Dr. Michaela Quinn

Michaela Quinn was born in Boston, Mass on February 15, 1833. She was the 5th in a house full of daughters. Her parents were expecting a long awaited who they would name Michael. When another daughter was born, she was name Michaela.
Michaela's father was a doctor and she was determined to follow in his footsteps. She attended the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania and get her Medical Degree.
Michaela worked by her father's side until his death. After that, all of their patients left. Bostonian society at the time was prejudiced against women doctors.
Michaela responded to an ad for a doctor in the Colorado territory. She ventured west to become a pioneer doctor.
But the people of Colorado Springs were no less prejudiced then those in Boston. Michaela soon found herself merely a pioneer.
When Charlotte Cooper was bitten by a rattlesnake, Dr. Mike was unable to save her. ON her death bed, Charlotte asked Michaela to take care of her children.
From that point on, Michaela Quinn was mother to Matthew, Colleen, and Brian Cooper. They were not initially keen on the idea of their family, but they all grew to love one another.
Dr. Quinn quickly made friends with Byron Sully. Soon their friendship turned to love and they were married on May 20, 1869.
The couple had a child of their own a year later.
Dr. Mike continued to practice medicine in Colorado Springs along with her ever growing family.

Michaela's best quality: She works to save everyone, despite their ability to pay, their social or racial status, or other discrimination.
Michaela's worst quality: She tries to do everything.

Michaela's theme song: "Anything You can do, I can do Better"

Played by: Jane Seymour


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