their lawyer and they will send you the title as soon as the process of transaction ids complete.”

“Oh my goodness.” Michaela muttered under her breath. “We weren’t expecting this so soon.”

“What’s all this about?” Horace inquired.

“Please Horace it’s very important that you don’t tell anyone about this.”

“No ma’am I took an oath.”

“Yes you did. And don’t worry you’ll find out in due time what this is about. I just need to set some things straight before everyone knows.”

“Sure thing Dr. Mike,. I won’t say anything.”

“Thank You Horace.”

Chapter 7

Sully, we weren’t counting on this so soon. Senator Dinston just left a few days ago.”

“I know Michaela, but we’ll deal with it.”

“I thought we’d have a few months to get some things in order.”

“I need to hire a new doctor and get someone to manage the place.”

“Michaela calm down. We still have plenty of time. The papers will take weeks to complete. Besides nothing is different now. You can still run the place like you have been. And I’m here to help.”

“You’re right Sully Nothing has really changed. Only that we’ll now legally be in charge of the place.”

“That’s right. Now get some sleep.”


The next few days were a blur for Michaela. There were dozens of patients every day and she was trying to find another doctors for the chateau. All the inquiries she had made were to no avail. When Daniel came by he did not have any news that would make her week better. “Michaela there’s been a fire at the chateau clinic.”

“What! How’d this happen?”

“Preston did it.”

“Preston? Why on earth would he set fire to the chateau? I thought he was trying to buy it back?”

“Well not anymore.” Daniel handed Dr. Quinn the latest copy of the gazette. On the front page was an article detailing her ownership of the heath resort. “Why on earth would she print this?!”

“Is it true?”

“Well yes actually it is…” Michaela admitted. “The article seems to be quite complete. But Sully and I were waiting until everything was finally to tell anyone.”

“Preston said something about you not taking what’s his? I was confused until I saw this. Now it all makes sense.”

“Was anyone hurt?”

“No, but I think ya should get over there and make sure there’s not too much damage. I couldn’t tell.”

“Thank you Daniel. I’ll go as soon as I’m finished cleaning up here.”

“Dorothy how could you write this?”

“Michaela I’m just writin the news…and it’s all the truth is it not?”

“Yes it’s the truth, but this isn’t something everyone needs to hear about…not yet anyway.”

“Michaela it would’ve been known soon anyway. People might as well know the facts.”

“Had this not been written no one would have known about Sully and I owning the chateau. Then we wouldn’t have had the fire.”

“Are you tryin ta blame that on me?”

“I’m not trying Dorothy…I am. And I’ll thank you to think twice before printing something like this again.”


Hank sat in the jail, assuming his duty as deputy. “What are you laughing at?” Preston asked disgustingly.

“You. What else?” Hank smirked. “Why on earth would ya set fire to the chateau?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“Preston you are one funny character. I would have never thought I’d see ya sittin here next to a murderer, for arson nonetheless.”

“Hey I’m not a murderer!” Bart called from his corner of the cell.

“Yea well everyone here thinks ya are.” Hank told him. “And until the judge says otherwise, we’ll keep thinkin it.”

Preston made sure he was far from the man. “I can’t believe you put me in the same cell as him! Can’t I go in here?” he asked pointing to the other cell nearest to the door.

“Oh you don’t want ta be in there.”

“And why not? It seems a lot better then being in here with a murderer.”

“I said I ain’t a murderer!” Bart said again.

“Shut up!” Hank and Preston yelled at him.

“Well Preston I could move ya over there….but ya know what went on there a last week?”

“What? We haven’t had prisoners in ages. I imagine nothing at all went on in this jail.”

“Well that’s where you’re wrong. Ya see Sully was fixing these here locks and somehow he and Michaela got locked in. We found em sleepin in there the next mornin.”

“Are you saying?”

“That’s right…. they denied it of course and everyone else believes em….but not me. I know what those two are like…ya can see it in their eyes.”

“Those two are a disgrace.”

“Hey now. I didn’t mean …” Hank was about to justify what he had said, but realized Preston was not talking about their jailbird experience. He had so other vendetta against the happy couple. “What do you have against Michaela and Sully?”

“They stole what was rightfully mine.”

“What are you talking about? Michaela and Sully are hardly criminals.”

“You don’t read much do you?”

“No reason to.”

“Well I suggest you take a look at the Gazette. I’m sure you won’t be too happy either.”

“Why don’t ya just tell me what’s goin on?”

Preston let out a sickened sigh. “Fine…Senator Dinston is leaving the chateau to Michaela and Sully in his will.”

“Why on earth would he do that? It’s not like he’s going anywhere.”

“The man has cancer. The doctors say he has a month or two to live.”

“Well somehow he made the decision to leave it to Michaela and Sully…Why are ya mad at them?”

“If they said they didn’t want it, he would have left it to me! I could have gotten it back for free!”

“So ya set fire to the place?”

“That’s right. They would have been out a lot of money had my plan worked.”

From the corner Hank and Preston heard snickering. “What’s so funny?” they asked.

“I’m wanted for murder and I see how stupid that was!”

“It was brilliant.”

“If you say so Preston. But now you’re facin prison and you’re gonna have ta pay for the damages. Ya lost your chateau and the bank. Was it worth it?”

“I may be temporarily out of town…but I’ll be back. And I’ll get what’s mine back. You can take my word on that.”

Chapter 8

“Daniel. This telegram just came for you…. The judge will be here on tomorrow’s train.”

“Thank you Horace.”

“Preston, Bart, it looks like your fates will be decided tomorrow afternoon.”

“Y’all won’t get away with this.” Bart told him. “I didn’t to anything.

“The evidence points to you…and I think the judge will see that.”

“What ‘bout you?” Bart asked Preston. “You guilty?”

“Yes I am.” Preston admitted.

“And ya just gonna give in like that?”

“What choice do I have? They know I did it. Might as well admit it and hopefully get away with a smaller punishment.”

“Yea well I ain’t given in for somthin I didn’t do.”

“It’s your funeral.”


“Sully…I’ve been thinking…”

“What about?”

“The chateau…I think we need to make some decisions about it.”

“Like what?”

“Well we can’t continue to run the place like we have been. I don’t have the time or energy to do that, work at my clinic, and raise a family.”

“Do you have any ideas as to what you want to do?”

“We need to start by hiring a doctor for the clinic. Then I think…”

“What Michaela?” Sully could tell she was hiding something from him. “Michaela you know you can tell me anything.”

“It’s just we need someone to be in charge.”

“Yes…Do you have someone in mind?”

Michaela hesitated a moment “…Preston?”

“Michaela no! He tried to burn the place down! You really think we can trust him?”

“Sully I know you have had you’re differences in the past but…”

“Differences?! What about the kissin tree, his homestead, the chateau! You call those difference?!”

“Yes I do. And I understand you being angry. But what other options do we have? Hire someone we don’t even know and expect them to respect our wishes in the management?”

“Yes Michaela that’s exactly what I expect us to do. You’re doing the same thing with a doctor for the clinic. Preston is about to stand trial for setting fire to the building. How can we trust him to respect our management?”

“I’m sorry Sully…I thought you of all people would be willing to give him a chance.” Michaela rose from the bed and hurried downstairs. She made a fire and cuddled herself in one of the wingback chairs. Staring into the flames, she cried herself to sleep.


Michaela went to the jail early the next morning, before Sully even knew she was awake. She strode confidently over to the cell where the two jailbirds were kept. Seeing that they were both already awake, she did not worry about being blunt. “Preston we need to talk.”

“I have nothing to say to you.”

Taking a deep breath to maintain composure, Michaela announced adamantly “In that case I have to talk. It’s obvious that you know Sully and I have inherited the chateau.”

Preston did not want to discuss anything of the sort with this woman. He was outraged that she would even broach the subject with him. “You have no right to that place. I made it what it is today! You don’t deserve it!”

“Preston I did not come here to listen to your snide remarks. Now if you won’t listen to me I will take these matters elsewhere. But I must say you may be interested in what I have to say.”

Preston let out a disgusted sigh, but was indeed intrigued by what the breathtaking doctor had to say. “Go on.”

“As I was saying…”Michaela continued. “Sully and I just now own the chateau and the land surrounding it….Unfortunately, we cannot afford the time to maintain the place by ourselves. I have already made inquiries for another doctor to work at the clinic. Sully and I have agreed that we need someone to work directly under us, someone who can run the hotel as if they owned it….but they would still answer to us.”

“Is there a point to this Michaela?”

“Well yes…I thought that we could work out a compromise…Would you be interested?”

“In working for a woman who thinks she owns the world and her savage husband, I think not!”

“Mr. Lodge! I came here today with a legitimate business proposition. I will not stand here and tolerate your attacks on me or my husband!”

“Well then get going.”

“Oh no, you do not get rid of Michaela Quinn that easily!…Ever since the day you arrived in Colorado Springs you have caused me and my family grief. I have never understood what you have against my husband…perhaps it’s that he is more civilized in every possible manor, then you yourself. You call yourself a well-mannered business man but you are nothing of the sort. You cannot respect people who are worthy of it. Although you may wish to forget it, Sully and I have saved your life on more than one occasion. He could have left you there in the woods to rot like the others told him to. But my husband is a better man than that. He is the most civilized man I have ever met and until you realize what he is really like, you can distance yourself from us.”

“Michaela I…” Preston began to say yet another snide remark but Dr. Mike cut him off “And until you learn to respect me, I suggest you address me as Dr. Quinn!”

Michaela stormed out of the jail and quickly saddled Flash. As soon as her foot hit the stirrup, tears fell down her face. No matter how strong she had seemed while in Preston’s presence, she had been hurt. Despite the swiftness of the horse, the ride home seemed to take forever. All Michaela wanted was to be in Sully’s arms. She knew now that Sully had been right about Preston and she needed to be forgiven for trusting him when Sully didn’t. She longed for Sully’s comfort and kindness. She longed for love.

Chapter 9

“Brian, have you seen yer ma this morning?”

“No I haven’t. Maybe she went to the clinic early?”

Trying to not concern the boy, Sully agreed. But he was worried about his wife. “You’re right Brian. I think she did say something about going in early today.”

“I made oatmeal pa.”

“Thanks Brian. It looks good.”

The family sat down for breakfast. Brian and Sully were laughing at Katie trying to feed herself when Michaela came through the door. She didn’t even acknowledge her family sitting at the kitchen table. Instead she headed straight upstairs and to her bedroom. Sully and Brian exchanged puzzled looks before Sully excused himself.

Sully heard her faint sobs from the hallway. He knocked softly on the bedroom door. Even though it was his room as well, he felt Michaela’s need for privacy at the moment. When she did not answer, Sully pushed the door open and walked in. Michaela was lying on the bed, her face buried in a pillow.

Sully gently put his hand on her shoulder. “Michaela tell me what’s wrong.”

When she rolled over to face him, Sully saw the redness in her eyes. He knew she had been crying for awhile and he felt guilty. She was crying last night because of him and now she was still upset. Sully went to take her in his arms, half expecting her to roll away from him and stay angry.

But instead of recoiling from his touch, Michaela flung herself into his arms. “I’m sorry Sully…I’m so sorry…”

“No I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have gotten so upset about Preston. I…”

“Sully you were right…I should never have suggested we try and do anything with Preston…He’s…I’m sorry…”

Sully sensed something else had happened this morning besides a miraculous change of heart. “Michaela what happened? Where did you go this morning?”

Still in tears, Michaela fought to say what had to be said. “Sully I….Preston….I wanted to see if….if we could work… something out…then you’d be more willing…if I had his word….but he…he…”

“What did he say? Did he do somethin?”

“He said… he’d never work a…a woman…who thinks she…owns the world….or for her …sa…savage husband….” Michaela gain buried her head in Sully’s long tresses, Taking in her scent with every heaving breath. “I’m…sorry Sully….”

Sully almost couldn’t contain his anger. He could deal with Preston taunting him, but he had crossed the line by attacking Michaela. Sully wanted nothing more than to go to the jail and throttle the so-called “gentleman.” But he tried to maintain his composure in Michaela’s presence. “It’s ok Michaela….Ya meant well…Preston just don’t understand what we got. He’s gonna pay for what he did at the chateau and then we won’t have ta deal with him ever again.”

“I’ve tried Sully….tried so hard to find some good in him…but he makes me so angry.”

“I know...he’ll pay for hurtin you.”

“No Sully! Please just leave him be.”

“I can’t sit by and let him get away with the way he treated you.”

“Sully I don’t want you in any trouble…I took care of myself…Can we just forget about him?”

Sully simply held her close. He couldn’t promise not to deal with Preston himself. But for now, he would forget…and he’d cherish her in his arms.


The judge sat in front of the church, gavel in hand. “Order…order!…” Preston’s trial had caused quite an uproar in the makeshift courtroom. After admitting to the crime of arson, he was sentenced to six months in a prison in Denver. Despite his honesty, the judge had no mercy. Many people in the crowd did not agree with the judge while others were glad to see Preston go. Whatever they believed, they were quick to voice their opinions amongst themselves.

When the judge finally quieted the crowd he began the examination of Bart Stevens. “Mr. Stevens, all the evidence points to your guilt. Do you have anything to say for yourself.”

“I umm…I’m not…” Bart hesitated for a moment, and then tried Preston’s advice. He would tell the truth. “Yes I killed my wife…” Whispers traveled through the crowd. No one knew that the woman was his wife. As soon as they were quieted, Bart continued. “My wife and I were comin ta live in Colorado Springs….all of our family were killed in a fire and we needed a new start. We were camped outside of town a ways….I woke up that morning and LuAnn wasn’t by my side. I went out ta chop some wood, figurin she was just washin up by the creek….Well I was chopin and then LuAnn came up behind me…she had a gun…and…and she told me she was gonna shot herself…I tried ta stop her….we struggled….I picked up a log and tried ta knock the gun out of her hand….but I hit her over the head….I swear it was an accident you honor…I didn’t mean ta kill her…”

The judge was sympathetic to the man’s loss, but could not let a murderer go free. He was still unsure if the man was in fact telling the truth. “Mr. Stevens you murdered your wife. I am sentencing you to life in prison.”

Chapter 10

Later that day, Matthew was at the homestead packing for Denver. Dr. Mike came home from work and went up to see if he needed any help. “I have everything I need Dr. Mike. There’s just a few more things in the barn I want to get tomorrow.” When he looked up from a suitcase, Matthew noticed a few tears forming in Michaela’s eyes. “What is it?”

“It’s just…I know you were upset when I took you, Brian, and Colleen in…but over the years…you have all become my children…My oldest son is going away to law school!”

“You’re right ma…I am your son and proud of it. You and Sully have given me so much. I can’t imagine life without you…Which reminds me…you and Sully have a reservation at the chateau tonight?”


“I figured that since you had to stay at the jail that night, you might like another chance to be alone. I’ll watch Katie and Brian of course…Think of it as a thank you gift before I leave.”

“Oh Matthew…thank you…We’ll all going to miss you so much.”

“I’ll miss all of you too. Now I had Sully get all of your things together already….he’ll be by to get you in an hour so you best get dressed.”

“Dressed? I am dressed...”

“Sully said he put out somethin he wants ya to wear.”

“What am I going to do with you two?”

“Have a good time ma.”

“Thank you Matthew.”

Michaela went to her bedroom and found her sapphire dress sitting on the bed. It was the same on she had worn in Boston when she went out with William. She wondered why Sully would have chosen this dress. Taking the silky material in her hands, Michaela began to dress for the unexpected evening out.


When Sully came to pick Michaela up, he found her upstairs putting her hair into curls that were piled on her head. “You look radiant.” He complemented, coming up behind her. Michaela looked up into the mirror to see Sully standing behind her. He was dressed in a suit and coat, complete with a tie.

Michaela smiled in the mirror. “Aren’t you looking handsome tonight….Well no one told me I had to dress up tonight. I almost didn’t have time to finish my hair.”

“Ya didn’t have to put it up Michaela. I like it just fine down.”

“I know you do. But I also know you like it like this.”

“You mean I like taking it down when it likes this.”

Michaela blushed. “Yes, well that too.”

“You about finished? Dinner is waiting.”

“Yes, one more pin…Ok I’m ready.”

Sully held out his arm for Michaela to take. “You’re carriage awaits ma’am.”

The two linked arms and headed down the stairs. After saying goodbye to the children, the couple was off to the chateau.


Sully led Michaela into the chateau and up to the room Matthew had reserved. Despite the rising temperatures outside, a fire had been lit in the hearth. Candles flickered in every corner of the room. A private table had been set in an adjoined room. Michaela was amazed at the romantic atmosphere. “Did you do this?”

“It wasn’t me.” Sully claimed. “I think our son knows us too well.”

“I can’t believe he did all this.”

“Would you like to join me for supper?”

“Yes Mr. Sully. I would love to.”

Chapter 11

After supper, Sully went to the lobby to request champagne. It was quickly retrieved from the kitchen and Sully headed back upstairs to his waiting wife.

Michaela sat on the bed waiting for Sully to come back. After a few minutes she got bored so she decided to get more comfortable. She took off the blue dress. Clad only in her corset and undergarments, Michaela hung the dress in the corner. Needing Sully assistance with her corset, Michaela decided to stay dressed as she was with the addition of a silk robe.

Still waiting for Sully, Michaela decided to take her hair down. After sitting herself down in front of the mirror, she began the task of finding the numerous pins she had put in that afternoon. Just as she was nearing the last few, she felt Sully’s warm hands on her neck. “I thought this was my job.”

“You were taking too long.” Michaela teased.

“Well then I guess you don’t want my help.” Sully began to slowly move his hands across her neck. He lovingly massaged her shoulders before moving towards her back.

“I ummm….I could use some help in the back….make sure there’s no pins left?”

“Alright.” Sully agreed. He freed her hair of the pins and Michaela swung her head back and forth, freeing the curls to flow lavishly down her back. Sully took the brush from the table and delicately brushed out the tight ringlets. Sully began to relish the feel of her smooth locks in his palms. He stopped himself from continuing his stroking down her body. “You ready for bed?”

“I need you to unlace my corset.” The robe was deliberately dropped of her shoulders. She let it fall slowly to the floor, teasing sully with every inch of her becoming uncovered. When the robe was out of the way, Sully began to unlace the corset. When he was through, Michaela stood nude in front of him. “Well this isn’t fair.” She taunted.

“Wanna help make it fair?” Sully offered. Without words, Michaela began to undress him. She began by leisurely removing the suit coat and tie he wore. The shirt came off quicker as her emotions began to overcome her. She tore off his pants and he was soon sharing her state of dress.

The couple led each other to the bed. They climbed under the sheets and held one another close. Sully puled out the champagne and offered it. Instead of accepting, Michaela ran her hand up his leg. In a sensual voice, she declined the drink. “Not now Sully…I need you…”

Sully gulped as she reached his manhood and stroked him. When he softly said her name, she sat up and moved between his legs. She brought the other hand to his thigh. Massaging his thighs she began to plant kisses along his chest. When she reached his belly button, she caressed it with her tongue. Sully began to lose all control when her kisses continued lower.

When he could no longer wait, Sully rolled Michaela onto her back. When he entered her, she cried out his name. Their rhythmic motions continued until he reached his climax. He fell back next to her and their breathing slowly returned to normal.


The next morning Sully woke to his wife playing with the hairs on his chest. “Good morning. How long ya been awake?”

“Not long…Oh Sully I wish I could stay here all day.”

“But we gotta get back and take Matthew to the train station.”


“I’m sure glad he arranged all this for us.”

“So am I…he’s such a wonderful son…I’m so prod of him.”

“Hard ta believe we got two kids goin ta college and we’re trying for another baby.”

“It does seem odd I agree…But I want another child so much.”

“Just gotta stop worrin about it Michaela.”

“I know.” Michaela sighed before changing the subject. “We’d better get going.”

“Yep…The kids’ll be waitin at the homestead for us.”


After saying his good-byes to the rest of the family, Matthew came up to Michaela. She had tears in her eyes. “I told myself I wouldn’t cry.” She told him.

“Then things wouldn’t be the same. You always cry when ya say goodbye.” “You’re right…I’m just so happy Matthew. I know you’ll do wonderfully.”

“Thanks ta you and Sully I am who I am today.” Matthew told her. “I couldn’t do this without your support.”

“Are you trying to make me cry?” she teased.

“No I just…I wanted ya to know that I’ve grown up. I’m glad you were the one to take us in when ma died.”

“Thank you Matthew….That means a lot to me.”

“I love you ma.”

“I love you too Matthew.”

After giving everyone one last hug, Matthew boarded the train for Denver. The whistle blew and the engine slowly began its departure. Sully held Michaela close as she waved goodbye. Their son was headed to being a new life. He would soon be fighting the criminals of the country. He would work to protect the town from people like the recent jailbirds in Colorado Springs. He wanted to be a lawyer and now he was finally working towards his dream.


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