Quotes Season 6

Reason to Believe

Michaela: (to Dorothy) "People can do amazing things, things they never even dreamed of doing when they believe in themselves."

All That Matters

Sully and Michaela: (to each other at two different times) "I love you. All I want is for us to be together, and I'm willing to do anything to make that happen."

A Matter of Conscience

Comfort of Friends

Grace: "That's my mushroom gravy."
Michaela: "It's not your food Grace. I've just been feeling peculiar
Dorothy: "I think it's something else."
Michaela: "No."
Dorothy: "I think she is."
Grace: "She's what?"
Dorothy: "Well, I found her nappin' before at the clinic and now she's sick to her stomach."
Grace: "Ohh..."
Michaela: "No, no!"
Grace: "Have you gotten your monthly?"
Michaela: "That doesn't prove anything...a woman's cycle is often disrupted in times of worry."
Grace: "All right Dr. Mike, you could be worried. But if you ask me, I think you're pregnant."

Preston: "Considering Sully has been hiding the woods, you two must have been pretty ...resourceful..."

Mike: "I'd like to confirm a pregnancy."
Andrew: "Yours?"
Mike: "Yes, of course mine."
Andrew: "Yes, yes of course yours!"

Dorothy: "Well, how are ya feelin'?"
Mike: "Dorothy I'm not pregnant...it's impossible."
Dorothy: "Impossible...(glances at her with questioning look)"
Mike: "Well, almost impossible..."
(Dorothy looks at her again.)
Mike: "I'm not pregnant..."

Michaela: "What would I do without you?"
Dorothy: "What would we do without each other?"

Wave Goodbye

A Place Called Home

Lead Me Not

Sully: "Part of finding a balance means falling down from time to time, doesn't it?"

Hank: "Any man who can't hold his liquor has no business being around it."
Jake: "It's the sinners who sell it who are the devil's tools. It ain't the poor saps who drink it."
Hank: "Well, any man hiding behind the skirts of a bunch of Bible-thumping spinsters don't deserve the company of a good woman...a real woman..."

Horace: "What're you doin', thinkin' of takin' on Hank?"
Jake: "He stole my girl!"
Hank: "She's been teachin' me how to read. I asked her not to say nothin'. Didn't see as it was anybody's business but mine."

Loren: (to Marjorie) "I respect your opinions, no matter how wrong they are."

A Time to Heal

Hank: "Sorry, we ain't hirin'." - said to Michaela and her mother and sisters, when they came into the Gold Nugget to talk and rent rooms, since the clinic was full of diptheria patients.

Loren: (Re: Marjorie's yelling at Michaela) "Marjorie, behave yourself!"
Marjorie: "But...Michaela..."
Loren: "Marjorie Quinn, Dr. Mike loves you, though sometimes for the life of me I can't figure out why. She would never do anything to hurt you...and neither would I."

Civil Wars

Safe Passage

The Homecoming

Point Blank

VERY emotional scene (Emmy material!!)
Michaela: "I'm scared."
Sully: "I know ya are, but I also know that you're a very brave woman."
Michaela: (whispering) "No."
Sully: "Yes, ya are. You're the same woman that left Boston to come all the way out here to be a doctor. You're the same woman that stood in front of chargin' army. You're the same woman who jumped off a cliff with me."
Michaela: "I'm not that woman, anymore."

Seeds of Doubt

Andrew: "I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about my feelings for you and how I'm never able to say the right words, the words I've been wanting to say for a long time now. I love you, Colleen."
Colleen: "I love you, too, Andrew."

7 Kinds of Lonely

Life in the Balance

Wu Jing Yang: (speaking of her grandfather, a Chinese medicine man, and his reluctance to accept western medicine) "He is not a stubborn man, just convinced of the correctness of his thinking."

Happily Ever After



Marshall Burch (Willie Nelson): "Lawyers are the only thing that coyotes won't eat."

Daniel: "Dirty but still legal."
Burch: "...thought you were talking about me"

To Have and to Hold

The Fight

A New Beginning

Michaela (to Colleen): "I will always love you and support you, no matter what those choices may be."

If you have a favorite quote, email me and I'll put it up.

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Email: DrQuinnWriter@hotmail.com