The Pilot

* Episode Stats * Cast * Crew * Quotes * Trivia* Messa's Review *

Part 1: Dr. Michaela "Mike" Quinn of Boston gets off to a rocky start when she opens a practice in Colorado. Part 2: Mike makes the difficult adjustment to life in Colorado.

"I was born in Boston, Massachusetts on February 15,1833. My father was a physician of excellent repute, possessed of wit, charm and an amiable disposition. My mother was made of sterner stuff, though a fine homemaker and an authority on rose gardening.
I was the last of five children, the four before me all girls. My father, being a man of science, firmly believed that the odds would finally dictate the birth of a long-awaited son. He would be name Michael. I was named Michaela. My father nicknamed me Mike, and from the beginning, he allowed me greater freedom than my sisters.
He encouraged me to attend medical school, but none would admit women. I finally received my M.D. from the Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania, a fine Quaker institution and the first of its kind. I joined my father's practice, and for seven years we worked side-by-side until...
My mother would say he spoiled me. I would say he gave me the freedom to be myself. My mother did not approve of any of this. She thought me headstrong and intemperate. And so I was.
I found an advertisement in the Globe for a town doctor in the Colorado Territory. I sent a telegram detailing my experience and qualifications. In less than a week, I received a return telegram, offering me the position. After careful consideration, I made up my mind to go West, where my services were needed, where my skills would be appreciated...where I might finally be accepted as a doctor.
It was ten days by train to St. Louis, then seven more by stagecoach over trails that consisted of nothing more than two ruts in the grass. Prairie forever.
But then, something appears on the horizon. Too small to make out, but growing larger on approach. Finally, it can be seen to be Indians, wearing skins and feathers, but no war colors. My father taught me that different customs, language or color of skin were not causes for prejudice or hostility. But as I saw real Indians for the first time, I could not reason with the knots in my stomach."

The Pilot first aired on 1/1/93
Shooting Date: 1/16/92 - 2/20/92
Time: 1867
Rate in Messa's Top 20: #2
Charlotte Cooper . . . . . . Diane Ladd
Maude Bray . . . . . Verna Bloom
Loren Bray . . . . . Guy Boyd
Jake Slicker . . . . . Colm Meaney
Robert E . . . . . Ivory Ocean
Emily . . . . . Heidi Kozak
Black Kettle . . . . . Nick Ramus
Colonel Chivington . . . . .Adrian Sparks
Mrs. Elizabeth Quinn . . . . . Mary Gregory

Writer: Beth Sullivan
Director: Jeremy Kagan
Producer: Richard L. O'Connor

Michaela: "I have a medical degree mother that is no fantasy."
Elizabeth: "In this world it is."
Michaela: "Maybe I belong in a different world."

Michaela: "I believe I spelled it out quite clearly. That's Michael with an 'a'. My father was expecting a male."
Reverend: "So was I."

Reverend: "There are no respectable, single women living in Colorado."
Dr. Mike: "That's a shame, Reverend. Every town ought to have at least one."

Charlotte Cooper: "Bein' a woman, that's one thing. Bein' a doctor, that's another. Bein' unmarried, that's another. You got enough black marks to last you a long time."

Charlotte to Mike about the loss of men: "Funny, it don't matter how you lose them, the pain's still the same."

Charlotte (to Dr. Mike): "No one around here cared much for that war."

Michaela: (to Hank) "I'm not a lady, I'm a doctor."

Michaela: (taking her advertisement for housing from Sully) "You took it down."
Sully: "No, I'm answerin' it."

Sully (to Michaela): "Sometimes life just has a way of takin' its own course."

Reverend: "This is most embarrassing Miss Quinn & I want to apologize for the inconvenience. But we will of course pay your way back to Boston."
Dr. Mike: "That won't be necessary, thank you. Colorado Springs needs a doctor and I happen to be one."

Michaela: "How long before we go?"
Sully: "You're not going. The women stay in camp."
Michaela: "Not this woman."

1. What is Michaela's birthday?
2. Where is Michaela from?
3. How many sisters does Michaela have?
4. Who is the first townie Michaela meets?
5. What part of Michaela's telegram did horace leave out?
6. Who was holding negotiations in Colorado Springs?
7. What are the negoiating for?
8. Who owns the boarding house?
9. Michaela takes down a sign in the mercantile. What did it say?
10. who answers Michaela's ad for lodgings?
11. What is the name of Michaela's horse?
12. How much does Sully charge for his homstead?
13. When did Sully come to Colorado and why?
14. Who was Sully married to?
15. Name the people Michaela treats in the Pilot. What are their ailments?

1. February 15, 1833
2. Boston, Massachusetts
3. 4
4.Loren Bray
5. The "middle initial." The A in Michaela, he though her name was Michael A.
6. Union Colonel Chivington and Cheyenne Chief Black Kettle
7. The land norht of Sand Creek
8. Charlotte Cooper
9. No Dogs or Indians
10. Sully
11. Bear
12. A dollar a month
13. 1859 with the Pike's Peak rush
14. Loren's daughter Abigail.
15. Emily Donovan~has a baby, Jake Slicker~infection cut, Robert E~arthritus, Charlotte Cooper~rattle snake bite, Myra~female problem, Maude Bray~heart condition, Horace~ear wax, Chief Black Kettle~gunshot wound

Messa's Review
The Pilot is rated number 2 in my top 20 episodes. It would be number 1 except I have this weird thing with WTHI. You'll have to hear that one later. For now, we'll stick with this ep, seeing as it's the page we're on.
I will always remember the Pilot for it is the first episode I ever saw. I had tears in my eyes before the them song even started. My heart was full of compassion for this poor woman, trying her best to to what she loved.
The beginning commentary is excellent. It was something different, and it created the mood. Michaela Quinn was my new best friend.
The Pilot was the perfect introduction to a wonderful series to come. The charaters, though some actors were changed, fit perfectly with their personalities. We were given just enough to fall in love or soon despise them. And more importantly, we were left wanting to know more about their lives.
The interest in Michaela started from the beginning, a good thing considering this was her show. But the other characters equally touched my heart. Charlotte and the kids were the perfect friends. I only wish she had been able to stick around a little longer. Michaela didn't need kids right away. It would have been interesting to see them grow even more as friends and then have Chrlotte die. At the time, I loved Loren's character and wanted to see more of him. He did change with the death of his wife (and a new actor) but I think it was for the better. It is possible to say we lost something by losing Maude so early on, but think what we would have lost had Loren not been givin the oppurtunity to turn into the grumpy old man that he was. Jake was just...Jake. I never really liked him, through all six seasons, but he was necessary. You can't like everyone. Plus there was so much behind him that you never saw. Leaves a lot to the imagination, and I like that. Hank was perfect in every way. Ok, so he's a little rough and he has whores. Can you blame the girls from wanting to be around him 24/7? I know I can't! No, I'm kidding. Hank is hot, and the bad boy aspect surely adds to his appeal. But I do not condone bar whores. That's just not cool. But it was part of the era and certainly necessary for the following stories. Horace immediatly set himself up to be the town fool. He tries so hard, but so much of the time he's a dope. Still, I love him dearly. It wasn't an innitial Horace!
The Pilot is chock full of M&S! I love this episode. Let's see we have Sully watching Mike fall in the mud. Not exactly my idea of looking hot, but he seemed to like it well enough! Maybe I should be "Mud Goddess" for Halloween. Think I'd attract a handsome man? Ok maybe not, but what excatly was the attraction of the mud? Was it just the instant attraction, or does Sully find muddy women...attractive. Ok my mind is wandering to things it shouldn't. So I'm gonna move on.
The Mercantile scene. OMG the emotions there! I can't watch it without getting shivers. That instant attraction btwn M&S! It's so strong! AHH! Looking for Brian...the corn scene. Who does not now LOVE corn on the cob? I know I do! I can't eat it without thinking of Sully. I like to wonder what might have been going through M&S's heads that night...oh man! Last, the Christmas scene. "Now that's a shingle" Ok no more wandering!! Bad Messa!
Michaela had to go through a lot when she first got to town. Everyone hated her, then she wound up with all these kids. But Sully was always at her side, even if he did seems like an odd fellow for awhile...always coming and going, not really saying much. Ah the power of love. I'm just glad it ended so well. Aceptance, family, medicine, love. All is well in CS.

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