Quotes Season 4

A New Life

Preston: "That woman's a doctor? I can hardly wait to get sick!"

Dorothy: "We gotta speak up, make our feelings known."
Loren: "It's just gonna fall on deaf ears."
Dorothy: "Then we'll just have to talk louder."

Sully: (to Michaela) "Lovin' you is different from lovin' Abigail. I never had the feelings I had for her that I have for you."

(Mike and Sully are kneeling in the garden)
Sully: "Wherever we go, whatever we do, we will always be one."
Mike: "It's not just you or me anymore; it's us."

Travelling All Stars

Mike: (trying to figure out a line-up for the CS team) "I can't put Horace there. He's worried about striking out..."
Sully: (taking her paper and pencil from her) "He ain't the only one..."

Mike: "He caught it!"

Dr. Mike: "Horace, are you all right?"
Jake: "How many fingers?"
Horace: "Chocolate."
Dr. Mike: "I think he's finished for the day."

Mike: "And running for Mr. Slicker will be ... Cloud Dancing!"

Mothers and Daughters

Grace: "You're still at the honeymoon stage. Enjoy it, cuz it ain't gonna last forever."
Myra: "Pretty soon, it just becomes part of the daily routine ... like brushin' your teeth."

Michaela (as she and Sully kiss and embrace): "How can anyone say this is like brushing your teeth?"

"I appreciate your enthusiasm." - said by both Mike and Sully to each other

Brother's Keeper

Sully: "Blamin' don't fix things; just makes 'em go on pickin' at folks."

Halloween III

Dorothy's Book

Promises, Promises

Sully sits on the steps lost in a memory. Mike comes outside with mugs of coffee. Tentative, she joins him.
Michaela: "A good letter?" Smiling, he nods and takes the coffee. It's hard for Mike to ask. "From someone special?"
Sully: "Yeah. Go back more'n twenty years... Even partners once."
Michaela: (working to keep her insecurities in check) "She must be quite a friend, then."
Sully: (nods, then reacts) "She?"
Michaela: " D.S."
Sully: "Daniel?"
Michaela: (unexpected) "Who's Daniel?"
Sully: (confused) "My friend." He holds up the letter. Mike is uncertain what to make of it.
Michaela: "And your friend always uses lilac water when he writes?"
Sully: "Daniel can't write. He had some lady in town....." He stops, realizing from Mike's reaction what she had thought. Sully waits as Mike tries to regain some dignity.
Michaela: "Do I look as foolish as I feel?"
Sully: "I think you're beautiful when you're jealous." Grinning, he pulls her to him. They share a close moment.

Dorothy to Michaela: "Keepin' promises when it's convenient is easy, but it don't count for much in life."

(in-between kissing and "enthusiasm")
Sully: "Michaela?"
Michaela: "Mmh?"
Sully: "We gotta talk."
Michaela: "About what?"
Sully: "About Daniel."
Michaela: "Daniel who?"
Sully: "My friend ... Nevada ...?"
Michaela: "Can't we talk about this some other time?"
-- the next morning --
Sully: "Think ya got time for that talk now?"
(Michaela blushes and shyly smiles) The Expedition (2 hours)

One Touch of Nature

Sully to Mike: "Whether or not we make a baby, we sure can have fun trying."

Mike: "Sully, I'm ... we're ... we're going to have baby!" Sully: "How do you know?"

Hell On Wheels

Matthew: "Goodbye, Ingrid."

Fifi's First Christmas

Matthew: "What's a dog like that good for?"
Sully: "Bait."

Brian to Fifi: "I like all animals, even those with ribbons."

Brian: "All right Fifi, time to prove you're a dog."

Sully: "Just 'cause somethin's out of reach, don't mean you can't get it."

Change of Heart

Sully: "Feelin' somethin' for a woman is part of bein' alive."

Tin Star

Dr. Mike: "England doesn't use guns."
Loren: "That's why we beat 'em in the Revolution, they didn't know how to use a gun!"

If You Love Somebody

The Iceman Cometh

Dead or Alive

Ezra Leonard (referring to Preston): "This man is going places!"
Jake: "Not soon enough!"

Michaela: "Dr. Cassidy, it's obvious that your definition of a woman will always differ from mine. Why don't we agree to disagree and leave it at that?"

Hank: "Care to show us some of them....moves?"
Preston: "With you?"
Hank: "Why not? Been a while since I mixed it up a bit."
Jake: "Yeah, at least a week."

Deal With The Devil

Michaela: "You did the right thing, Hank."
Hank: (with a smirk on his face) "Don't let it get around."

Eye For An Eye

Hearts and Minds

Dr. Mike: "All we want to do is give them a new way of learning, so they can have both ways."
Sully: "Just so long as the new way don't wipe out the old."

Reverend: "Unfortunately, the white man's world is the world in which they're going to have to live. We're just trying to help them survive."
Cloud Dancing: "What of their true nature will survive if they live as white people?" He strides off. Mike turns to Sully:
Dr. Mike: "All we want to do is prepare them for the future."
Sully: "They won't have a future if they don't have a past."

Cloud Dancing: "They killed our people before... and now I feel I am watching them die again."

Reverend: "What did I do wrong, Dr. Mike? I only wanted to do the right thing."
Dr. Mike: "I know. They don't ask us to share their religion, Reverend. Should we make them share ours?
Reverend: "They don't share our medicine, either, but you help them with it.
Dr. Mike: "Medicine is different..."
Reverend: "How? You took an oath to save lives with your medicine, I took an oath to save souls with my faith..."
Dr. Mike: (gently) "I thought our job here was to educate their minds."


Colleen: "You can't give up now, Dorothy, not after you've come this far."
Dorothy: "A little too far, I'm afraid. I bit off more than I can chew. I can't do it."
Colleen: "The only reason you can't do it is because you don't think you can."

Miriam: "I came out here expecting to find you wallowing in some filthy backwoods town. I thought the stories that you wrote in your letters were lies ... much like mine. I was relying on you to ease my guilt, to make me feel better about the choices that I had made."
Michaela: "You could still go back to medicine, if that's what you want. You could open a practice."
Miriam: "No, that part of my life is over. The dye has been cast."
Michaela: "Only if you say it has. There are still plenty of choices left to make, Miriam. Dreams don't have to end."

Woman Of The Year Hank: "If anyone asks, you don't know me!" (he is avoiding his Nana in the Saloon)

Last Chance

Sully: (talking about Two Spears, the Pawnee Indian who stabbed CD) "But I don't know if I can trust him."
Cloud Dancing: "You cannot trust him because he cannot trust you."

Cloud Dancing: (as he watches two soldiers drag Two Spirits away) "Where is he going?"
Sully: "Another reservation."
Cloud Dancing: "Who's decision was this?"
Sully: "It was mine."
Cloud Dancing: "That could be me some day."
Sully: "No, wait, Two Spirits was causin' trouble. I had no choice."
Cloud Dancing: "There is always a choice."

Fear Itself

One Nation

When A Child Is Born

Elizabeth to Preston: "You will kindly wait you turn and be pleasant doing so!"

Colleen: "Your pa made this just for you...our pa."

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