Our Story

Melissa(Messa): Alrighty...my story. Well I first watched DQ when the Pilot first aired on CBS. I was hooed right away. I watched religiously for all 6 seasons. I was obsessed back then, but no quiteto the extent I am today. Then, t was just he weekl showings. I did however, cry my eyes out when the summer olympics and cardinals baseball preempted showigs of D. And mind you, this was in the summer so they were repeats!
Well when the show wascancelled, I went bac to crying. Did that for a few weeks. Then, I was just sad...espeially when my brother taped ove the only 2 tapes I had! Well after some time I found, my mom went through a weird riod and she got cable for about a month. That's when I saw DQ on Hallmark...about junior year...so umm 2001ish. I immediatly went online to find out if this was for real! I figured my eyes were tricking me. Well they weren't, and I soon got totally obsessed with DQ on the web.
Fanfictionwise, I trted writing around 2000, but did't post on the web till I think May of 2002. Th would be the computer's fault. I ost all my stories so I had some work to do. Now I can' stop writing! Started my own site in August of 2002, right after I stared college. I guess that's it. DQ Forver!

Ivy: I have watched DQ since the very first episode on CBS. I remember that night because it was the day after my birthday. I don't believe I actually watched the whole episode but I do remember parts of it. My older sister started watching the show faithfully after that. I gradually fell in love with it also. It became our tradition on Saturday nights to eat supper quickly and then gather around the tv for Quinn. At the time of the 3rd/4th seasons our VCR wasn't able to record so whenever I had to miss an episode my neighbor, who loved the show also, would tape it for me. . I remember watching part 2 of Moment of Truth and it ended with Sully falling off the cliff. After that I ran up to my room and ran around my banging and kicking on the walls going "Sully can't die! They can't do this to him!! NOOOO!" That summer seemed like it lasted forever! Then not to long after the 6th season started I stopped watching for some reason. I think our lives just got so busy and my parents had other plans for Saturday nights. I was able to convince my parents to let me tune in once in awhile. Then of course the show was cancelled which made me furious, especially since I had missed a good deal of the 5th and 6th seasons. But I had few episodes on tape (most thanks to my neighbor) and I was able to watch those over and over for the next couple years. In the late summer of 2001 my friend told me that Dr. Quinn was coming on the Hallmark channel, well I didn't get that channel so I asked her to start taping the episodes for me. Being able to watch DQ again got me hooked all over. I discovered the awesome DQ community online and it's been all good ever since.

A for the restf you...where are your stoies?!?!

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